Notes in ECO EXAM II

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Published 02/07/2025 What is the biggest constraint on life across all terrestrial ecosystems?
Published 02/07/2025 What is the pathway of water?
Published 02/07/2025 What are the main abiotic constraints on life?
Published 02/07/2025 What is light determined by in terrestrial ecosystems?
Published 02/07/2025 Why is more energy reflected off the yellow grass canpoy compared to the green forest canopy?
Published 02/07/2025 What is canpoy cover directly related to?
Published 02/07/2025 What is an isopleth?
Published 02/07/2025 What is available light in a forest affeted by?
Published 02/07/2025 How does leaf orientation influence vertical distribution of light?
Published 02/07/2025 How does forest structure influence the vertical distribution of light?
Published 02/07/2025 Why does the forest understory get the same amount of PAR light at these two time points despite the lack of leaf cover? in wint?er
Published 02/07/2025 What is ambient lighting?
Published 02/07/2025 What is reflectance?
Published 02/07/2025 Why would an organism want to position itself in a small gap rather than the large gap?
Published 02/07/2025 Which shade gets more sunlight?
Published 02/07/2025 Why do we need to take a measurement that is relative to total light at that place and time?
Published 02/07/2025 Why would variable cloud cover decrease the accuracy of our relative light availability measurements?
Published 02/07/2025 What are soils?
Published 02/07/2025 What are the ecological conditions of soils?
Published 02/07/2025 What are the enviornmental gradients of soils?
Published 02/07/2025 How do we get from rock to soil?
Published 02/07/2025 What are the two types of weathering?
Published 02/07/2025 What is mechanical weathering?
Published 02/07/2025 What contributes to mechanical weathering?
Published 02/07/2025 What is chemical weathering?
Published 02/07/2025 What contributes to chemical weathering?
Published 02/07/2025 What is the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering done by water?
Published 02/07/2025 Which type of weathering created the Grand Canyon?
Published 02/07/2025 What is a lichen?
Published 02/07/2025 What five factors contribute to soil formation?
Published 02/07/2025 How does parent material contribute to soil formation?
Published 02/07/2025 How do biotic factors contribute to soil formation?
Published 02/07/2025 How do climate factors contribute to soil formation?
Published 02/07/2025 How does topography contribute to soil formation?
Published 02/07/2025 How does time contribute to soil formation?
Published 02/07/2025 What are the physical characteristics of soils?
Published 02/07/2025 How is soil color used to classify soil?
Published 02/07/2025 How is depth of soil used to classify soils?
Published 02/07/2025 What is a soil profile?
Published 02/07/2025 What is the O horizon?
Published 02/07/2025 What is the A horizon?
Published 02/07/2025 What is the B horizon?
Published 02/07/2025 What is the C horizon?
Published 02/07/2025 What is soil texture?
Published 02/07/2025 How does soil texture affect soil?
Published 02/07/2025 Why are there so many worms above ground after it rains?
Published 02/07/2025 How does rain move into soil?
Published 02/10/2025 When is soil saturated?
Published 02/10/2025 When is soil at field capacity?
Published 02/07/2025 When is soil at wilting point?
Published 02/10/2025 What is the order of soil particles from big to small? Why is it important to know?
Published 02/10/2025 How much silt is in this type of soil?
Published 02/10/2025 What is capillary water?
Published 02/10/2025 What are the best soil conditions for agriculture?
Published 02/10/2025
Published 02/10/2025 What is available water capacitiy influenced by?
Published 02/10/2025 How do regional differences in geology, climate, and vegetation influence soils?
Published 02/10/2025 What is soil order?
Published 02/10/2025
Published 02/10/2025 What are forest ecosystems characterized by?
Published 02/10/2025 What are woodland and savanna ecosystems characterized by?
Published 02/10/2025 What are shrubs?
Published 02/10/2025 Why are desert/aridlands significant?
Published 02/10/2025 What do biome type formations depend on?
Published 02/10/2025 What can influence the occurence of a biome in a location?
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