Notes in Latest Board Exam

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Published 02/02/2025 A multi-stage refrigeration system which is realizable in using different refrigerants
Published 02/02/2025 If Ev is the volumetric efficiency of a reciprocating pump, then determine SLIP which represents all losses of capacity given in percentage of the dis…
Published 02/02/2025 What is the relative humidity when the dew point and dry bulb temperature are equal?
Published 02/02/2025 If the pressure is disregarded in the various other components of a steam of gas power plants, the pressure rise in the pump or compressor is ________…
Published 02/02/2025 What is the effect on saturated temperature if the pressure of the fluid is decreased?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the least number of compressor a multistage system that will use?
Published 02/02/2025 Aside from maintaining appropriate temperature for food cold storage, how is desiccation minimized or decreased?
Published 02/02/2025 The flow of the convergent section of a nozzle is always subsonic. If the flow is subsonic then the mach number is:
Published 02/02/2025 Based on the PSME Code, what should be the effective temperature of the air to be maintained for comfort cooling at an air movement from 0.0761 to 0.1…
Published 02/02/2025 What is the relationship of the horsepower of a centrifugal pump, Hp, to the impeller speed, S, if the pump is at two different rotative speeds?
Published 02/02/2025 In order to remove the fly ashes from the flue gas, which of the following must a power plant be equipped with?
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is a type of evaporator?
Published 02/02/2025 For a hydraulic power to be transmitted at its maximum what should be the value of loss due to friction if H is the total available head?
Published 02/02/2025 What do we call a device that is used to boiler operation that will stop the burner or at least send a signal to the operator if the water drops to a …
Published 02/02/2025 At ordinary temperature what substance will behave as inert gas and will not react in the combustion process?
Published 02/02/2025 What does fossil-fuel fired power plants release, which in turn produces the key ingredient in acid rain?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the relationship of the capacity of a centrifugal pump, Q, to impeller diameter, D, when there are two impeller diameters in the same pump?
Published 02/02/2025 The ratio of the average load to that of the rated capacity of a plant is called:
Published 02/02/2025 What is the heat that is removed from the space to be cooled, which is the same as the heat absorbed by the cooling soils
Published 02/02/2025 One hundred twenty percent theoretical air was supplied for combustion. What is the equivalent excess equal to:
Published 02/02/2025 The fraction of the radiation energy incident on a surface which is absorbed by the surface is called:
Published 02/02/2025 As far as combustion chamber design is considered, the maximum power output of a given engine can be increased by:
Published 02/02/2025 A valve that releases steam from the boiler by opening at a predetermined pressure in order to keep the steam pressure from rising more than the press…
Published 02/02/2025 What does enthalpy measure in a substance?
Published 02/02/2025 For Brayton Cycle, the result of regeneration is:
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is converted to mechanical energy by a water.
Published 02/02/2025 What is the specific gravity of an oil which has a Baume reading g of 28 degrees F?
Published 02/02/2025 When vapor compression takes place on one side of the piston and one during one revolution of the crankshaft, then the compressor is:
Published 02/02/2025 If ice will form in a solution of water and salt, then it is at a temperature called:
Published 02/02/2025 If m is the mass of dry air and H is the specific enthalpy of the water vapor in air and r is the humidity ratio, then determine the latent heat of a…
Published 02/02/2025 Based on the PSME Code, what should be the humidity of air to be used for comfort cooling?
Published 02/02/2025 The size of a reciprocating pump is stamped on the builder's plate 3 x 4" x 6". The diameter of the liquid cylinder is:"
Published 02/02/2025 Water is heated in a container. It expands and becomes less dense and lighter. It rises up the container because of its reduced density and replaced b…
Published 02/02/2025 For steam power plants, increasing the operating pressure of the boiler will:
Published 02/02/2025 What is likely to occur when sections of the impeller of a centrifugal pump are handling vapor and other sections are handling liquid?
Published 02/02/2025 The freezing point of R - 22 is:
Published 02/02/2025 In Stirling and Erickson Cycle, the efficiency can be increased by:
Published 02/02/2025 The relation between the Farenheit absolute scale and the Celsius absolute is:
Published 02/02/2025 Based on the PSME Code, what should be provided in each stream outlets if two or more boilers will be connected in parallel?
