Notes in 05 Zoonotic and Tick-Borne Illnesses

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Published 06/04/2024 Which two zoonotic bacteria are encapsulated?{{c1::Pasteurella multocida and Yersinia pestis}}
Published 06/04/2024 {{c1::Rickettsia spp.}}, {{c2::Chlamydia spp.}}, and Coxiella are obligate intracellular, pleomorphic, gram-negative bacteria that cannot make their o…
Published 06/04/2024 {{c1::Q fever}} is a Rickettsial-like disease that can be obtained via aerosolized spores released from livestock amniotic fluid
Published 06/04/2024 {{c1::Q fever}} is a rickettsial-like disorder caused by Coxiella burnetii that presents as pneumonia
Published 06/04/2024 What is the primary clinical use of tetracycline antibiotics?{{c1::Borrelia burgdorferiMycoplasma pneumoniaeRickettsia (intracellular bug)Chlamydiae (…
Published 06/04/2024 {{c1::Tetracyclines}} are a class of protein synthesis inhibiting antibiotics that are effective against intracellular organisms by virtue of their ab…
Published 06/04/2024 {{c1::Coxiella burnetii}} infection is a cause of atypical pneumonia with high fever (Q fever)
Published 06/04/2024 What demographic is associated with Coxiella burnetii pneumonia? {{c1::Farmers and veterinarians::2}}
Published 06/04/2024 What vascular tumor is a benign, capillary skin papule caused by Bartonella henselae infection in AIDS patients?{{c1::Bacillary angiomatosis}}
Published 06/04/2024 Rickettsia is a(n) {{c1::obligate intracellular::obligate/facultative intracellular/extracellular}} organism
Published 06/04/2024 Rickettsia is technically a gram {{c1::negative}} organism; however, {{c2::it does not gram stain well}}
Published 06/04/2024 Rickettsia are described as having a(n) {{c1::coccobacilliary}} shape
Published 06/04/2024 The general prodromal symptoms with a rickettsial infection are {{c1::headache}} and {{c1::fever}}
Published 06/04/2024 Rickettsia rickettsii is transmitted through {{c1::direct biting}} from the {{c2::Dermacentor tick::vector}}
Published 06/04/2024 The incubation period for Rickettsia rickettsii is somewhere between {{c1::4-10}} days
Published 06/04/2024 The rash from Rickettsia rickettsii is different from that of Rickettsia prowazekii in that this rash begins at the {{c1::extremities}} and moves towa…
Published 06/04/2024 Which bug commonly infects dog bite wounds?{{c1::Pasteurella multocida}}
Published 06/04/2024 Tetracyclines have activity against tick-borne organisms ({{c1::Rickettsia}}, {{c2::Francisella}}, {{c3::Borrelia}})
Published 06/04/2024 What is the treatment of culture-negative endocarditis caused by Coxiella?{{c1::Doxycycline (along with hydroxychloroquine)::2}}
Published 08/30/2024 Which antibiotic is used as treatment for Bartonella henselae (cat-scratch)?{{c1::Azithromycin}}
Published 06/04/2024 Rickettsia spp. is {{c1::obligate intracellular}} and thus cannot make its own ATP
Published 06/04/2024 What are two specific symptoms of Rickettsia spp. infection?{{c1::Rash and vasculitis}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the drug of choice for Rickettsia spp.?{{c1::Doxycycline}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the etiology of Rocky Mountain spotted fever?{{c1::Rickettsia rickettsii}}
Published 06/04/2024 What stain is used to visualize Rickettsia?{{c1::Giemsa stain}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the vector for Rocky Mountain spotted fever (Rickettsia rickettsii)?{{c1::Dermacentor tick}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which Rickettsia spp. is characterized by a rash that starts at the extremities, spreading inwards to the trunk?{{c1::Rickettsia rickettsii}}
Published 06/04/2024 {{c1::Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)}} is a Rickettsial disease that presents with a petechial rash that typically starts at the wrists and ankle…
Published 06/04/2024 In which area of the United States is Lyme disease common?{{c1::Northeastern United States}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which vector transmits Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)?{{c1::Ixodes tick}}
