Notes in Endocrine pancreas

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Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.1 | Brief overview 
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.2 | Classification and grading | Briefly outline the WHO 2017 classification (grading) of pancreatic neuroendocri…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.3 | Briefly outline the nomenclature for PNETs based on functionality
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.4 | Epidemiology | Briefly describe the epidemiology of PNETs
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.5 | Risk factors | List the main risk factors for PNETs
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.7 | Clinical presentation | Briefly describe the clinical presentation of PNETs
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.9.1 | Workup | Briefly describe your workup for a PNET
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.9.2 | Staging | Briefly describe the AJCC staging system for PNETs
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.8 | Biological behaviour | Briefly describe the biological behaviour of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 1.6 | Pathology | Describe the macroscopic and microscopic pathologic appearance of panrceatic neuroendocrine tumou…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 2.1 | Management | Overview | Provide a brief overview of the management of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 2.2 | Management | Active surveillance | Briefly describe the role of active surveillance in the management of PNET…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 2.3 | Management | Surgery | Briefly describe the principles of surgery in the management of PNETs
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 2.4 | Management | Somatostatin analogs | Briefly describe the principles of somatostatin analogs in the management…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 2.5 | Management | Cytotoxic chemotherapy | Briefly describe the principles of cytotoxic chemotherapy analogs in th…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 2.6 | Management | Targeted agents | Briefly describe the principles of targeted in the management of PNETs
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 2.7 | Management | Radionucleide therapy | Briefly describe the principles of radionucleid therapy in the managemen…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | Pancreas | Endocrine | PNET | 2.8 | Management | Non-surgical local therapies to control tumour growth and symptoms of hormone secretion in the m…
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