Published 02/02/2025 Reheating process is normally employed in steam plane when:
Published 02/02/2025 In order to attain equilibrium in the container, the cooling tower range must be __________ with respect to temperature rise in the condenser.
Published 02/02/2025 What must be the value of the available Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) of a centrifugal pump compared to its require NPSH to avoid losing priming?
Published 02/02/2025 Where does the final removal of water vapor in an absorption refrigeration system occur?
Published 02/02/2025 Ice cubes added to a glass of water and stirred. Moisture starts to form on the outer surface of the glass. At his point, what is the temperature at t…
Published 02/02/2025 If the air is compressed without discarding heat, then what do you call this kind of compression?
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following power plants uses energy from uranium to produce electric power?
Published 02/02/2025 One foot water is equal to:
Published 02/02/2025 If C us the capacity of the compressor in a refrigeration system and F is the heat rejection factor, then calculate the condenser load, L.
Published 02/02/2025 The schedule number of a pipe, N, indicates the thickness of the pipe wall. If the allowable stress of the pipe is S, then what is the internal pressu…
Published 02/02/2025 In order to perform efficiency, a power cycle must be communicated with the outside temperature of its surroundings and into one is called:
Published 02/02/2025 It is important to take some moisture from the air to dehumidify it if the relative humidity reaches high levels. To do this, it requires cooling the …
Published 02/02/2025 An air conditioning system in which water is chilled or cooled and which passes the evaporator coils.
Published 02/02/2025 What type of fuel is used with stationary power plants where gas is available by pipeline?
Published 02/02/2025 If Et is the total net energy generated by a plant in a certain period of time and Er is the rated net energy capacity of the plant during the same pe…
Published 02/02/2025 What is happen when the pressure at any point inside a centrifugal pump goes below the vapor pressure corresponding to the temperature of the liquid?
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following cycles is ideal for spark-ignition reciprocating engine?
Published 02/02/2025 When there is no work between the thermodynamic system and its surroundings, the quantity of net heat transfer is equal to:
Published 02/02/2025 If W is the work output of a heat engine and H is the total heat input of an engine, then determine its thermal efficiency, e.
Published 02/02/2025 What is the significance of a high dielectric strength of lubricating oil?
Published 02/02/2025 In a power driven pump, each piston stroke is displaced by 360 degrees divided the _______.
Published 02/02/2025 Dry analysis is a fractional analysis of the products of a combustion which does not include:
Published 02/02/2025 There are three basic boiler types, namely:
Published 02/02/2025 When an electric motor nameplate indicates a 100-kW electric motor" then what does a 100-kW rating refers to? "
Published 02/02/2025 The force when applied to a mass of one kilogram will give mass an acceleration of one meter per second for every second called:
Published 02/02/2025 If Wt is the turbine shaft work of a gas turbine unit, Wc is its compressor shaft work and Q is the heat supplied in duel, then determine its thermal …
Published 02/02/2025 The constant spending of certain percentage of circulated water in a cooling tower in order to prevent accumulation of dissolved solids and other impu…
Published 02/02/2025 If R is the delivery rate of a pump, H is the total pumping head and e is the efficiency of the pump, then compute the power required to drive the pum…
Published 02/02/2025 If a gas posses internal energy, then it is due to its:
Published 02/02/2025 What process is employed when the turbine steam power plants experience excessive moisture?
