Notes in 05 Pediatric Genitourinary Disorders

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Published 03/20/2024 Hypospadias is due to failure of {{c1::urethral folds}} to close
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Cryptorchidism}} is the failure of the testicle to descend into the scrotal sac
Published 03/20/2024 What is the most common congenital male reproductive abnormality?{{c1::Cryptorchidism}}
Published 03/20/2024 What is the effect of cryptorchidism on fertility? Why? {{c1::Decreased; spermatogenesis is impaired due to increased temperature of testis}}
Published 03/20/2024 Risk of cryptorchidism is increased if a baby is born {{c1::prematurely}}
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Orchitis}} is an inflammation of the {{c2::testicle}}
Published 03/20/2024 Common infectious causes of orchitis in young adults include {{c1::Chlamydia trachomatis (D-K)}} and {{c1::Neisseria gonorrhoeae}}
Published 03/20/2024 Common infectious causes of orchitis in older adults include {{c1::E. coli}} and {{c1::Pseudomonas}}
Published 03/20/2024 {{c2::Testicular torsion}} commonly presents in 12-18 year olds with sudden testicular pain, {{c3::high-riding}} testis, and absent {{c1::cremasteric …
Published 03/20/2024 Testicular tumors present as a firm, painless testicular mass that {{c1::cannot}} be transilluminated
Published 03/20/2024 Which two pathologies are associated with increased temperature of the testis?{{c1::Varicocele and cryptorchidism}}
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Urinary tract}} infection is an infection of the urethra, bladder, or kidney
Published 03/20/2024 One risk factor for UTI is {{c1::sexual}} activity
Published 03/20/2024 Cystitis typically presents with {{c1::dys}}-uria, urinary frequency, urgency, and {{c2::suprapubic}} pain
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Pyelonephritis}} is an infection of the {{c2::kidney}}
Published 03/20/2024 One risk factor for pyelonephritis is urinary tract {{c1::obstruction::not infection}}
Published 03/20/2024 In addition to ascending UTI (most common), acute pyelonephritis may be caused by {{c1::hematogenous}} spread to the kidney
Published 03/20/2024 One complication of acute pyelonephritis is perinephric {{c1::abscess}}
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Chronic pyelonephritis}} is the result of recurrent episodes of acute pyelonephritis
Published 03/20/2024 Chronic pyelonephritis is characterized by {{c1::interstitial}} fibrosis and atrophy of tubules
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Xanthogranulomatous}} pyelonephritis is characterized by widespread kidney damage due to granulomatous tissue containing {{c2::foamy macrophages…
Published 03/20/2024 Hydronephrosis is usually caused by urinary tract {{c1::obstruction}}
Published 03/20/2024 What is the male remnant of the müllerian (paramesonephric) duct? {{c1::Appendix testis}}+bonus
Published 03/20/2024 Orchitis due to mumps infection carries risk of {{c1::sterility}}, especially in teenagers
Published 03/20/2024 What microorganism is associated with acute epididymitis in older men (age > 35)?{{c1::E. coli}}
Published 03/20/2024 Which paramyxovirus can result in orchitis (unilaterally)?{{c1::Mumps}}
Published 03/20/2024 Urinary tract infection typically arises by bacteria {{c1::ascending}} into the bladder from the vaginal introitus
Published 03/20/2024 What microorganism is the most common cause of urinary tract infection (UTI)?{{c1::Escherichia coli}}
Published 03/20/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a young girl that presents with recurrent UTIs since birth with bilateral focal parenchymal scarring and blunted calyc…
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Paraphimosis}} refers to retraction and entrapment of the prepuce in an uncircumcised male
Published 03/20/2024 Patients with cryptorchidism typically have the testis remain in the abdomen or the {{c1::inguinal canal}}
Published 03/20/2024 Prehn's sign (relief of pain when lifting testes) is suggestive of {{c1::epididymitis::diagnosis}}
Published 03/20/2024 Doppler ultrasound and urinalysis are optional workups in the diagnosis of testicular {{c1::torsion}}
Published 03/20/2024 Does testicular torsion or acute epidiymitis present with fever/pyuria?{{c1::Acute epididymitis}}
Published 03/20/2024 The testicle {{c1::cannot::can/cannot}} be pulled down to the scrotum in cryptorchidism
Published 03/20/2024 Treatment of testicular torsion is {{c1::bilateral orchiopexy}}
Published 03/20/2024 Vesicoureteral Reflux = ↑ risk for {{c1::pyelonephritis/UTIs}}
Published 03/20/2024 What is the most common cause of urinary tract obstruction in newborn boys?{{c1::Posterior urethral valves}}
