Notes in Shoulder

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Published 10/03/2024 A lesion to #{{c1::4 (long thoracic nerve injury)}} ({{c3::C5-C7::root}}) would result in {{c2::winged scapula}}
Published 10/03/2024 {{c1::Winged scapula::Condition}} is due to a lesion of the long thoracic nerve that supplies the {{c2::serratus anterior}}
Published 10/03/2024 Winged scapula is commonly caused by:- {{c1::Axillary lymph node}} dissection after {{c1::mastectomy}} - {{c2::Stab wounds}}
Published 10/03/2024 A long thoracic nerve lesion presents with: #1 - inability to abduct arm above {{c1::horizontal position}}#2 - inability to anchor {{c2::scapula}} to …
Published 10/03/2024 Injury to the long thoracic nerve can occur during:#1 - {{c1::stab}} wounds#2 - {{c1::axillary lymph node}} dissection#3 - {{c1::chest tube}} insertio…
Published 10/03/2024 Overview: Skeleton of the Arm
Published 10/03/2024 Proximal Humerus - give attatchments where appropriate
Published 10/03/2024 Scapula, Posterior View
Published 10/03/2024 Scapula, Lateral View
Published 10/03/2024 Scapula, Anterior View
Published 10/03/2024 Clavicle (6 means 5)
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::coracoid process::coracoid process or arocmion process}} is more anterior on the scapula.
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::acromion}} is a {{c2::anterolateral projection::anatomical direction}} of the {{c3::spine}} of the scapula.
Published 10/03/2024 Which feature of the scapula marks the lateral angle?{{c1::glenoid cavity}}
Published 10/03/2024 The suprascapular {{c1::nerves and vessels::structures}} pass through the {{c2::suprascapular notch}} of the scapula
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::long head of the triceps brachii::specific muscle head}} attatches to the {{c2::infraglenoid tubercle}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::long head of the biceps brachii::specific muscle head}} attatches to the {{c2::supraglenoid tubercle}}.
Published 10/03/2024 Which two of the structures of the scapular can be easily palpated on a patient?{{c1::spine and acromion::2}}
Published 10/03/2024 Which part of the proximal humerus are fractures most common?{{c1::surgical neck}}
Published 10/03/2024 How many joints are present in the shoulder complex?{{c1::3}}
Published 10/03/2024 What specific bony structures are present within the sternoclavicular joint?{{c1::clavicular notch of the manubrium and clavicle}}
Published 10/03/2024 Which structure of the proximal humerus separates the greater and lesser tubercles?{{c1::intertubercular sulcus}}
Published 10/03/2024 Position of roughening on Intertubercular sulcus of the proximal humerusMsucles that attatch in that position {{c1::l…
Published 10/03/2024 The lateral lip on the intertubercular sulcus is continuous inferiorly with the {{c1::deltoid tuberosity::bone feature}} where the {{c1::del…
Published 10/03/2024 In the same position as the deltoid tuberosity but on the {{c1::medial::lateral or medial}} side of the proximal humerus lies the roughening wher…
Published 10/03/2024 The sternoclavicular joint is a {{c1::synovial::type}} and {{c2::saddle-shaped::shape}} joint.
Published 10/03/2024 The sternoclavicular joint is seperated into two compartments by a(n) {{c1::articular disc}}. The purpose of this is to {{c1::allow for more even…
Published 10/03/2024 How many ligaments is the sternoclavicular joint supported by?{{c1::4}}
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::anterior and posterior sternoclavicular::2}} ligaments run with the {{c1::sternoclavicular joint::joint name}} and link the {…
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::interclavicular}} ligament links the {{c2::medial ends of both clavicles}} and {{c2::superior surface of manubrium}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::costoclavicular}} ligament links the {{c2::proximal end of clavicle}} and {{c2::first rib and first costal cartilage}}.
Published 10/03/2024 How many ligaments comprise the acromioclavicular joint?{{c1::2}}
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::acromioclavicular::joint name}} joint joins the {{c2::acromial end of clavicle::specific bone area}} to the {{c2::medial surf…
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::acromioclavicular::ligament name}} runs {{c2::superior::anatomical relation}} to the acromioclavicular ligament.
Published 10/03/2024 The coracoclavicular ligament is comprised of the {{c1::trapezoid}} and {{c1::conoid}} ligaments. They both attatch the {{c2::coracoid …
Published 10/03/2024 The trapezoid ligament attatches on to the {{c1::trapezoid line}} of the clavicle
Published 10/03/2024 The conoid ligament attatches on to the {{c1::conoid tubercle}} of the clavicle
Published 10/03/2024 The acromioclavicular joint is a {{c1::synovial::joint type}} joint.
