Notes in EMBRY3 Development of respiratory tract (Elizabeth)

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Published 02/20/2024 What is within the upper respiratory tract?
Published 02/20/2024 what is within the lower respiratory tract
Published 02/20/2024 what system is the respiratory diverticulum derived from?
Published 02/20/2024 what happens at week 4?
Published 02/20/2024 which stem cells is the respiratory system derived from?
Published 02/20/2024 what are tracheoesphageal ridges?
Published 02/20/2024 which part of the respiratory system is NOT seperated from the esophagus ?
Published 02/20/2024 What happens at week 4 of fetal development?
Published 02/20/2024 list the stages of respiratory system development (to trachea development)
Published 02/20/2024 what structures are formed within the trachea at week 4?
Published 02/20/2024 where is the trachea at week 5?
Published 02/20/2024 What happens at week 5 of fetal development?
Published 02/20/2024 How many divisions of the bronchial tree are there at week 24 and at age 8?
Published 02/20/2024 when does tertiary bronchi appear?
Published 02/20/2024 what is an tracheoesophageal fistula?
Published 02/20/2024 how may tracheoesophageal fistula present itself as?
Published 02/20/2024 can gas exchange occur between week 5-16?
Published 02/20/2024 what is formed at the end of week 16?
Published 02/20/2024 what is not produced at week 5-16?
Published 02/20/2024 when does the surfactant from type 2 alveolar cells start to be produced?
Published 02/20/2024 what are the main features between week 16-26?
Published 02/20/2024 can the baby breath on its own at week 24?
Published 02/20/2024 when does terminal sac (primitive alveoli) start to develop?
Published 02/20/2024 what happens between week 26 to birth?
Published 02/20/2024 what happens at late fetus till birth?
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