Notes in Metabolism

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Published 07/28/2024 Only {{c1::L}}-amino acids are found in proteins
Published 07/28/2024 Which amino acids are characterized by branched side chains?{{c1::Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine::3}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which amino acids are the precursors to catecholamines and melanin?{{c1::Tyrosine, Phenylalanine::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which amino acid is the precursor to serotonin and niacin? {{c1::Tryptophan}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which amino acid is the precursor to histamine? {{c1::Histidine}}
Published 07/28/2024 The amino acids {{c1::aspartate}} and {{c1::glutamate}} are negatively charged at body pH (acidic)
Published 07/28/2024 The amino acids {{c1::lysine}} and {{c1::arginine}} are positively charged at body pH (basic)
Published 07/28/2024 What is the charge of the amino acid histidine at body pH?{{c1::No charge}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which amino acids are the target of protein kinase A and protein kinase C? {{c1::Serine, Threonine::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which amino acids have sulfur groups? {{c1::Cysteine, Methionine::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which amino acids are required during periods of growth? {{c1::Arginine, Histidine::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 What are the 9 (10*) essential amino acids? {{c1::Phenylalanine}}{{c1::Valine}}{{c1::Threonine}}{{c2::Tryptophan}} {{c2::Isoleucine}}{{c2::Methionine}…
Published 07/28/2024 Which amino acids are ketogenic? {{c1::Leucine, Lysine::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Are the essential amino acids methionine, valine, and histidine ketogenic or glucogenic? {{c1::Glucogenic}}
Published 07/28/2024 Are the amino acids phenylalanine, isoleucine, threonine, tryptophan, and tyrosine ketogenic or glucogenic? {{c1::Both :)}}
Published 07/28/2024 The amino acid {{c1::arginine}} is essential during periods of {{c2::positive}} nitrogen balance
Published 07/28/2024 {{c2::Methyl xanthines}} (e.g. caffeine) are inhibitors of the enzyme {{c1::phosphodiesterase (PDE)}}, which normally degrades cAMP into 5' AMP
Published 07/28/2024 Protein kinase G activates the enzyme {{c1::phosphatase}}, which dephosphorylates {{c2::myosin light chain}} causing smooth muscle {{c3::relaxation}}
Published 07/28/2024 When insulin binds its receptor, the receptor {{c1::dimerizes}} and is activated via tyrosine kinase activity
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Autophosphorylation}} of the insulin receptor allows binding of {{c2::insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1)}}
Published 07/28/2024 Following binding of insulin receptor substrate 1 to the insulin receptor, {{c1::SH2}}-domain proteins bind to IRS-1
Published 07/28/2024 One SH2-domain protein is {{c1::PI3 kinase}}, which, when activated results in translocation of GLUT-4 to the membrane in adipose and muscle
Published 07/28/2024 Downstream effects of glucagon cause protein {{c1::phosphorylation::phosphorylation/dephosphorylation}}
Published 07/28/2024 Downstream effects of insulin cause protein {{c1::dephosphorylation::phosphorylation/dephosphorylation}}
Published 07/28/2024 Phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase causes enzyme {{c1::activation::activation/inactivation}} 
Published 07/28/2024 Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase causes enzyme {{c1::inactivation::activation/inactivation}}
Published 07/28/2024 Dephosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase causes enzyme {{c1::inactivation::activation/inactivation}}
Published 07/28/2024 Dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase causes enzyme {{c1::activation::activation/inactivation}} 
Published 07/28/2024 What is the only metabolic pathway for generating ATP, anaerobically? {{c1::Glycolysis}}
Published 07/28/2024 Where in the cell does glycolysis occur?{{c1::Cytoplasm}}
Published 07/28/2024 What is the rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis?{{c1::Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1)}}
Published 07/28/2024 Anaerobic glycolysis produces a net of {{c1::2}} ATP per glucose molecule
