Notes in WEEK 108 LOs: Cardiovascular system - Syncope

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Published 11/03/2024   How many litres of blood does the heart pump through our body daily?
Published 11/03/2024 The right atria receives {{c1::deoxygenated}} blood from the {{c1::superior vena cava}} --> blood fills the right ventricle --> blood pumps thro…
Published 11/03/2024 The left atrium receives {{c1::oxygenated}} blood from the pulmonary {{c1::veins}}--> blood fills the left ventricle --> pumps blood into {{c1::…
Published 11/03/2024 What do the four heart valves make sure happens in the heart?
Published 11/03/2024 The {{c1::mitral}} valve seperates the left atria from the left ventricleThe {{c1::aortic}} valve seperates the left ventricle from the aortaThe {{c1:…
Published 11/03/2024  The heart makes a lub-DUB sound, the lub being the {{c1::tricupsid}} and {{c1::mitral}} valve closing, and the DUB being the {{c1::aortic}} and …
Published 11/03/2024 Which layer of the heart is the inner most layer, lining the heart's chambers and valves?
Published 11/03/2024 Which layer of the heart is involuntary striated muscle that is affected during an MI?
Published 11/03/2024 Which layer of the heart is the outer layer consisting of mesothelial cells?
Published 11/03/2024 What is the thin fibrous sheath that encloses the heart called? It contains interstitial fluid that acts as what?
Published 11/03/2024 {{c1::Diastole}} is when the atria and ventricles relax and fill with blood, and {{c1::systole}} is when the atria or ventricles contract and pump blo…
Published 11/03/2024 The {{c1::sinoatrial node}}, also known as the heart pacemaker, causes atrial contraction and pumping of blood into the ventricles
Published 11/03/2024 Where does the electrical impulse of the heart travel to after the SA node?
Published 11/03/2024 Why is the signal slowed down at the AV node?
Published 11/03/2024 Electrical impulse travels from AV node to where? causing what?
Published 11/03/2024 What do capillaries do?
Published 11/03/2024 Blood pressure:The pressure in the aorta after ventricular contraction is about 120 mmHg, which is {{c1::systole}} (top number) and during ventricular…
Published 11/03/2024 Blood pressure (increases/decreases) {{c1::decreases}} as you go into systemic circulation, with capillaries having the lowest blood pressure (25 mmHg…
Published 11/03/2024 Which two arteries supply blood to the heart itself?
Published 11/03/2024 The heart mostly receives its blood supply during diastole, when the coronary arteries aren't being compressed. Why can this be an issue with tachycar…
Published 11/03/2024 Cardiac cycle (phase 1) true or false:Throughout most of diastole, blood is actively pumped into the ventricles and then at the end of diastole, both …
Published 11/03/2024 In phase 1 of the cardiac cycle:Ventricular (systole/diastole) {{c1::diastole}}Aortic pressure is (increasing/decreasing) {{c1::decreasing}}Atrial pre…
Published 11/03/2024 In phase 2 of the cardiac cycle:Ventricular (diastole/systole) {{c1::systole}}Rapid (increase/decrease) {{c1::increase}} in intraventricular pressureN…
Published 11/03/2024 In phase 3 of the cardiac cycle,Ventricles contract further and ventricule pressure rises up to {{c1::120}} mmHgAortic valve opensVentricular volume d…
Published 11/03/2024 In phase 4 (reduced ejection) of the cardiac cycle:T wave on ECG represents ventricular {{c1::re}}polarisation(increase/decrease) {{c1::decrease}} in …
Published 11/03/2024 In phase 5 (isovolumetric relaxation) of the cardiac cycle:Aortic and pulmonary valves (open/close) {{c1::close}} --> second heart soundVentricular…
Published 11/03/2024 In phase 6 (rapid filling) of the cardiac cycle:Intraventricular pressures (increase/decrease) {{c1::decrease}} furtherAV valves (open/close) {{c1::op…
Published 11/03/2024 The first heart sound (lub) can be heard in {{c1::phase 2}} of the cardiac cycle, and the second heart sound (DUB) can be heard in {{c1::phase 5}}
Published 11/03/2024 (systole/diastole):Phase 1, 5, 6, and 7 of the cardiac cycle are {{c1::diastole}}Phase 2, 3, and 4 are {{c1::systole}}
Published 11/03/2024 In phase 7 (reduced filling) of the cardiac cycle :Ventricles continue to fill with blood, but stretch compliance of ventricles decreases(increase/dec…
Published 11/03/2024 Cardiac output = ?{{c1::heart rate}} X ?{{c1::stroke volume}}Mean Arterial Pressure = ?{{c1::cardiac output}} X ?{{c1::total peripheral resistance}}
Published 11/03/2024 Standing up too quickly after laying down can decrease blood pressure and trigger what type of regulatory response?
