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Published 09/07/2024 All upper limb movements are designed to direct...
Published 09/07/2024 Functions of the upper limb: (1)
Published 09/07/2024 A consequence of upper limb mobility is that it lacks...
Published 09/07/2024 What is the only bony attachment for the upper limb?
Published 09/07/2024 The shoulder runs from the ____ to the ____, and bones involved include:
Published 09/07/2024 The pectoral girdle includes the _____, ____, and ____ bones, and they connect _______ to ______.
Published 09/07/2024 The anatomical name for arm is called the _____, and the bone involved includes:
Published 09/07/2024 The anatomical name for forearm is called the _____, and the bones involved include:
Published 09/07/2024 The anatomical name for hand is called the _____, runs from ____ to _____, and the bone involved includes:
Published 09/07/2024 The manus (hand) includes three sections, from proximal to distal:
Published 09/07/2024 What is the "strut" that projects the upper limb laterally?
Published 09/07/2024 The clavicle transmits all of its energy from the upper limb to the...
Published 09/07/2024 The scapula gains its appearance because of its many...
Published 09/07/2024 The scapula articulates with the...
Published 09/07/2024 Most shoulder movements are associated with what bone?
Published 09/07/2024 Bones of the shoulder region include:
Published 09/07/2024 Movements of the shoulder include:
Published 09/07/2024 What is notable about the sternoclavicular joint? What type of joint is it?
Published 09/07/2024 The articulation between the clavicle and the scapula is called the _______ joint. It is a ______ _____ type of joint.
Published 09/07/2024 A common injury involved with the acromialclavicular joint is called a ____ _____. This joint is usually stablized by a fairly stable ______ ligament.
Published 09/07/2024 Interesting part about the scapulothoracic articulation (1), and also its movements (2)
Published 09/07/2024 Why would the scapula ever need to rotate?
Published 09/07/2024 The clavicle is (inferior/superior) to the scapula.
Published 09/07/2024 The glenohumeral joint runs from the ______ to the _____, and is often called the _____ _____ _____.
Published 09/07/2024 How much of the head of the humerus is found within the glenoid fossa?
Published 09/07/2024 What structure increases the strength of the glenohumeral articulation?
Published 09/07/2024 What gives the strength of the glenohumeral fossa?
Published 09/07/2024 What is the most commonly broken bone in the body?
Published 09/07/2024 What ligament stabilizes the acromial clavicular joint?
Published 09/07/2024 A shoulder dislocation happens on the _______ joint, and often occur (in terms of directionality):
Published 09/07/2024 Hint of pineapple
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, actions (4), and innervation for pectoralis major:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, actions, and innervation for latissimus dorsi:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and innervation of pectoralis minor:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, functions (3), and innervation of trapezius muscle:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and function of levator scapuli:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and innervation of rhomboid major and rhomboid minor:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and innervation of serratus anterior:
Published 09/07/2024 Lesion to the long thoracic nerve results in a...
Published 09/07/2024 What are the three heads of the deltoid? What are each of their functions, and O/I?
Published 09/07/2024 The deltoids do not extend the arms past...
Published 09/07/2024 What is the innervation of the Deltoid muscle?
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and innervation of teres major:
Published 09/07/2024 What is the main purpose of the rotator cuff muscles? What do they also do? How many of them exist?
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and innervation of teres minor:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and innervation of supraspinalis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and innervation of infraspinatus muscle:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I, action, and innervation of subscapularis:
Published 09/07/2024 What is the anatomical name for the armpit?
Published 09/07/2024 What are the borders for the axilla?
Published 09/07/2024 What are some general contents of the axilla? (6)
Published 09/07/2024 Anatomical definition of "breast:"
Published 09/07/2024 Mammary glands are modified ____ glands.
Published 09/07/2024 The breast runs down to the ___ rib.
Published 09/07/2024 There are ____-_____ mammary glands per breast, which open up to the ______ sinuses through the _______ ducts.
Published 09/07/2024 What two muscles lie directly behind the breast, from most posterior to most anterior?
Published 09/07/2024 What structures connect packets of fat to the epithelium of the breast?
Published 09/07/2024 Is the breast encapsulated?
Published 09/07/2024 Cancer of the breast is dangerous, because most of the lympathic drainage goes in what direction, which ultimately ends up where?
Published 09/07/2024 The areola is protective in that it has a high number of what structures?
