Notes in Development of the Limbs

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Published 09/23/2024 During the {{c1::4th week}} is when the {{c2::initiation of limb buds}} begin induced by {{c3::HOX}} genes
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Week 5}} is when limb buds become visible
Published 09/23/2024 Limbs' bones form from the {{c1::lateral plate mesoderm}}
Published 09/23/2024 Limbs contain {{c1::lateral plate mesoderm}}, but also contain {{c2::myotomes}}, {{c3::neural crest cells}}, and {{c4::neural tube}}
Published 09/23/2024 The {{c1::apical ectodermal ridge}} is where the {{c3::limbs form}} from the {{c1::ridge}} releasing {{c2::FGF and Wnt7}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::FGF}} from the {{c2::apical ectodermal ridge}} is what induces mitosis of underlying mesoderm {{c3::(limb lengthening)}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Wnt7}} secreated by the {{c2::apical ectodermal ridge}} causes growth along the {{c3::dorsal ventral axis}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Thalidomide}} disrupted the signaling of {{c2::FGF}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Amelia}} is the {{c2::complete absence of an upper extremetiy}} caused by early loss of {{c3::FGF signaling}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Merolmelia}} is the {{c2::partial absence}} of a limb caused by {{c3::intermediate to late loss of FGF}} signaling
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Phocomelia}} is the {{c2::loss of long bones with hands and or feet attached close to the body}} caused by  {{c3::partial loss of FGF}}
Published 09/23/2024 Thalidomide causes {{c1::phocomelia}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Adactyly}} is the absence of digits due to {{c2::late loss of FGF}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Ectrodactyly}} is {{c2::split hand or split foot anomaly}} caused by {{c3::partial absence of FGF8}}
Published 09/23/2024 Length discrepancies is caused by {{c1::FGF}} signaling being disrupted
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Retinoic Acid and Sonic hedgehog (SHH)}} are expresed in the {{c2::zone of polarizing activity (ZPA)}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Polydactyly}} is caused by the {{c2::overexpression of SHH}} which establishes 2nd {{c3::zone of polarizing activity (ZPA)}}
Published 09/23/2024 By the end of the {{c1::6th}} week mesenchyme forms digital rays in the {{c2::hands}}
Published 09/23/2024 During the {{c1::7th}} week digital rays form in the foot
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::apoptosis}} forms notches between the {{c2::digital rays}} in the foot and hands
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Syndactyly}} is the lack {{c2::of apoptosis}} between the digital rays
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Cutaneous syndactyly}} presents with {{c2::webbing between digits}} due to lack of {{c3::apoptosis or BMP signaling}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Osseous syndactyly}} is the {{c2::fusion of bones}} due to failure of {{c3::notches to develop between digital rays}} caused by {{c4::HoxD13 mut…
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Brachydactyly}} is the {{c2::shortening of the fingers and toes}} due to {{c3::unusually short bones}} caused by {{c4::changes in the HoxD13 or …
Published 09/23/2024 adaee781fe2842ef84aaa77ca44ac4ce-ao-1
Published 09/23/2024 adaee781fe2842ef84aaa77ca44ac4ce-ao-2
Published 09/23/2024 adaee781fe2842ef84aaa77ca44ac4ce-ao-3
Published 09/23/2024 adaee781fe2842ef84aaa77ca44ac4ce-ao-4
Published 09/23/2024 adaee781fe2842ef84aaa77ca44ac4ce-ao-5
Published 09/23/2024 adaee781fe2842ef84aaa77ca44ac4ce-ao-6
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Hypomere}} in the limbs separate into {{c2::dorsal condensation (extensors)}} and {{c3::ventral condensation (flexors)}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Dorsal}} ramus targets the {{c2::epimeres}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Ventral}} ramus targets the {{c2::hypomeres}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Dorsal condensation}} will be innervated by {{c2::dorsal branches}} of {{c3::ventral}} rami
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Ventral condensation}} will be innervated by {{c2::ventral branches}} of {{c3::ventral}} rami
Published 09/23/2024 1b3ba563d9a84147928bfeaae30508b1-ao-1
Published 09/23/2024 1b3ba563d9a84147928bfeaae30508b1-ao-2
Published 09/23/2024 1b3ba563d9a84147928bfeaae30508b1-ao-3
Published 09/23/2024 1b3ba563d9a84147928bfeaae30508b1-ao-4
Published 09/23/2024 1b3ba563d9a84147928bfeaae30508b1-ao-5
Published 09/23/2024 During the {{c1::7th}} week limb buds will rotate {{c2::90}} degrees
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::upper limbs}} rotate {{c2::laterally}} so flexors lie {{c3::anteriorly}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::lower limbs}} rotate {{c2::medially}} so flexors lie {{c3::posteriorly}}
Published 09/23/2024 a92412221d97464ab8f188cd254bf2dd-ao-1
Published 09/23/2024 The {{c1::ventral axial line}} divides dermatomes laterally and medially
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Limb buds}} are supplied by branches of {{c2::intersegmental arteries}} that branch from the {{c3::dorsal aorta}}
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