Published 07/28/2024 Anaerobic glycolysis produces a net of {{c1::2}} NADH per glucose molecule
Published 07/28/2024 Which organs phosphorylate glucose using glucokinase? {{c1::Liver, β cells of the pancreas::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Hexokinase is characterized by a(n) {{c1::low}} Km relative to glucokinase
Published 07/28/2024 Glucokinase is characterized by a(n) {{c1::high}} Km relative to hexokinase
Published 07/28/2024 Hexokinase is characterized by a(n) {{c1::low}} Vmax relative to glucokinase
Published 07/28/2024 Glucokinase is characterized by a(n) {{c1::high}} Vmax relative to hexokinase
Published 07/28/2024 Is hexokinase activity induced by insulin? {{c1::No}}
Published 07/28/2024 Is glucokinase activity induced by insulin? {{c1::Yes}}
Published 07/28/2024 Is hexokinase activity inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate? {{c1::Yes}}
Published 07/28/2024 Is glucokinase activity inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate? {{c1::No}}
Published 07/28/2024 Is a hexokinase gene mutation associated with maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)?{{c1::No}}
Published 07/28/2024 Is a glucokinase gene mutation associated with maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 07/28/2024 What is the purpose of phosphorylating a sugar (e.g. glucose to glucose-6-phosphate)? {{c1::Prevent the sugar from leaving the cell}}
Published 07/28/2024 Glucose is converted to {{c2::glucose-6-phosphate}} by the enzyme {{c1::hexokinase}} in most tissues
Published 07/28/2024 Glucose is converted to {{c2::glucose-6-phosphate}} by the enzyme {{c1::glucokinase}} in the liver and β cells of the pancreas
Published 07/28/2024 Hexokinase is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::glucose-6-phosphate}}
Published 07/28/2024 Glucokinase is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::fructose-6-phosphate}}
Published 07/28/2024 Glucokinase is regulated via positive feedback by {{c1::insulin}}
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Glucose-6-phosphate}} is converted to {{c2::fructose-6-phosphate}} via the enzyme isomerase
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Fructose-6-phosphate}} is converted to {{c2::fructose-1,6-bisphosphate}} via the enzyme {{c3::phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1)}}
Published 07/28/2024 Phosphofructokinase-1 is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::ATP}} and {{c2::citrate}}
Published 07/28/2024 Phosphofructosekinase-1 is regulated via positive feedback by {{c1::AMP}} and {{c2::fructose-2,6-bisphospate}}
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Fructose-6-phosphate}} is converted to {{c2::fructose-2,6-bisphosphate}} via the enzyme {{c3::phosphofructokinase-2 (PFK-2)}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which organs contains the enzyme phosphofructokinase-2?{{c1::Liver, Kidney, Heart::3}}
Published 07/28/2024 Phosphofructokinase-2 is regulated via positive feedback by {{c1::insulin}}
Published 07/28/2024 Phosphofructokinase-2 is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::glucagon}}
Published 07/28/2024 Fructose bisphosphatase-2 and phosphofructokinase-2 are the same bifunctional enzyme whose function is reversed by phosphorylation by {{c1::protein ki…
Published 07/28/2024 Increased glucagon (fasting) leads to increased cAMP and protein kinase A, thus {{c1::increasing}} activity of FBPase-2 and {{c1::decreasing}} activit…
Published 07/28/2024 Increased insulin (fed) leads to decreased cAMP and protein kinase A, thus {{c1::decreasing}} activity of FBPase-2 and {{c1::increasing}} activity of …
Published 07/28/2024 Increased phosphofructokinase-2 {{c1::stimulates}} glycolysis and {{c1::inhibits}} gluconeogenesis
Published 07/28/2024 Which steps of glycolysis require ATP? {{c1::::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is converted into {{c1::glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate}} and dihydroxyacetone-phosphate via the enzyme aldolase
Published 07/28/2024 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is converted into {{c1::1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (1,3-BPG)}} via the enzyme glyceraldehyde-3P-dehydrogenase (glycolysis)
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of glyceraldehyde-3P into 1,3-BPG (glycolysis) produces a molecule of {{c1::NADH}}