Published 11/03/2024 Low blood volume can decrease blood pressure and trigger what regulatory response?
Published 11/03/2024 High blood volume can increase blood pressure and trigger what regulatory response?
Published 12/01/2024 Syncope is characterised by a TLOC, which stands for {{c1::transient loss of consciousness.}}
Published 12/01/2024 A transient loss of consciousness (TLOC) is characterised by {{c1::rapid}} onset with {{c1::spontaneous}} complete recovery 
Published 12/01/2024 Syncope occurs due to global cerebral {{c1::hypoperfusion}}.
Published 12/01/2024 Common causes of syncope include, cardiac arrhythmias, {{c1::orthostatic}} hypotension, and {{c1::vasovagal}} reflex.
Published 12/01/2024 Orthostatic syncope is loss of consciousness caused by a sudden {{c1::drop}} in blood pressure with a rapid change in position. 
Published 12/01/2024 What are the red flag symptoms associated with syncope?
Published 12/01/2024 What is a Stokes-Adams Attack?
Published 12/01/2024 The conducting system of the heart are a network of {{c1::specialised}} tissues that stimulates contraction, {{c1::without}} innervation. 
Published 12/01/2024 The sino-atrial (SA) node has {{c1::pacemaker}} cells that spontaneously generate an action potential. An action potential from the SA node spreads ce…
Published 12/01/2024 From the SA node, the {{c1::interatrial}} pathway extends from the right atrium to the left. The {{c1::internodal}} pathway extends from the SA node t…
Published 12/01/2024 The atrio-ventricular (AV) node creates a {{c1::120}} ms delay of the action potential reaching the ventricles, allowing the atria to full empty befor…
Published 12/01/2024 Following the AV node, the impulse travels down the septum via the right and left branches of the bundle of His and throughout the ventricles via {{c1…
Published 12/01/2024 Purkinje Fibres are {{c1::subendocardial}} branches.
Published 12/01/2024 On an electrocardiogram(ECG): the P wave is atrial {{c1::depolarisation}}; the QRS complex is ventricular {{c1::depolarisation}}; and the T wave is ve…
Published 12/01/2024 On an ECG, the PR segment is {{c1::AV node}} delay and the ST segment is the time at which the ventricles contract and empty. 
Published 02/22/2025 What is the standard calibration for an ECG?
Published 02/22/2025 On an ECG, 1 small square is about {{c1::40ms (0.04 sec)}} and 1 large square, or 5 small squares, is about {{c1::200ms (0.2 sec)}}
Published 02/22/2025 How does atrial fibrillation present on an ECG?
Published 02/22/2025 Patient with atrial fibrillation can be assessed for stroke with the CHAD-VASc score. List what each letter of CHAD-VASc stands for. 
Published 02/22/2025 Patient with atrial fibrillation can be assessed for bleeding with the HAS-BLED score. List what each letter of HAS-BLED stands for. 
Published 02/22/2025 How does atrial flutter present on an ECG?
Published 02/22/2025 How does a 1st degree heart AV block present on ECG?
Published 02/22/2025 How does a 2nd degree Morbitz type 1 (Wenckebach) heart block present on ECG?
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