Published 03/20/2024 Pyelonephritis = fever {{c1::present::present/not present}}Cystitis = fever {{c1::not present::present/not present}}
Published 03/20/2024 In < 2 yo children with a febrile UTI, what is the next best step in evaluating for {{c2::anatomic abnormalities}}?{{c1::Renal and bladder US}}
Published 03/20/2024 What is the test of choice for definitive diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux?{{c1::Voiding cystourethrogram}}
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Epididymitis}} presents with unilateral testicular pain, dysuria, fever/chills, and a scrotal mass; and is caused by E. coli&nbsp…
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Testicular torsion::Epididymitis/Testicular torsion}} = acute onset (hours){{c1::Epididymitis::Epididymitis/Testicular torsion}} = slower onset …
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Testicular torsion}} = twisting of the {{c2::spermatic cord}} due to rotation of the testicle within the scrotum
Published 03/20/2024 Posterior urethral valves or vesicoureteral reflux = {{c1::voiding cystourethogram::diagnostic tool}}
Published 03/20/2024 Child with suspected renal abscess = {{c1::renal/bladder ultrasound::diagnostic imaging}}
Published 03/20/2024 Indications for a contrast voiding cysturethrogram (VCUG) in a child with a urinary tract infection is:1. Children with {{c1::>2}} episodes of febr…
Published 03/20/2024 Blue-dot sign is seen in {{c1::appendix testes torsion::diagnosis}}
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Testicular torsion::Epididymitis/Testicular torsion}} = pain worsens with testicular elevation{{c1::Epididymitis::Epididymitis/Testicular torsio…
Published 03/20/2024 Posterior testicular pain is suggestive of {{c1::epididymitis::diagnosis}}
Published 03/20/2024 What type of catheterization is recommended for patients with neurogenic bladder to reduce the risk of catheter-associated UTI?{{c1::Clean intermitten…
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Epididymitis::Testicular torsion/Epididymitis}} = testicular pain and discharge + UTI symptoms
Published 03/20/2024 When should cryptorchidism be surgically corrected with orchiopexy?{{c1::By 1 year}}
Published 03/20/2024 What renal pathology predisposes to recurrent UTIs, hypertension, and chronic pyelonephritis?{{c1::Vesicoureteral reflux}}
Published 03/20/2024 Newborn w/ hypospadias = {{c1::karyotype analysis::next best step in evaluation?}}
Published 03/20/2024 MCC of epididymitis in < 35 yo = {{c1::Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae}}MCC of epididymitis in > 35 yo = {{c1::Escherichia …
Published 03/20/2024 What should be suspected in a neonate with abdominal distension, poor urine output, and respiratory distress?{{c1::Posterior urethral valves}}
Published 03/20/2024 Neonatal circumcision significantly decreases risk of {{c1::urinary tract infections}} in the first year of life
Published 03/20/2024 Neonatal circumcision prevents pathologic {{c1::phimosis}} and moderately reduces risk of penile cancer
Published 03/20/2024 Neonatal circumcision reduces risk of acquiring some sexually transmitted infections, such as {{c1::HPV}} and {{c1::HIV}}
Published 03/20/2024 Cryptorchidism increases the risk of {{c1::testicular}} cancer **bonus: what is the most common type?
Published 03/20/2024 Hypospadias may present with {{c1::post-renal AKI}} and {{c1::hydronephrosis}} at birth due to urinary outlet obstruction 
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG)}} is the urinary imaging study you would order to evaluate for {{c2::vesicoureteral reflux}}Hint: this one's a…
Published 03/20/2024 Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) involves taking XR's of urinary system while pt {{c1::urinates}}
Published 03/20/2024 In CT urogram, contrast is injected into {{c1::veins}} via {{c1::a needle}}
Published 03/20/2024 A UTI in the urethra ({{c1::urethritis}}) or the bladder ({{c1::cystitis}}) that goes untreated could ascend the urinary tract and infect the renal pe…
Published 03/20/2024 Pyelonephritis will appear {{c1::normal::color}}, with posterior acoustic {{c1::normalcy}} on US
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::CT urogram (w contrast)}} is the first-line imaging study to evaluate for pyelonephritis
Published 03/20/2024 The wedge-like area of reduced enhancement in the left kidney is c/w {{c1::pyelonephritis}}
Published 03/20/2024 Undescended testicles are called {{c1::cryptorchidism::medical term}}
Published 03/20/2024 In cryptorchidism, the testes are at body temperature, which inhibits production of {{c1::sperm}} but not {{c1::testosterone}}
Published 03/20/2024 If urine sample is positive for WBC casts and patient has symptoms of UTI, they must have {{c1::pyelonephritis}} specifically
