Notes in Week 4 Pharm

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Published 02/01/2025 What are the two MOA's of methotrexate? Anti-inflamatory: Activates {{c1::adenosine receptors (A2a, A2b)}} → increases extracellular co…
Published 02/04/2025 What are the adverse affects of methotrexate?  {{c1::GI}} & {{c1::mouth}} {{c1::ulcers}} → {{c1::mucositis}} {{c1::Myelosuppression…
Published 02/01/2025 What drug is used to treat the GI and mouth ulcers caused by methotrexate? {{c1::Leucovorin}}
Published 02/01/2025 Sulfasalazine has {{c1::anti-inflammatory}} effects, which may to be through increasing {{c1::adenosine}} levels, and is used to treat {{c1::rheumatoi…
Published 02/04/2025 What are the adverse effects of sulfasalazine? GI effects: {{c1::nausea}}, {{c1::vomiting}}, {{c1::anorexia}}, {{c1::dyspepsia}} {{c1::Heada…
Published 02/02/2025 Hydroxychloroquine inhibits {{c1::antigen presentation}} and {{c1::cytokine production}} → Accumulates in the endosome: prevents {{c1::acidification}}…
Published 02/01/2025 Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat {{c1::SLE}} and {{c1::rheumatoid arthritis}} 
Published 02/01/2025 What drug is associated with risk of retina damage with prolonged, high doses? {{c1::Hydroxychloroquine}} 
Published 02/01/2025 TNFα is a {{c1::pro-inflammatory}} cytokine implicated in clinical problems associated with {{c1::autoimmune}} disorders
Published 02/01/2025 Etancercept and adalimumab are {{c1::anti-TNFα}} therapies Etancercept is a soluble {{c1::decoy receptor}} Adalimumab is an {{c1::anti-TNFα}} ant…
Published 02/01/2025 What are the adverse effects of etanercept and adalimumab? {{c1::Increased risk of infection}} {{c1::Injection site reactions}}
Published 02/01/2025 MOA of Tofacitinib: {{c1::JAK inhibitor}} → inhibits {{c1::IL}}-mediated {{c1::inflammatory}} signaling 
Published 02/01/2025 What are 3 clinical uses of Tofacitinib? {{c1::Rheumatoid arthritis}} {{c1::Psoriatic arthritis }}{{c1::Ulcerative colitis }}
Published 02/01/2025 What are the adverse effects of tofacitinib? Increased risk of {{c1::serious}} or {{c1::fatal}} {{c1::infections}}Increased {{c1::cholesterol}}/{…
Published 02/01/2025 Colchicine MOA: {{c1::microtubule polymerization inhibitor}} → prevents neutrophil {{c1::activation}}/{{c1::migration}} 
Published 02/01/2025 What are the adverse effects of colchicine? GI: {{c1::diarrhea}}, {{c1::vomiting}}, {{c1::nausea}}{{c1::Bone marrow suppression}}{{c1::Fatigue}}&…
Published 02/01/2025 What drug is used to decrease risk of recurrent gout attacks? {{c1::Colchicine}}
Published 02/01/2025 What drugs are used to lower serum urate levels when treating gout? {{c1::Allopurinol}} {{c1::Probenecid}} {{c1::Pegloticase}}
Published 02/01/2025 Allopurinol MOA: {{c1::xanthine oxidase inhibitor}} → decreases {{c1::uric acid}} production from {{c1::purine}} breakdown
Published 02/01/2025 Adverse effects of allopurinol: {{c1::Stevens-Johnson Syndrome}} ({{c1::skin rash}}) {{c1::Joint pain}}
Published 02/01/2025 Pegloticase MOA: {{c1::uricase (recombinant enzyme)}} → breaks down {{c1::uric acid}} in the water-soluble allantoinIs easliy excreted by the {{c1::ki…
Published 02/01/2025 Adverse effects of pegloticase: {{c1::Hives}} {{c1::Difficulty breathing}} {{c1::Chest pain}}
Published 02/01/2025 Probenecid MOA: {{c1::URAT1 inhibitor}} → inhibits reabsorption of {{c1::urate}} in the {{c1::PCT}}
Published 02/01/2025 Adverse effects of probenecid: {{c1::Headache}} {{c1::Joint pain}}
Published 02/01/2025 What class of drugs are given to decrease the inflammation and pain symptoms of an acute gout attack? {{c1::NSAIDs}}
Published 02/01/2025 What medications are given in an acute gout flare? {{c1::NSAIDs}} {{c1::Colchicine}} {{c1::Corticosteroids}}
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