Published 02/02/2025 A refrigeration control that guards the compressor form overloads brought about by abruptly increases loads resulting from defrosting, warm products a…
Published 02/02/2025 What is the temperature of lubricant at which it will ignite this limits its application
Published 02/02/2025 The Diesel cycle is the ideal cycle for a:
Published 02/02/2025 A company is interested to produced a water turbine wherein only little energy is required or necessary because the guide vanes are to be controlled. …
Published 02/02/2025 What does negative Joule-Thompson coefficient means during a throttling process?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the pressure present inside the casing of an impulse turbine?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the cause of pressure drop in the boiler, condenser and the pipings between different components? Because of this drop, steam leaving the boil…
Published 02/02/2025 During combustion process, only limited air is supplied and not enough to supply two molecule of oxygen per one molecule of carbon, then the product i…
Published 02/02/2025 A pump with capacity Q1 and head H1 is connected in series with another pump with capacity Q2 and head H2. What is the head developed if Q2 is less th…
Published 02/02/2025 If V3 is the cylinder volume after the combustion process of a Diesel cycle and V2 is its cylinder volume before combustion, then calculate the cut-of…
Published 02/02/2025 Pneumatic tools are powered by:
Published 02/02/2025 A water conservation device which employs both air and water is considered a condenser and cooling tower combined into one is called:
Published 02/02/2025 If the average temperature of liquid of power cycle during heat addition process is as high as possible, then the thermal efficiency of the cycle will…
Published 02/02/2025 Theoretically, what is the effect of the compressor clearance on horsepower?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the method used to evaluate all welds performed on pressure parts of boiler tube materials?
Published 02/02/2025 If a Carnot cycle is at the same maximum and minimum temperatures as a Rankine Cycle, then how would you compare the efficiency of a Rankine cycle to …
Published 02/02/2025 The sum of the internal energy and the product of pressure and specific volume is known as the:
Published 02/02/2025 Very large pipe diameter means a thicker wall and high cost. It also means
Published 02/02/2025 The ratio of the average load during a certain time to peak the load occurring during the same period of the time is called:
Published 02/02/2025 If the pressure exerted on a liquid is higher than the saturation corresponding to its temperature, the liquid is a:
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is used to control refrigeration compressor capacity?
Published 02/02/2025 Compare the refrigerating effect per unit mass of refrigerant circulated for a superheated cycle that produces useful cooling and a saturated cycle, f…
Published 02/02/2025 Compute the wall gain load of a load storage room when A is the outside surface area of the wall, D is the temperature differential across the wall, a…
Published 02/02/2025 During a cooling and dehumidifying process, sensible and latent heat are removed in the cooling coil. If Hs is the sensible heat and Ht is the total h…
Published 02/02/2025 If Hs is the total suction head of a pump, HP is its suction surface pressure, and Hf is its suction friction head, then calculate the total suction h…
Published 02/02/2025 What is the saturation pressure at the critical temperatures, or the lowest pressure in which a substance can be in the liquid state at its critical p…
Published 02/02/2025 The kinetic energy of a moving fluid is used to isentropically compressed the fluid to state of zero velocity. The temperature of a moving fluid at th…
Published 02/02/2025 The dew point temperature of the products of combustion in the saturation temperature that corresponds to the partial pressures of the ________ in the…
Published 02/02/2025 When required, a regulator water valve in refrigerating system should be
Published 02/02/2025 The amount of heat necessary to bring up the temperature of a unit mass of a substance through a unit degree is called:
Published 02/02/2025 If Pi is the indicated horsepower and Pb is the indicated horsepower of a compressor, then what is mechanical efficiency, Em, equal to:
Published 02/02/2025 A water-tube condenser has a total of 60 tubes. If these are two passes, then compute the number of tubes per pass.
Published 02/02/2025 The pressure of ammonia was detected in brine solution. How can ammonia be removed?