Published 07/28/2024 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate is converted into {{c1::3-phosphoglycerate}} via the enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of 1,3-BPG into 3-phosphoglycerate (glycolysis) produces a molecule of {{c1::ATP}}
Published 07/28/2024 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate may be converted to {{c1::2,3-BPG}} via the enzyme bisphosphoglycerate mutase in red blood cells
Published 07/28/2024 3-phosphoglycerate is converted into {{c1::2-phosphoglycerate}} via the enzyme mutase
Published 07/28/2024 2-phosphoglycerate is converted into {{c1::phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)}} via the enzyme enolase
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Phosphoenolpyruvate}} is converted into {{c2::pyruvate}} via the enzyme {{c3::pyruvate kinase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate into pyruvate (glycolysis) produces a molecule of {{c1::ATP}}
Published 07/28/2024 Pyruvate kinase is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::ATP}} and {{c2::alanine}}
Published 07/28/2024 Pyruvate kinase is regulated via positive feedback by {{c1::fructose-1,6-bisphosphate}} (glycolysis)
Published 07/28/2024 Which steps of glycolysis produce ATP? {{c1::::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which glycolysis enzyme deficiency is the second most common cause of hemolytic anemia? {{c1::Pyruvate kinase deficiency}}
Published 07/28/2024 Pyruvate kinase deficiency presents with {{c1::increased}} levels of 2,3-BPG
Published 07/28/2024 Pyruvate kinase deficiency presents as hemolytic anemia {{c1::without::with or without}} Heinz bodies 
Published 07/28/2024 In red blood cells, lack of ATP impairs membrane integrity due to lack of cation transport, causing a(n) {{c1::extravascular hemolytic}} anemia
Published 07/28/2024 In red blood cells, lack of NADH impairs the ability to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+, predisposing to {{c1::methemoglobinemia}}
Published 07/28/2024 Effect of diabetes on hepatic glycolysis: no answer {{c1:::)}} - No PFK-2 due to lack of insulin - No glucose trapping in liver leads to elevated bloo…
Published 07/28/2024 Which two organs does galactose primarily enter? {{c1::Liver, Brain}}
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Lactose}} is converted into {{c2::galactose}} and {{c2::glucose}} by the enzyme {{c1::lactase}} (intestinal brush border)
Published 07/28/2024 Lactase deficiency may present with {{c1::diarrhea}} due to the osmotic effects of undigested lactose
Published 07/28/2024 Lactase deficiency may present with {{c1::flatulence}} and {{c1::bloating}} due to anaerobic fermentation of undigested lactose
Published 07/28/2024 Primary lactase deficiency is characterized by a(n) {{c1::age}}-dependent decline in lactose tolerance after childhood
Published 07/28/2024 Primary lactase deficiency occurs due to absence of the {{c1::lactase-persistence}} allele
Published 07/28/2024 Primary lactase deficiency is common in people of {{c1::Asian}}, {{c2::African}}, and {{c3::Native-American}} descent
Published 07/28/2024 Secondary lactase deficiency occurs due to loss of the intestinal {{c1::brush border}}
Published 07/28/2024 Congenital primary lactase deficiency is {{c1::rare::frequency}}; due to a defective gene
Published 07/28/2024 Lactase deficiency is characterized by a(n) {{c1::decreased}} stool pH
Published 07/28/2024 Lactase deficiency is characterized by {{c1::increased}} hydrogen content with a lactose hydrogen breath test
Published 07/28/2024 In patients with hereditary lactose intolerance, intestinal biopsy reveals {{c1::normal}} mucosa
Published 07/28/2024 Galactose is converted to {{c1::galactose-1-phosphate}} via the enzyme {{c2::galactokinase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of galactose into galactose-1-phosphate requires a molecule of {{c1::ATP}}
Published 07/28/2024 What eye pathology is associated with galactokinase deficiency? {{c1::Cataracts}}
Published 07/28/2024 What is the inheritance of galactokinase deficiency? {{c1::Autosomal recessive}}
Published 07/28/2024 How soon after birth do symptoms of galactose metabolism disorders present? {{c1::When feeding begins (lactose is in both breast milk and routine form…
Published 07/28/2024 Galactokinase deficiency may present as failure to {{c1::track objects}} or failure to develop a(n) {{c2::social smile}}