Published 09/07/2024 What lymphatic nodes connect to the breast? (2)
Published 09/07/2024 What functions do brachial plexus fibers generally carry? (3)
Published 09/07/2024 What autonomic division solely innervates the body wall and limbs?
Published 09/07/2024 What plexuses exist in the body? (3) What do they generally supply?
Published 09/07/2024 What five levels of ventral rami are dedicated to the upper limb?
Published 09/07/2024 For brachial plexus anatomy, what are the different trunks from most superior to most inferior? How many trunks are there?
Published 09/07/2024 Each trunk divides into how many divisions?
Published 09/07/2024 Cords are named relative to their position to the...
Published 09/07/2024 For brachial plexus anatomy, what are the different cords from most superior to most inferior? How many cords are there?
Published 09/07/2024 For brachial plexus anatomy, what are the different branches from most superior to most inferior? How many branches are there?
Published 09/07/2024 For brachial plexus anatomy, what are the divisions in order from largest to smallest (their pathway)? (4)
Published 09/07/2024 What nerves derive directly off of rami/trunks (not branches!) - and which locations specifically? (3)
Published 09/07/2024 The musculocutaneous nerve supplies the...
Published 09/07/2024 The median nerve supplies the...
Published 09/07/2024 The ulnar nerve supplies the...
Published 09/07/2024 The radial nerve supplies the...
Published 09/07/2024 The axillary nerve supplies...
Published 09/07/2024 Does each nerve has axons from different ventral rami?
Published 09/07/2024 Every peripheral nerve has a ________ makeup.
Published 09/07/2024 What nerve runs superficially in the elbow and allows you to hit the "funny bone"?
Published 09/07/2024 A lesion on a single rami will present weakness that is more (broadly/isolated) and (more/less) pronounced than a lesion on a single branch.
Published 09/07/2024 A myotone is...
Published 09/07/2024 What is a dermatome?
Published 09/07/2024 What nerves derive directly off of cords (not branches!) - and which locations specifically? (5)
Published 09/07/2024 ________ vessels conjoin to form an anatomosis.
Published 09/07/2024 Pathway of the deep palmar arch, from the heart:
Published 09/07/2024 An anatomosis forms between which two branches of the brachial artery?
Published 09/07/2024 Internal thoracic artery supplies:
Published 09/07/2024 The thyrocervical trunk is located, and functions to supply:
Published 09/07/2024 Subclavian artery direct branches: (3)
Published 09/07/2024 The thoracoacromial trunk supplies: (2)
Published 09/07/2024 The lateral thoracic artery supplies:
Published 09/07/2024 The subscapular artery supplies:
Published 09/07/2024 What are the branches that come directly off of the axillary artery? (3)
Published 09/07/2024 Profunda brachii (deep brachial artery) supplies:
Published 09/07/2024 What are the branches off of brachial artery?
Published 09/07/2024 What does radial artery supply?
Published 09/07/2024 What does ulnar artery supply?
Published 09/07/2024 What branches off of radial and ulnar arteries, and what resultant anastomosis forms?
Published 09/07/2024 Do veins in limbs have valves?
Published 09/07/2024 In arm anatomy, what veins are named for their arteries?
Published 09/07/2024 Superficial veins of the hand are _____, _____, and ____ veins, which are located on the (palmar/dorsal) side of the hand.
Published 09/07/2024 What two veins join to form the axillary vein?
Published 09/07/2024 Median cubital vein is located within the ____ _____.
Published 09/07/2024 The elbow is considered a compound region. Name all general articulations in it. (3)
Published 09/07/2024 Action of the "true" elbow joint:
Published 09/07/2024 Two articulations of the true elbow joint:
Published 09/07/2024 What articulation creates the driving force of the elbow joint?
Published 09/07/2024 What holds together the "true" elbow joint?
Published 09/07/2024 What are the two collateral ligaments of the "true" shoulder joint? What do they limit?
Published 09/07/2024 What is the carrying angle?
Published 09/07/2024 What nerve is superficial at the elbow?
Published 09/07/2024 What is it called when the medial epicondyle is inflamed after someone does a lot of wrist extension? (Tennis elbow, also for fervent typers (like me!…
Published 09/07/2024 Proximal radioulnar joint is an articulation between _____ and _____. It is a ______ and _____ joint that is responsible for the actions ______ and __…
Published 09/07/2024 When you supinate or pronate your hand, what bone remains completely stationary? What's the working (rotating) bone that actually moves within the for…
Published 09/07/2024 The _______ ligament wraps around the head of the radius and allows for radial rotation.