Published 06/04/2024 The Ixodes tick is involved in the transmission of {{c1::Borrelia burgdorferi}}, {{c2::Anaplasma spp.}}, and {{c3::Babesia}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the reservoir of Ixodes tick larvae?{{c1::Mouse}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the obligatory host of Ixodes ticks?{{c1::Deer (Ixodes is a deer tick)}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the shape of Borrelia burgdorferi?{{c1::Spirochete}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the only spirochete that can be visualized using aniline dyes (Wright or Giemsa) in light microscopy?{{c1::Borrelia}}
Published 06/04/2024 What two stains can be used to visualize Borrelia burgdorferi?{{c1::Wright stain; Giemsa stain}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the etiology of Lyme disease?{{c1::Borrelia burgdorferi}}
Published 06/04/2024 Lyme disease consists of {{c1::3}} stages
Published 06/04/2024 {{c1::Erythema chronicum migrans}} is an initial cutaneous feature of Lyme disease that is described as an expanding "{{c2::bull's eye}}", red, target…
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease can present with erythema chronicum migrans?{{c1::Stage 1}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease is early and localized?{{c1::Stage 1}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease is early and disseminated?{{c1::Stage 2}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease is late and disseminated?{{c1::Stage 3}}
Published 06/04/2024 Stage {{c2::1 (early localized)}} Lyme disease commonly presents with {{c1::flu}}-like symptoms
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease can present with an arrhythmia (e.g., AV block)?{{c1::Stage 2}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease can present with facial nerve palsy?{{c1::Stage 2}}
Published 06/04/2024 What type of facial nerve palsy is highly indicative of Lyme disease?{{c1::Bilateral facial nerve palsy}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease can present with migratory myalgias and transient arthritis?{{c1::Stage 2}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease can present with chronic arthritis?{{c1::Late disseminated (stage 3)}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which stage of Lyme disease can present with encephalopathy?{{c1::Stage 3}}
Published 06/04/2024 What two drugs are commonly used for Lyme disease?{{c1::Doxycycline, ceftriaxone}}
Published 06/04/2024 What drugs are first-line in the treatment of Lyme disease in pregnancy?{{c1::Amoxicillin and cefuroxime::2}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the Gram stain of Bartonella henselae?{{c1::Gram negative}}
Published 06/04/2024 The {{c1::Warthin-Starry}} stain is used to visualize {{c2::Bartonella henselae}}
Published 06/04/2024 The Warthin-Starry stain is a type of {{c2::silver}} stain
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Cat scratch}} fever is a complication of {{c1::Bartonella henselae}} infection
Published 06/04/2024 {{c3::Cat scratch fever}} due to Bartonella henselae presents with {{c1::axillary}} or {{c1::cervical}} {{c2::lymphadenitis}}
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Bacillary angiomatosis}} is a complication of Bartonella henselae in immunocompromised patients
Published 06/04/2024 Bacillary angiomatosis is a complication of Bartonella henselae transmitted via {{c1::cat scratches}}
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Bacillary angiomatosis}} is a complication of Bartonella henselae that presents with raised {{c1::red vascular}} lesions on the skin
Published 06/04/2024 What is the treatment for Bartonella henselae in the immunocompromised (bacillary angiomatosis)?{{c1::Doxycycline or erythromycin::2}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the treatment for Bartonella henselae in the immunocompetent (cat scratch disease)?{{c1::Azithromycin::specific drug}}
Published 06/04/2024 Lymph node biopsy in {{c2::cat scratch}} disease reveals {{c1::stellate granulomas}} resembling those seen in {{c3::sarcoidosis}}
Published 06/04/2024 Bartonella spp. is one of the most common causes of {{c1::culture-negative endocarditis::heart complication}}
Published 06/04/2024 Bartonella henselae can cause {{c2::hepatic peliosis}}, characterized by cystic {{c1::blood}}-filled spaces in the {{c1::hepatic}} parenchyma
Published 06/04/2024 Which bacteria can cause hepatic peliosis?{{c1::Bartonella henselae}}
Published 06/04/2024 Bacillary angiomatosis is commonly confused with {{c1::Kaposi sarcoma}}
