Notes in Blood Groups and Blood Transfusion LECTURE 28

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Published 01/07/2025 blood groups definition'system' of antigens in which {{c1::antigen}} specificity is controlled by specific genes (e.g. ABO blood group …
Published 01/07/2025 agglutinate: {{c1::to clump}}
Published 01/07/2025 agglutinin: {{c1::something that causes a clump (e.g. IgM antibodies)}}
Published 01/07/2025 monoclonal antibody: {{c1::laboratory produced and cloned molecules that bind specifically to one epitope}}
Published 01/07/2025 'important concept in transfusion'you do not produce {{c1::antibodies}} to antigens that you haveyou can only produce antibodies to ant…
Published 01/07/2025 what are blood group antigens?molecules present on {{c1::RBC}} surface (sometimes platelets/other tissues)they are {{c1::inherited}} charact…
Published 01/07/2025 what do the inherited red blood group genes do?either: code for {{c1::red cell membrane}} proteins directlyor: code for {{c1::enzymes}}…
Published 01/07/2025 what can sensitising events cause?immediate catastrophic {{c1::haemolysis}} via complement activationhaemolytic {{c1::transfusion}} rea…
Published 01/07/2025 which blood group system is most important?{{c1::the ABO system}}
Published 01/07/2025 what are the four main groups in the ABO system?{{c1::A, B, AB, O}}
Published 01/07/2025 what are the implications of ABO antigens being expressing on endothelial/epithelial membrane?{{c1::ABO incompatibility for ABOi}} solid organ and bon…
Published 01/07/2025 describe the biochemistry of the ABO antigensRBC glycoproteins have a terminal sugar fucose: {{c1::H substance}}{{c1::one}} of 2 enzymes can add …
Published 01/07/2025 how is the ABO system inherited?autosomal co-dominance of {{c1::A and B alleles}}{{c1::A and B}} alleles are co-dominantO allele is {{c1::recessi…
Published 01/07/2025 for blood group AB, which antibodies are in the plasma?{{c1::none.}}
Published 01/07/2025 what are the following blood groups?{{c1::1,2,3,6,9 = O}}{{c1::4,11,12 = A}}{{c1::5,8 = B}}{{c1::7,10 = AB}}
Published 01/07/2025 which blood group is the universal donor?{{c1::blood group O}}{{c1::no antigens to react with antibodies in the patients' blood}}
Published 01/07/2025 which blood group is the universal recipient?{{c1::AB}}{{c1::no antibodies in patients' blood to ABO antigens so can receive blood from any group}}
Published 01/07/2025 antigens/antibodies in a person with blood group AB:antigens: {{c1::A and B}}antibodies: {{c1::none}}
Published 01/07/2025 antigens/antibodies in a person with blood group O:antigens: {{c1::none}}anitbodies: {{c1::anti-B and anti-A}}
Published 01/07/2025 where do ABO antibodies arise from?naturally occuring - ABO antibodies form during first few months after {{c1::birth}}probably due to exposure t…
Published 01/07/2025 what is the main ABO antibody class?{{c1::IgM}} antibodies
Published 01/07/2025 what are the blood group antibodies?{{c1::IgG and IgM}}{{c1::IgM: agglutinate RBCs and cause intravascular haemolysis (activate complement system)}}{{…
Published 01/07/2025 how can blood group be established based on the antibody (aka 'reverse grouping')?mix patients blood with cells with serum with specific ant…
Published 01/07/2025 {{c1::1/180,000}} red cell units transfused may be ABOimajor morbidity in {{c1::30}}%
Published 01/07/2025 Rh blood group system:which genes are responsible for antigens?Rh antigens are components of {{c1::RBC transmembrane protein}}two genes: {{c1::RhD and…
Published 01/07/2025 what do the two Rh genes encode for?RhD encodes for membrane protein with {{c1::D antigen}}RhCE encodes for membrane proteins with {{c1::c o…
Published 01/07/2025 *!how do you check for the RhD antigen?Rh phenotypes for D antigen are {{c1::Rh+ and Rh-}}85% of europeans are Rh+15% are Rh- so can make antibodies t…
Published 01/07/2025 why is the D antigen important?most important antigen after {{c1::ABO antigens}} - most clinically significant of the Rh antigensvery {{c1::…
Published 01/07/2025 which class of antibodies are anti-D?predominantly {{c1::IgG}}
Published 01/07/2025 sensitisation to D antigen = stimulation of {{c1::anti-D}} antibody after exposure to D antigen
Published 01/07/2025 D antigen: first exposurefoetal RBCs leak into {{c1::maternal}} circulation (due to disturbance e.g. haemorrhage/miscarriage/ectopic...)maternal …
Published 01/07/2025 D antigen: second exposureanti-Rh antibodies circulating in {{c1::maternal blood}}memory cells secrete {{c1::anti-Rh antibodies}}which cause {{c1::hae…
Published 01/07/2025 how can sensitisation be prevented?booking maternal blood sample for {{c1::ABO and Rh}} group and red cell alloantibody screengive {{c1::Routine …
Published 01/07/2025 what are the different tests to look for RBCs of foetus and mother?{{c1::Kleihauer test}}: estimates volume of foetal RBCs in maternal plasma (red cel…
Published 01/07/2025 compatibility testing pre transfusionminimum requirement for all patients: {{c1::ABO compatible}}women of {{c1::childbearing}} potential: Rh D- f…
Published 01/07/2025 what can be transfused?rarely use {{c1::whole blood}}use blood {{c1::component}} therapy
Published 01/07/2025 donor selection and minimising infection transmissiondonor elegibility {{c1::questionnaire}}: health/lifestyle/travel/medical history/medicationsspeci…
Published 01/07/2025 *!{{c1::}}
Published 01/07/2025 special requirements of transfused blood:{{c1:: •Irradiated•Washed red cells/platelets •Single donor platelets (rather than a pool) •HLA/HPA selected …
Published 01/07/2025 transfusion process{{c1::need for transfusion identified (e.g. acute bleeding, bone marrow failure, thalassemia) - no alternatives}}{{c1::blood prescr…
Published 01/07/2025 acute haemolytic transfusion reactions due to {{c1::ABO incompatibility}}{{c1::RBC}} destruction - intravascular hameolysis{{c1::cardiovascular}}…
Published 01/07/2025 how can blood group be established based on the antigen (aka "forward grouping")?use a sample of patients RBCs and react against test monocl…
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