Published 03/20/2024 Which type of UTI can sometimes present without dysuria?{{c1::Pyelonephritis}}
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Neurogenic bladder}} describes functional obstruction of the bladder without anatomic abnormality
Published 03/20/2024 Vesicoureteral reflux should be suspected in a child with frequent {{c1::UTI}} or {{c1::nocturnal enuresis}}
Published 03/20/2024 Technically, to diagnose UTI, you need {{c1::urinary symptoms}}, {{c1::WBCs}}, and {{c1::bacteria}}
Published 03/20/2024 During the first 3 months of life, UTIs are more common in {{c1::boys::gender}}
Published 03/20/2024 Circumcision {{c1::decreases}} risk of UTI
Published 03/20/2024 Patient with kidney stone and UTI can be managed outpatient only if they do not have:{{c3::fever}}{{c1::N/V::sx}} or {{c1::flank pain::sx}}elevated {{…
Published 03/20/2024 Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis occurs when there is pyelonephritis due to {{c1::chronic}} obstruction by a(n) {{c1::stone}}
Published 03/20/2024 This kidney sample shows {{c1::xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP)}}
Published 03/20/2024 Because xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a chronic process, it often presents on renal scan as unilaterally {{c1::decreased}} kidney fu…
Published 03/20/2024 In the hospital, paraphimosis happens when people {{c1::retract::re-}} the foreskin prior to Foley insertion but forget to {{c1::reduce::re-…
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Paraphimosis::Para/phimosis}} needs to be addressed urgently
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Phimosis::Para/phimosis}}, if not addressed, can lead to penile inflammation and eventually {{c2::cancer}}
Published 03/20/2024 Red, swollen, and painful scrotum is called {{c1::acute scrotum}}
Published 03/20/2024 The most serious item on the differential diagnosis for acute scrotum is {{c1::testicular torsion}}
Published 03/20/2024 Ultrasound of testicular torsion will show {{c1::absent flow on Doppler}}
Published 03/20/2024 The cremasteric reflex test for testicular torsion can yield false {{c1::positives}}
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Extra}}-vaginal testicular torsion only happens in the perinatal period
Published 03/20/2024 {{c1::Intra}}-vaginal testicular torsion happens in males age 8-30, and sometimes in the perinatal period, too
Published 03/20/2024 The appendix {{c1::epididymis}} arises from the mesonephric duct
Published 03/20/2024 Torsion of appendix testis/appendix epididmyis presents with {{c1::less::more/less}} severe pain and more {{c1::gradual::acute/gradual}} ons…
Published 03/20/2024 What is the management of a patient with appendix testes torsion?{{c1::Supportive (analgesics, NSAIDs, scrotal support)}}
Published 03/20/2024 A common, non-infectious cause of epididymitis in children is {{c1::urine reflux into ejaculatory duct}}
Published 03/20/2024 What is the management of a patient with non-infectious epididymitis?{{c1::Supportive (analgesics, NSAIDs, scrotal elevation, rest)}}
Published 03/20/2024 In infants and young children, {{c1::fever}} and irritability are sometimes the only symptoms of a urinary tract infection
Published 03/20/2024 Urine sample from a bagged specimen is likely to have a high false {{c1::positive}} rate for UTI
Published 03/20/2024 Renal and bladder ultrasound is indicated as workup for {{c1::first febrile}} UTI or {{c1::recurrent}} UTI in children
Published 03/20/2024 What imaging test detects renal cortical inflammation and scarring?{{c1::Nuclear Renography using DMSA}}
Published 03/20/2024 This Mag3 scan shows obstruction of the {{c1::left}} kidney
Published 03/20/2024 UPJ obstruction should be corrected if there is {{c1::infection}}, {{c2::pain}}, or decreased {{c3::kidney function}}
Published 03/20/2024 The treatment for UPJ obstruction is {{c1::pyeloplasty}}
Published 03/20/2024 This bladder ultrasound shows {{c1::key hole sign::radiologic feature}}, which is suggestive of {{c1::posterior urethral valves::condition}}
Published 03/20/2024 The antenatal treatment for posterior urethral valves is {{c1::vesicoamniotic shunt}}
Published 03/20/2024 The postnatal treatment for posterior urethral valves is catheter drainage, followed by {{c1::cystoscopic valve incision}} if pati…
Published 03/20/2024 In patients with posterior urethral valves, the bladder compliance is initially {{c1::low}} but eventually becomes {{c1::high}}
Published 03/20/2024 Vesicoureteral reflux can be secondary, as a result of impaired {{c1::bladder emptying}}
Published 03/20/2024 What is the pharmacological management for severe vesicoureteral reflux?{{c1::Prophylactic antibiotics}}
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