Published 10/03/2024 Which of the two ligaments of the acromioclavicular joint is the stronger one?{{c1::coracoclavicular}}
Published 10/03/2024 Shoulder seperationType {{c1::1}}AC ligament: {{c2::sprained}}CC ligament: {{c2::intact}}AC joint: {{c3::intact}}X Ray: {{c3:…
Published 10/03/2024 Shoulder seperationType {{c1::2}}AC ligament: {{c2::ruptured}}CC ligament: {{c2::sprained}}AC joint: {{c3::(partially) ruptured}}X…
Published 10/03/2024 Shoulder seperationType {{c1::3}}AC ligament: {{c2::ruptured}}CC ligament: {{c2::ruptured}}AC joint: {{c3::ruptured}}X Ray: {…
Published 10/03/2024 The tradeoff of the glenohumeral joint is that it's a very mobile joint but a {{c1::unstable}} joint.
Published 10/03/2024 {{c1::Bursitis}} is the inflammation of {{c2::bursa}} and in the shoulder can lead to pain and thus restrict motion
Published 10/03/2024 Encapsutaling the glenohumeral joint, the ligament(s) found most anteriorly is/are the {{c1::glenohumeral ligaments}}.
Published 10/03/2024 Encapsutaling the glenohumeral joint, the ligament(s) found most superior is/are the {{c1::coracohumeral ligament}}.
Published 10/03/2024 Encapsutaling the glenohumeral joint, the ligament(s) found between the tubercles of the humerus is/are the {{c1::transverse ligament}}.
Published 10/03/2024 {{c1::Hyaline::cartilage type}} cartilage covers the head of the humerus and glenoid fossa.
Published 10/03/2024 Superiorly, the tendon of the {{c1::biceps brachii}} is continuous with the glenoid labrum. The tendon goes on to attach to the {{c2::suprag…
Published 10/03/2024 The synovial membrane of the glenohumeral joint is loose inferiorly, which leads to {{c1::redundant regions of synovial membrane}}. This accomoda…
Published 10/03/2024 A bursa is an exposure of the {{c1::synovial membrane}} encapsulating a synovial joint outside of the fibrous membrane
Published 10/03/2024 How many muscles make the rotator cuff?{{c1::4}}
Published 10/03/2024 The most superior rotator cuff muscle is the {{c1::supraspinatus}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The most anterior rotator cuff muscle is the {{c1::subscapularis}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The most inferior rotator cuff muscle is the {{c1::teres minor}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The most posterior rotator cuff muscle is the {{c1::infraspinatus}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The purposes of the rotator cuff muscles is to {{c1::stablise the shoulder joint}} and {{c2::facilitate movement}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The tendons of the rotator cuff muscles blend with the glenohumeral joint capsule to form a {{c1::musculotendinous collar}} w…
Published 10/03/2024 T1 weighted MRI, Sagittal plane (through glenoid)
Published 10/03/2024 The most commonly dislocated joint in the body is the {{c1::gelnohumeral}} joint. The most common type of this dislocation is {{c1::anterior…
Published 10/03/2024 The glenohumeral joint is prone to dislocation due to [give specific rather than overarching themes like poor stability]:{{c1::small glenoid cavity}}{…
Published 10/03/2024 The sign of anterior shoulder dislocation on X-Ray:{{c1::humeral head lies anterior and inferior to glenoid fossa}}
Published 10/03/2024 Here is an X-Ray of a shoulder. Identify the problem (if any) and give the labels.Problem: {{c1::anteroinferior shoulder dislocation}}1 - {{…
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Posterior Shoulder.Trapezius QA Origin{{c1::midline of back (occipital protuberance and spinous pro…
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Posterior Shoulder.Levator Scapulae QA Origin{{c1::transverse processes of CI - CIV}}Insertion{{c1:…
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Posterior Shoulder.Rhomboids minor QA Origin{{c1::Spinous processes of CVII-TI}}Insertion{{c1::medi…
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Posterior Shoulder.Deltoid QA Origin{{c1::clavicle and scapula (opposite trapezius)}}Insertion{{c1:…
Published 10/03/2024 The Fan-Shaped Muscles.Latissimus Dorsi QA Origin{{c1::spinous processes of T6-L5, sacrum, iliac crest, lower ribs}}In…