Published 06/04/2024 Direct transmission of Francisella tularensis results from contact with {{c1::rabbits}}
Published 06/04/2024 Indirect transmission of Francisella tularensis results from bite by {{c1::Dermacentor tick}} or {{c2::deerfly}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which zoonotic bacterial infection must be reported to the CDC?{{c1::Francisella tularensis (tularemia)}}
Published 06/04/2024 Indirect transmission of Francisella tularensis results from inhalation of {{c1::aerosol}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the gram stain of Francisella tularensis?{{c1::Gram negative}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the shape of Francisella tularensis?{{c1::Coccobacillus}}
Published 06/04/2024 Francisella tularensis is {{c1::facultative}} intracellular
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Francisella tularensis}} is a zoonotic bacteria that forms a painful {{c1::ulcer}} with a(n) {{c1::black}} base at the site of infection
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Francisella tularensis}} is a zoonotic bacteria that forms {{c3::caseating granulomas}} within the lymph nodes of the reticuloendothelial system
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Francisella tularensis}} is a zoonotic bacteria that forms caseating granulomas with regional {{c1::lymphadenopathy}}
Published 06/04/2024 Treatment of tularemia includes {{c1::streptomycin}} and {{c2::gentamicin}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which two states are associated with tularemia?{{c1::Missouri and Arkansas::Location}}
Published 06/04/2024 How is Pasteurella multocida most commonly transmitted?{{c1::Dog or сat bites::2}}
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Pasteurella multocida}} is a zoonotic bacteria that causes {{c3::cellulitis}} early in infection, further spreading and causing osteomyelitis
Published 06/04/2024 Pasteurella multocida is a zoonotic bacteria that causes cellulitis early in infection, further spreading and causing {{c1::osteomyelitis}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which zoonotic bacteria is catalase positive?{{c1::Pasteurella multocida}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which zoonotic bacteria is oxidase positive?{{c1::Pasteurella multocida}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the most important virulence factor of Pasteurella multocida?{{c1::Capsule}}
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Pasteurella multocida}} is a zoonotic bacteria that grows on {{c1::5% sheep blood}} agar
Published 06/04/2024 Which zoonotic (non-enteric) gram negative coccobacillus has a bipolar (safety-pin) staining pattern?{{c1::Pasteurella multocida}}
Published 06/04/2024 Empiric treatment of Pasteurella multocida is with {{c1::penicillin}}
Published 06/04/2024 Is Borrelia burgdorferi visible with staining?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the Gram stain of Coxiella burnetii?{{c1::Gram negative}}
Published 06/04/2024 Does Coxiella burnetii cause a rash?{{c1::No!}}
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Coxiella burnetii}} is the bacterium that causes {{c1::Q}} fever
Published 06/04/2024 Coxiella burnetii is {{c1::obligate}} intracellular
Published 06/04/2024 {{c2::Coxiella burnetii}} is an obligate intracellular bug that forms {{c1::spores}} in animal feces
Published 06/04/2024 How is Coxiella burnetii transmitted?{{c1::Aerosol (inhalation of spores)}}
Published 06/04/2024 What is the reservoir of Coxiella burnetii?{{c1::Farm animals (cattle, sheep, goats)}}
Published 06/04/2024 Which bacteria is commonly found in cattle/sheep amniotic fluid?{{c1::Coxiella burnetii}}
Published 06/04/2024 Q fever is associated with atypical {{c1::pneumonia}} symptoms (cough, headache, fever)
Published 06/04/2024 {{c3::Q fever}} caused by Coxiella burnetii is associated with {{c1::hepatitis}}, interstitial pneumonia, and {{c2::culture-negative endocarditis}} (v…
Published 06/04/2024 Lyme arthritis presents as an inflammatory monoarticular or asymmetric oligoarticular arthritis, most commonly in the {{c1::knee}}
Published 06/04/2024 Match the cutaneous finding with the bug(s) - these sound very alike! Ecthyma gangrenosum - {{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}Erythema multiforme - {{c1:…
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