Published 02/02/2025 What do you call the level stress that the part will be permitted to see under operating conditions
Published 02/02/2025 How do you hold the grashof four-bar mechanism in which the shortest link is the frame or fixed link and the other two cranks completely rotate with t…
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is a drive to be used for a constant velocity rate of positive drive with large center distance between the driver and the driv…
Published 02/02/2025 In the color coding of pipe the color for a pipeline of water is
Published 02/02/2025 in the color coding of pipe the color for pipeline of steam is
Published 02/02/2025 bifilar suspension is used to find
Published 02/02/2025 What is the minimum length of contract in tapped hole for cast iron
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following hardness tests that predicts the tensile strength of mild steel specimen
Published 02/02/2025 How do you call the speed at which resonance will occur
Published 02/02/2025 How do you call the radia I l distance from the top of a tooth to the bottom of another tooth a gear
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following G codes refers to rapid traverse in CNC machining
Published 02/02/2025 The principal raw materials used in steelmaking are iron ore coal and
Published 02/02/2025 which of the following best describes a slider crank chain as a four bar linkage
Published 02/02/2025 Trifilar suspension is used to find
Published 02/02/2025 How do you call the smallest circle drawn to the pitched curve From the center of rotation of the cam
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following conditions for a column where buckling load is maximum
Published 02/02/2025 In a 6x31 IWRC wire rope the number 6 indicates
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is the governor used to drive a gramophone
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is are assumptions made in Euler's column theory
Published 02/02/2025 The statistical data used to identify the most likely failure mode is
Published 02/02/2025 The color for a pipeline of electricity in the color coding of pipelines
Published 02/02/2025 It is the inherent property of a body that offers reluctance to change its state at rest or uniform in motion
Published 02/02/2025 thanks for calling how do you call the CAM by which the follower Reciprocates Or oscillates in a plane parallel to that of its axis
Published 02/02/2025 if the radius of the base circle increases what will happen to the pressure angle of the cam
Published 02/02/2025 A theory which states that a part subjected to any combination of loads will fail by yielding or fracturing Whenever the maximum shear stress exceeds …
Published 02/02/2025 Clearance to a new boiler installation to the existing or old plant building should follow a minimum clearance of ________between top of the boiler pr…
Published 02/02/2025 It is the distance between similar equally spaced tooth surfaces in a given direction and along a given line
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is the most common work holding device of a shaper machine With a base graduated in degrees that make it possible to swivel and…
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following m code commands is for tool change in CNC program
Published 02/02/2025 The relatives strength of a butt welding could be safety assumed as____________% efficiency
Published 02/02/2025 What is the efficiency of self-locking machine
Published 02/02/2025 How do you hold a material that is capable of absorbing a large amount of energy
Published 02/02/2025 For non Metallic Gaskets it has been found that they should have a certain minimum amount of compression as a_______ for certain cork gasket
Published 02/02/2025 Rule of Thumb in circulating the equipment foundation mass should be_________times the weight of the machinery It is supposed to support
Published 02/02/2025 The set of specifications for parts materials or process intended to achieve uniformity efficiency and pecified quality is called
Published 02/02/2025 for an evenly distributed and uniform wear on each matching gear to the ideal design practice is to consider
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is correct when a circular shaft is subjected to torsion only
Published 02/02/2025 What is the ratio of the original stress to Hoops stress for thin walled cylinder
Published 02/02/2025 An oil storage tank roof formed to approximately spherical surface supported only at its periphery
Published 02/02/2025 How do you call the capacity of materials to absorb energy upon loading even up to when it is deformed elastically
Published 02/02/2025 In the color coding of pipe the color for pipeline communication is
Published 02/02/2025 How do you call the phenomenon such that when a hot part is cooled suddenly by quenching there is momentarily a high temperature gradient that induces…
Published 02/02/2025 If V is the volume of metal in casting and A is its surface area then the time of solidification will be proportional to
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following forms of rivet head is generally used for boiler plate riveting
Published 02/02/2025 For stable equipment foundation the total combined engine driven equipment and foundation center of gravity must be kept below the foundations too tha…
Published 02/02/2025 If the beach of a screw is 2/9 What is the thread per inch
Published 02/02/2025 Corresponding piping color coding for alkaline is
Published 02/02/2025 for split pulley or pulley made of separate section Bolted together at the rim the maximum speed Should be limited to about______% of the maximum spee…
Published 02/02/2025 How do you call the path generated by the trace point as the follower is rotated about a stationary cam
Published 02/02/2025 hooke's joint is used with between_______ of an automobiles