Published 07/28/2024 Compared to classic galactosemia, galactokinase deficiency is a relatively {{c1::mild::severity}} condition
Published 07/28/2024 Galactose-1-phosphate is ultimately converted to {{c1::glucose-1-phosphate}} via the enzyme {{c2::Gal 1-P uridyltransferase}}
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Classic galactosemia}} is characterized by the absence of the {{c2::Gal-1-P uridyltransferase}} enzyme
Published 07/28/2024 What is the inheritance of classic galactosemia? {{c1::Autosomal recessive}}
Published 07/28/2024 Classic galactosemia causes liver damage and renal damage, which manifests as {{c1::jaundice}}, hepatomegaly, and a metabolic {{c2::acidosis}}
Published 07/28/2024 Classic galactosemia causes brain damage, which manifests as {{c1::intellectual disability}}
Published 07/28/2024 Classic {{c2::galactosemia}} may lead to {{c1::E. coli}} sepsis in neonates
Published 07/28/2024 Galactose is converted to galactitol via the enzyme {{c1::aldose reductase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Disorders of galactose metabolism may present with cataracts due to accumulation of {{c1::galactitol}} in the lens
Published 07/28/2024 The more serious defects in galactose and fructose metabolism may lead to {{c1::phosphate (PO43-)}} depletion
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Glucose}} is converted to {{c2::sorbitol}} via the enzyme {{c3::aldose reductase}}
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Sorbitol}} is converted to {{c2::fructose}} via the enzyme {{c3::sorbitol dehydrogenase}}
Published 07/28/2024 The tissues/organs that have only aldose reductase (no sorbitol dehydrogenase) may be remembered with the mnemonic "LuRKS":L: {{c1::Lens (primarily al…
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Sucrose}} is converted into {{c2::fructose}} and {{c2::glucose}} by the enzyme {{c1::sucrase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Fructose is converted into {{c1::fructose-1-phosphate}} by the enzyme {{c2::fructokinase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of fructose into fructose-1-phosphate requires a molecule of {{c1::ATP}}
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Essential fructosuria}} is characterized by a defect in the {{c2::fructokinase}} enzyme
Published 07/28/2024 What is the inheritance of essential fructosuria? {{c1::Autosomal recessive}}
Published 07/28/2024 What symptoms does essential fructosuria typically present with?{{c1::Asymptomatic; fructose appears in blood and urine}}
Published 07/28/2024 How soon after birth do symptoms of fructose metabolism disorders present? {{c1::Months after; when feeding ends (sucrose/fructose is not found in bre…
Published 07/28/2024 Compared to disorders of galactose metabolism, disorders of fructose metabolism are more {{c1::mild::severity}}
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Fructose-1-phosphate}} is converted to glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone-P via the enzyme {{c2::aldolase B}} *primarily in the liver
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Hereditary fructose intolerance}} is characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme {{c2::aldolase B}}
Published 07/28/2024 What is the inheritance of hereditary fructose intolerance? {{c1::Autosomal recessive}}
Published 07/28/2024 In hereditary fructose intolerance, fructose-1-P accumulates, causing a decrease in available {{c1::phosphate}}
Published 07/28/2024 In hereditary fructose intolerance, decreased available phosphate leads to {{c1::inhibition}} of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Published 07/28/2024 What foods are a natural source of fructose? {{c1::Fruits, Honey::2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Hereditary fructose intolerance presents with a(n) {{c1::negative}} urine dipstick (positive or negative)
Published 07/28/2024 In hereditary fructose intolerance, {{c1::reducing}} sugars can be detected in the urine
Published 07/28/2024 Hereditary fructose intolerance may present with {{c1::hypoglycemia::blood sugar levels}} 
Published 07/28/2024 Hereditary fructose intolerance may cause liver damage, which manifests as {{c1::jaundice}} and cirrhosis
Published 07/28/2024 Which two organs does fructose primarily enter?{{c1::Liver, Kidney}}
