Notes in 07 Complications of monochorionic twins

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Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsWhen does twin embolization syndrome occur?{{c1::Following in utero demise of the co-twin. }}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsTwin-twin transfusion syndrome can occur in what types of twins?{{c1::Mono/mono or mono/di}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsTwin-twin transfusion syndrome occurs due to {{c1::abnormal vascular communications in t…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsWhat are the three criteria to diagnose twin-twin transfusion syndrome?{{c1::1. Single shared…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsIn twin-twin transfusion syndrome, what does a "stuck" twin refer to?{{c1::Severe oligohydram…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsWhat is treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome?{{c1::Laser ablation of placental arterio…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsTwin reversed arterial perfusion sequence is also called {{c1::acardiac twinning}}.
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsIn twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence, which way does blood flow in the umbilic…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsIn twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence, which way does blood flow in the umbilic…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Complications of monochorionic twinsWhat is treatment of twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence?{{c1::Coagulation of th…
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