Notes in Lecture 06

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Published 03/09/2024 List three ways the complement cascade is initiated and moleculesresponsible for initiation in each.
Published 03/09/2024 Compare and contrast the three pathways of complement activation, includinginitiation, type of immunity involved, where they diverge and where theycon…
Published 03/09/2024 List the classes of antibodies that can fix complement and explain why IgM isthe most efficient in activating classical pathway.
Published 03/09/2024 List three ways complement contribute to eliminating microbes.
Published 03/09/2024 List complement components that are important in opsonization, chemotaxis,and vascular changes in inflammation.
Published 03/09/2024 Explain, including the molecules involved, why the alternative complementpathway is not initiated on mammalian cells, but it is on bacterial cells.
Published 03/09/2024 What mediates the classical pathway of activation?
Published 03/09/2024 What is Complement?
Published 03/09/2024 What are the 3 pathways of complement activation?
Published 03/09/2024 What is the steps in classical activation of the complement pathway 
Published 03/09/2024 What is the steps in classical activation of the Alternative pathway?
Published 03/09/2024 What is the steps in classical activation of the Lectin pathway?
Published 03/09/2024 Which immune system category do the 3 complent pathways (classical, alternative, Lectin) fall into? Adaptive VS. Innate?
Published 03/09/2024 What are the late steps of the complement pathways (classical,alternative,lectin)
Published 03/09/2024 Can Classical activation occur in the primary response of adaptive immunity? why or why not?
Published 03/09/2024 What is the terminal complement pathway? 
Published 03/09/2024 What is a regulator of the Alternative Pathway?
Published 03/09/2024 What are the biological consequences of complement activation?
Published 03/09/2024 What is the functions of complement pathway 
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