Published 07/28/2024 Compared to fructose intolerance, essential fructosuria is a relatively {{c1::mild::severity}} condition
Published 07/28/2024 Do disorders of fructose metabolism present with increased risk for cataracts? {{c1::No (fructose isn't reduced by aldose reductase)}}
Published 07/28/2024 What substrate overrides inhibition of the enzyme phosphofructokinase-1 by ATP in the liver? {{c1::Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate}}
Published 07/28/2024 What carbohydrate metabolism enzyme deficiency may present with failure to track objects or develop a social smile? {{c1::Galactokinase deficiency}}
Published 07/28/2024 The {{c1::pyruvate dehydrogenase}} complex is a mitochondrial enzyme complex linking glycolysis and the TCA cycle
Published 07/28/2024 {{c3::Pyruvate}} is converted to {{c1::acetyl CoA}} by the enzyme {{c2::pyruvate dehydrogenase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of pyruvate into acetyl CoA releases a molecule of {{c1::CO2}} and {{c1::NADH}}
Published 07/28/2024 Pyruvate dehydrogenase is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::ATP}}, {{c2::NADH}}, and {{c3::acetyl-CoA}}
Published 07/28/2024 Pyruvate dehydrogenase is regulated via positive feedback by {{c1::ADP}}, {{c2::Ca2+}}, and increased NAD+/NADH ratio
Published 07/28/2024 Pyruvate dehydrogenase requires five enzymes/cofactors: 1. {{c1::Thiamine pyrophosphate (B1)}}2. {{c2::Lipoic acid}}3. {{c3::Coenzyme A (B5, pantothen…
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Acetyl-CoA}} is combined with {{c2::oxaloacetate}} via the enzyme {{c3::citrate synthase}}, forming {{c4::citrate}}
Published 07/28/2024 Citrate synthase is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::ATP}}
Published 07/28/2024 Citrate is converted into {{c2::isocitrate}} via the enzyme cis-Aconitase (Kreb's cycle)
Published 07/28/2024 Isocitrate is converted to {{c1::α-ketoglutarate}} via the enzyme {{c2::isocitrate dehydrogenase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of isocitrate into α-ketoglutarate releases a molecule of {{c1::CO2}} and {{c1::NADH}}
Published 07/28/2024 Isocitrate dehydrogenase is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::ATP}} and {{c2::NADH}}
Published 07/28/2024 Isocitrate dehydrogenase is regulated via positive feedback by {{c1::ADP}}
Published 07/28/2024 What is the rate-limiting enzyme for the Krebs cycle (TCA cycle)? {{c1::Isocitrate dehydrogenase}}
Published 07/28/2024 α-ketoglutarate is converted to {{c1::succinyl CoA}} via the enzyme {{c2::α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of α-ketoglutarate into succinyl CoA releases a molecule of {{c1::CO2}} and {{c1::NADH}}
Published 07/28/2024 α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is regulated via negative feedback by {{c1::succinyl-CoA}}, ATP, and NADH
Published 07/28/2024 Succinyl CoA is converted to {{c1::succinate}} via the enzyme succinyl CoA synthetase
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of succinyl CoA into succinate produces a molecule of {{c1::GTP}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which step of the Krebs cycle directly produces a molecule of GTP?{{c1::Succinyl CoA --> Succinate}}
Published 07/28/2024 Succinate is converted to {{c1::fumarate}} via the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of succinate into fumarate produces a molecule of {{c1::FADH2}}
Published 07/28/2024 Fumarate is converted to {{c1::malate}} via the enzyme fumarase
Published 07/28/2024 Malate is converted to {{c1::oxaloacetate}} via the enzyme malate dehydrogenase
Published 07/28/2024 Conversion of malate into oxaloacetate produces a molecule of {{c1::NADH}}
Published 07/28/2024 Which Krebs cycle enzyme requires the same 5 cofactors as pyruvate dehydrogenase (TLCFN)? {{c1::α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase}}
Published 07/28/2024 Where in the cell does the Krebs cycle take place?{{c1::Mitochondria}}
Published 07/28/2024 In total, the TCA cycle produces {{c1::3}} NADH per acetyl-CoA
Published 07/28/2024 In total, the TCA cycle produces {{c1::1}} FADH2 per acetyl-CoA
Published 07/28/2024 In total, the TCA cycle produces {{c1::1}} GTP per acetyl-CoA
Published 07/28/2024 How much ATP is produced from one molecule of NADH via ATP synthase (ETC)? {{c1::2.5 ATP}}