Published 10/03/2024 The Fan-Shaped Muscles.Pectoralis Major QA Origin{{c1::2 heads, medial half of clavicle, anterior surface of sternum a…
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Anterior Shoulder.Pectoralis Minor QA Origin{{c1::anterior surfaces of ribs III to V}}Insertion{{c1…
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Anterior Shoulder.Subclavius QA Origin{{c1::first rib (at costal cartilage)}}Insertion{{c1::middle …
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Anterior Shoulder.Coracobrachialis QA Origin{{c1::corocoid process}}Insertion{{c1::medial aspect of…
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Anterior Shoulder.Serratus Anterior QA Origin{{c1::lateral surfaces of ribs 1 – 8/9}}Insertion{{c1:…
Published 10/03/2024 Rotator Cuff Muscles.Supraspinatus QA Origin{{c1::supraspinous fossa of scapula}}Insertion{{c1::superior facet of the …
Published 10/03/2024 Rotator Cuff Muscles.Infraspinatus QA Origin{{c1::infraspinous fossa of scapula}}Insertion{{c1::middle facet of the gr…
Published 10/03/2024 Rotator Cuff Muscles.Teres Minor QA Origin{{c1::lateral infraspinous fossa}}Insertion{{c1::inferior facet of the great…
Published 10/03/2024 Rotator Cuff Muscles.Subscapularis QA Origin{{c1::subscapularfossa}}Insertion{{c1::lesser tubercle of humerus}}Innerva…
Published 10/03/2024 Bi-articular Muscles of the Arm.Triceps Brachii QA Origin{{c1::infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula (long head) p…
Published 10/03/2024 Bi-articular Muscles of the Arm.Biceps Brachii QA Origin{{c1::supraglenoid tubercle of scapula (long head) and coracoi…
Published 10/03/2024 The suprascapular foramen is formed from the {{c1::suprascapular notch}} and {{c2::superior transverse scapular ligament}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::suprascapular}} nerve passes through the {{c2::suprascapular foramen}} to reach the {{c3::supraspinatus::muscle}}, and then p…
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::axillary}} nerve passes through the {{c4::quadrangular space}} in axilla wall {{c2::posterior::anatomical relation}} to the {{c3::…
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::axillary}} nerve innervates the {{c2::teres minor}} and {{c2::deltoid}}, and has a cutaneous branch at the {{c3::regimen…
Published 10/03/2024 Arterial Anastomoses Around the Shoulder
Published 10/03/2024 Anastomoses of the Shoulder Arteries.Subclavian a. - Axillary A. - Via Suprascapular Artery{{c1::Thyrocervical Trunk}} ⇒ {{c1::Suprascapular a.}} ⇒ {{…
Published 10/03/2024 Anastomoses of the Shoulder Arteries.Subclavian a. - Axillary A. - Via Dorsal Scapular Artery{{c1::Thyrocervical Trunk}} ⇒ {{c2::Transverse cervical a…
Published 10/03/2024 Anastomoses of the Shoulder Arteries.Axillary a. - Axillary A.{{c1::thoracoacromial trunk}} ⇒ {{c2::acromial branch}} ⇒ {{c3::humeral circumflex …
Published 10/03/2024 Anastomoses of the Shoulder Arteries.Axillary a. - Brachial A.{{c1::humeral circumflex aa.}} ⇒ {{c2:: profunda brachi aa.}}
Published 10/03/2024 Muscles of the Posterior ShoulderTeres Major QA Origin{{c1::posterior surface of scapula near inferior angle}}Insertio…
Published 10/03/2024 Which of the teres minor and/or teres major is part of the rotator cuff?{{c1::teres minor}}
Published 10/03/2024 The fact that the scapula is not attached to the posterior back wall by bone allows for {{c1::wide ad/ab-duction}} and {{c2::pro/re-traction…
Published 10/03/2024 The Muscles of the Posterior Shoulder.Rhomboids major QA Origin{{c1::Spinous processes TII-TV}}Insertion{{c1::medial e…
Published 10/03/2024 One common anatomical feature of the rotator cuff muscles is that they all insert onto the {{c1::tubercles of the humerus}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The suprascapular {{c1::nerve}} goes {{c2::under}} the superior transverse scapular ligament, and the suprascapular {{c1::artery}} goes…
Published 10/03/2024 Muscles of the Posterior Back
Published 10/03/2024 Posterior View of Shoulder Muscles.
Published 10/03/2024 Shoulder Joint.
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