Published 02/02/2025 A petroleum by product used as an electrodes in an electric arc furnace melting operation
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is the mechanism that will produce intermittent rotary motion from continuous rotary motion
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following affects most of the electrical and thermal properties of materials
Published 02/02/2025 In the color coding of pipe the color for a pipeline of air is
Published 02/02/2025 As a rule of thumb the depth of foundation could be about 3.2 to__________ times range in stroke
Published 02/02/2025 In clock mechanism which of the following is the gear train that is used to connect the minute hand to the hour hand
Published 02/02/2025 What is the shear force diagram in the bending moment diagram for a cantilever beam Having a concentrated load at the free end
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is the computational method used for solving complex shifts Such as those found in machinery Replaces the complex shape with a …
Published 02/02/2025 which column is Eulers formula applicable
Published 02/02/2025 The power transmitted by the belt will depend on which of the following
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following gasket materials should avoid hot liquid steam applications
Published 02/02/2025 Of the following column formulas Which do you think is applicable to host iron columns
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is the representation on the mohr's circle for two mutually perpendicular principal stresses that are unequally but alike
Published 02/02/2025 It is the combination of applied normal and shear stresses That produced maximum principal normal stress or minimum principal normal stress with a 3rd…
Published 02/02/2025 the revetted joints in ASME code has a design surface compressive stress________ higher than the design tensile stress
Published 02/02/2025 The strain energy per unit volume required to stress a material from an unloaded state to the point of yielding is called
Published 02/02/2025 What is the maximum value of notch sensitive factor
Published 02/02/2025 Steering gear of an automobile is an example of
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is the theory used in the design of the shaft made of brittle materials
Published 02/02/2025 What is the measure of the change of a material that is subjected to a change in temperature
Published 02/02/2025 How do you call materials with the same elastic properties in all directions
Published 02/02/2025 For a planar four-bar linkage the sum of the shortest and longest lengths cannot be greater than the sum of the remaining 2 link lengths If there is t…
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is an example of a higher pair
Published 02/02/2025 A pressure vessel is considered to be thin if the ratio of thickness to inside diameter is
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following structural members are designed to support loads perpendicular to its longitudinal axis
Published 02/02/2025 a single ply leather belt running at a belt velocity of 300 ft/min is likely to transmit_______ per inch of width
Published 02/02/2025 The set of specification for the analysis design manufacture and construction of something the purpose of which is to achieve a specific degree of saf…
Published 02/02/2025 Avoidance of vibration in equipment of machinery foundations a mass of weight equal to_________ times the force are needed
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following G code commands is for dwell or tries in CNC programming
Published 02/02/2025 accident prevention is
Published 02/02/2025 How do you call the difference between maximum distance of the lowest point of the follower from the axis of rotation of the cam in the least radius
Published 02/02/2025 The flux that should be provided in soldering electrical connection are commutator wires as it tends to corrode the connections
Published 02/02/2025 What is the efficiency of reversible machine
Published 02/02/2025 What is the value of mechanical advantage for a four bar linkage in Toggle position
Published 02/02/2025 a cone formed by elements which are perpendicular to the elements of the pitch cone at the large end
Published 02/02/2025 what theory in cyclic and impact loading Which states that damage at any stress level is proportional to number of cycles
Published 02/02/2025 A swinging support constructed as part of the vessel and that supports the manway cover when it is unbolted and moved aside
Published 02/02/2025 What is the maximum efficiency of self-locking screw
Published 02/02/2025 how do you call the time taken by by breaking body the complete one cycle
Published 02/02/2025 It is also known as the study of lubrication friction and ware of moving or stationary parts
Published 02/02/2025 in rotating horizontal sharps when the shaft is rotating at a speed________of critical speed Then large vibrations will occur
Published 02/02/2025 Which of the following is used to change the direction of an applied tensile force
Published 02/02/2025 What do you call the exact theoretical size to which limits or deviations is assigned and is the same for both members of the fit
Published 02/02/2025 which of the following is the synergistc collection of machine elements? Synergistic because as a design it represents an idea or concept greater than…
Published 02/02/2025 how do you call a design approach where no catastrophic loss can occur as a result of a component failure
Published 02/02/2025 The color for pipe carrying fuel oil
Published 02/02/2025 What is the other term for the maximum shear stress theory
Published 02/02/2025 the load that is applied transversely to longitudinal axis of member is called the
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