Published 07/28/2024 How much ATP is produced from one molecule of FADH2 via ATP synthase (ETC)? {{c1::1.5 ATP}}
Published 07/28/2024 After complete metabolism, what is the total amount of ATP (or GTP) produced from 1 round of the Krebs cycle? {{c1::10 ATP equivalents}}
Published 07/28/2024 Where in the cell does acetyl CoA production (from pyruvate) take place?{{c1::Mitochondria}}
Published 07/28/2024 Where in the cell does oxidative phosporylation take place?{{c1::Mitochondria}}
Published 07/28/2024 NADH electrons from glycolysis enter the mitochondria via the {{c1::malate-aspartate}} or {{c2::glycerol-3-phosphate}} shuttle
Published 07/28/2024 FADH2 electrons from glycolysis are transferred to {{c1::complex II}} of the ETC, also known as succinate dehydrogenase
Published 07/28/2024 Electrons from complex {{c1::I}} and {{c1::II}} of the ETC are transferred to {{c3::Coenzyme Q}}, also known as {{c4::ubiquinone}}
Published 07/28/2024 Electrons from coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) of the ETC are transferred to complex {{c1::III (Cyto b/c1)::2 names}}
Published 07/28/2024 Electrons from complex III of the ETC are transferred to {{c1::cytochrome C}}
Published 07/28/2024 Electrons from cytochrome C of the ETC are transferred to complex {{c1::IV (Cyto a/a3)::2 names}}
Published 07/28/2024 In complex {{c2::IV}}, {{c1::Fe3+}} accepts electrons, forming {{c1::Fe2+}}, which then donates the electrons to {{c3::oxygen (forming H2O)}}
Published 07/28/2024 The passage of electrons in the ETC results in the formation of a(n) {{c1::proton}} gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane
Published 07/28/2024 In the ETC, protons travel down their gradient through the {{c1::F0/F1 ATP Synthase}} pump, generating {{c2::ATP}} and {{c2::heat}}
Published 07/28/2024 ATP is transferred from mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space through the {{c1::ATP/ADP translocase}} antiporter (electron transport chain)
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Rotenone}} is an insectiside that inhibits complex {{c2::I}} of the ETC
Published 07/28/2024 What class of drugs may bind to and inhibit complex I of the ETC?{{c1::Barbiturates}}
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Antimycin A}} is an inhibitor of complex {{c2::III}} of the ETC
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Carbon monoxide}}, {{c2::cyanide}} and sodium {{c4::azide}} are inhibitors of complex {{c3::IV}} of the ETC
Published 07/28/2024 {{c2::Cyanide}} may inhibit the ETC by binding {{c1::Fe3+}}, preventing transfer of electrons to O2 in complex IV
Published 07/28/2024 One treatment for cyanide poisoning is {{c1::amyl nitrite}}, which induces methemoglobinemia
Published 07/28/2024 One treatment for cyanide poisoning is {{c1::sodium thiosulfate}}, which helps restore rhodanese-mediated metabolism of cyanide to thiocyanate
Published 07/28/2024 One treatment for cyanide poisoning is vitamin {{c1::(hydroxycobalamin) B12}} which may bind cyanide
Published 07/28/2024 {{c2::Carbon monoxide}} may inhibit the ETC by binding {{c1::Fe2+}}, preventing transfer of electrons to O2 in complex IV
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Oligomycin}} is an inhibitor of {{c2::ATP synthase}} of the ETC
Published 07/28/2024 2,4-dinitrophenol is a(n) {{c1::uncoupling agent}} of oxidative phosphorylation
Published 07/28/2024 What uncoupling agent of oxidative phosphorylation is used illicitly for weight loss? {{c1::2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP)}}
Published 07/28/2024 In high doses, {{c1::aspirin}} may act as an uncoupling agent of oxidative phosphorylation
Published 07/28/2024 {{c1::Thermogenin}} in brown fat may act as a(n) {{c2::uncoupling}} agent of oxidative phosphorylation
Published 07/28/2024 What is the cause of death in a patient that overdosed on an uncoupling agent (e.g. 2,4-DNP)?{{c1::Hyperthermia}}
Published 07/28/2024 Electron transport inhibitors cause a(n) {{c1::decreased}} proton gradient and block of ATP synthesis
Published 07/28/2024 ATP synthase inhibitors cause a(n) {{c1::increased}} proton gradient and a block of ATP synthesis
Published 07/28/2024 Uncoupling agents cause a(n) {{c1::decreased}} proton gradient and a block of ATP synthesis
Published 07/28/2024 What is the effect of uncoupling agents (ETC) on O2 consumption? {{c1::Increased}}
Status Last Update Fields