Notes in Feedback Control System: Lesson 1

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Published 02/12/2025 It consists of subsystems and processes (or plants) assembled for the purpose of obtaining a desired output with desired performance, given a specifie…
Published 02/12/2025 An interconnection of elements and devices for a desired purpose.
Published 02/12/2025 An interconnection of components forming a system configuration that will provide a desired response.
Published 02/12/2025 It is the device, plant, or system under control. The input and output relationship represents the cause-and-effect relationship of the process.
Published 02/12/2025 Determine the Control system in the bolded text:   A water bath is to be maintained at a constant temperature (desired response). The water …
Published 02/12/2025 Determine the Control system in the bolded text:   A water bath is to be maintained at a constant temperature (desired response). The water …
Published 02/12/2025 Determine the Control system in the bolded text:   A water bath is to be maintained at a constant temperature (desired response). The water …
Published 02/12/2025   Determine the Control system in the bolded text:   A water bath is to be maintained at a constant temperature (desired response). The&nbsp…
Published 02/12/2025 It is a collection of interconnected parts that form a larger more complex whole
Published 02/12/2025 It is a type of response where the technical term use to describe the performance of the system as the process is being done.
Published 02/12/2025 It is a type of response where it is the actual response of the system. This may not be perfectly equal to the desired input command but should be wit…
Published 02/12/2025 It is the minimum allowable difference between the desired input command and the steady-state response.
Published 02/12/2025 It is the process by which a system's performance is determined.
Published 02/12/2025 It is the process by which a system's performance is created or changed.
Published 02/12/2025 It is the sum of natural response and forced response
Published 02/12/2025 It is a type of response where it describes the way the system dissipates or acquires energy. The form or nature of this response is dependent only on…
Published 02/12/2025 It is a type of response where it describes the form or nature of the the response is dependent on the input.
Published 02/12/2025 For a control system to be useful, the 2 types of natural response must:
Published 02/12/2025 3 kinds of other design considerations:
Published 02/12/2025 4 types of advantages of control system:
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