Notes in Ionic Basis of Action Potential 1, 2, & 3

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Published 09/07/2023 A voltage clamp/circuit is a means for measuring ionic current without changing the {{c1::membrane potential}} (think squid axons).
Published 09/07/2023 {{c::Inward}} currents are those carried by positively charged ions into the cell and are seen on the Y axis in negative terms. {{c1::Outward}} curren…
Published 09/07/2023 This experiment shows that with increasing depolarization, the transient inward current {{c1::reverses}} at around 50mV and that the delayed outw…
Published 09/07/2023 In Hodgkin & Huxley's squid axon experiment, it was found that the early current is carried by {{c1::sodium}} and the late current is carried by {…
Published 09/07/2023 What does the expression " Iion= gion(Vm -Eion) " mean in laypersons terms?
Published 09/07/2023 Both Na+ conductance and K+ conductance are dependent on {{c1::voltage and time}} (2 things).
Published 09/07/2023 {{c1::Threshold}} for action potential generation is defined as the membrane potential (Vm) when the sodium current (INa+) is equal to the potasssium …
Published 09/07/2023 The fast positive cycle of an action potential occurs when {{c1::Na+}} is entering the cell, further depolarizing the membrane until the point at whic…
Published 09/07/2023 The slow negative cycle of an action potential occurs when {{c1::K+}} channels are slowly opening, and {{c1::K+}} is leaving the cell, promo…
Published 09/07/2023 {{c1::Sodium channel inactivation}} is the factor that best explains the short duration of the typical, neuronal action potential (the "spike").
Published 09/07/2023 E = {{c1::undershoot}}
Published 09/07/2023 D = {{c1::falling phase/repolarization}}
Published 09/07/2023 C = {{c1::rising phase/depolarization}}
Published 09/07/2023 B = {{c1::threshold of initiation}}
Published 09/07/2023 A = {{c1::resting potential}}
Published 09/07/2023 The {{c1::absolute refractory period}} is the interval of time during which a second action potential cannot be initiated, no matter how large a …
Published 09/07/2023 The {{c1::relative refractory period}} is the interval of time during which a second action potential can be initiated, but initiation will requi…
Published 09/07/2023 In {{c1::undershoot}}, open potassium channels drives the membrane potential close to the equilibrium potential for potassium, thus hyperpolarizing th…
Published 09/07/2023 {{c1::Threshold}} is the membrane potential at which enough voltage-gated sodium channels are open so that the relative permeability of the membrane i…
Published 09/07/2023 During {{c1::rising phase}}, sodium rushes in through the open sodium channels, causing a rapid depolarization of the membrane.
Published 09/07/2023 During {{c1::falling phase}}, the sodium channels inactivate and the potassium channels open; potassium is pushed out of the cell by the driving force…
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