Published 09/07/2024 What structure is responsible for transferring force from the radius to the ulna?
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for brachialis muscle:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of coracobrachialis muscle:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of biceps brachii muscle:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of the penile typhlositic incubator:
Published 09/07/2024 What is found in the posterior compartment of the elbow?
Published 09/07/2024 Where does the long head of triceps brachii cross? What is it responsible for?
Published 09/07/2024 Where does the triceps brachii insert?
Published 09/07/2024 What two bones does the radiocarpal joint connect?
Published 09/07/2024 The radiocarpal joint is classified as a _____ _____ joint, and can perform what actions?
Published 09/07/2024 All direct force to the hand is transferred from the scaphoid to the _____ bone, which then goes to the ____ bone.
Published 09/07/2024 The intercarpal joint is classified as a ___ _____ joint and functions to do what?
Published 09/07/2024 What is flexor retinaculum?
Published 09/07/2024 There are two flexor retinacula in the wrist. Which one is superficial, and which one is deep?
Published 09/07/2024 What is the function of the deep flexor retinaculum? (3)
Published 09/07/2024 What runs through the carpal tunnel?
Published 09/07/2024 Carpometacarpal joints share the same joint capsule with the...
Published 09/07/2024 Carpometacarpal joints found between metacarpals 2-5 are ______/______. Metacarpal 1 has a joint that is ________/______.
Published 09/07/2024 Human hands are different than ape hands because they can perform this singular movement that they can't:
Published 09/07/2024 Metacarpophalangeal joints are classified as _______/_______ joints. Actions on digits 2-5 are _____/______ and ____/_____.
Published 09/07/2024 Metacarpophalangeal joints (only on digit 1) are classified as _______/_______ joints. Actions on digit 1 are _____/______.
Published 09/07/2024 Digits 2-5 have two IPs (which also stands for what?): _____ and _____ IPs. They are classified as _____/_____ joints that can perform ____/____.
Published 09/07/2024 Forearm muscles most generally act on what structures?
Published 09/07/2024 Flexors are all found in the (anterior/posterior) compartment of the forearm.
Published 09/07/2024 What is the common origin of all forearm flexor muscles? What is their common innervation?
Published 09/07/2024 The extensor forearm muscles are located in the (anterior/posterior) compartment of the forearm.
Published 09/07/2024 What is the common origin of all forearm extensor muscles? What is their common innervation?
Published 09/07/2024 Forearm flexor muscles are innervated by ____ nerve, while forearm extensor muscles are innervated by ______ nerve.
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for brachioradialis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for pronator teres:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of supinator muscle:
Published 09/07/2024 What are all of the muscles that act on the forearm found WITHIN the forearm? (4)
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for flexor carpi radialis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for flexor carpi ulnaris:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for palmaris longus:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for extensor carpi ulnaris:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I for extensor carpi radialis longus:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I for extensor carpi radialis brevis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for flexor digitorum profundus:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A for flexor digitorum superficialis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/IN/A for extensor digitorum:
Published 09/07/2024 The ________ ________ is a very common site of hand instrinic insertions, and it is found around the ____ joint.
Published 09/07/2024 O/I for extensor indicis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I for extensor digiti minimi:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of flexor pollucis longus:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of abductor pollucis longus:
Published 09/07/2024 I/N of extensor pollucis longus:
Published 09/07/2024 Between extensor pollucis longus and extensor pollucis brevis, there exists a region called the...
Published 09/07/2024 What muscle group of the hand is innervated by exclusively median nerve? The rest of the groups tend to be innervated by...
Published 09/07/2024 What muscle of the thenar group isn't innervated by median nerve?
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of adductor pollucis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of opponens pollucis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of flexor pollucis brevis:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of abductor pollucis brevis
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of opponens digiti minimi
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of flexor digiti minimi
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of abductor digiti minimi:
Published 09/07/2024 What muscles are in the thenar group? (4)
Published 09/07/2024 What muscles are in the hypothenar group? (3)
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of lumbricals:
Published 09/07/2024 O/I/N/A of interossei:
Published 09/07/2024 The n palmar interossei that exist all have the action of (abduction/adduction), and the n dorsal interossei that exist all have t…
Published 09/07/2024 The short muscles all have collective actions of:
Published 09/07/2024 An ulnar nerve lesion will result in a loss of...MP joint will be (extended/flexed) and IP joint will be (extended flexed).
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