Notes in Osmosis

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Published 10/11/2024 Lung compliance {{c1::increases::increases/decreases}} in emphysema.
Published 10/11/2024 Lung recoil {{c1::decreases::increases/decreases}} in emphysema.
Published 10/11/2024 Emphysema patients often described as having a {{c1::barrel shaped}} chest.
Published 10/11/2024 Panacinar emphysema seen in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is most severe in the {{c1::lower::upper/lower/middle}} lobes of the lungs.
Published 10/11/2024 A combination of beta 2 agonist and {{c1::anticholinergic}} inhalers are the mainstay of therapy for emphysema.
Published 10/11/2024 The {{c1::PiZZ}} genotype puts patients at exceptional risk to develop panacinar emphysema.
Published 10/11/2024 On a posteroanterior and lateral chest X-ray, a person with emphysema may show an increased {{c1::anteroposterior}} diameter, increased retrosternal a…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Centriacinar}} emphysema is associated with smoking.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Centriacinar}} emphysema is most severe at the apex of the lung.
Published 10/11/2024 Emphysema is a type of {{c1::chronic obstructive}} pulmonary disease that involves destruction of alveolar air sacs due to an imbalance between protea…
Published 10/11/2024 The most effective therapy for most patients with emphysema is {{c1::smoking cessation}}.
Published 10/11/2024 Patients with emphysema, a component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, are sometimes referred to as "{{c1::pink puffers}}."
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Panacinar}} emphysema is associated with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency.
Published 10/11/2024 Due to alveolar capillary interface damage, lung diffusion capacity {{c1::decreases::increases/decreases}} in patients with emphysema.
Published 10/11/2024 Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is associated with {{c1::hepatocellular carcinoma}} as its oncological manifestation.
Published 10/11/2024 Emphysema caused by alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency affects the (upper/lower) {{c1::lower}} lobes of the lung.
Published 10/11/2024 Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is associated with an autosomal (recessive/codominant) {{c1::codominant}} genetic inheritance.
Published 10/11/2024 Under normal circumstances, alpha-1-antitrypsin inhibits the activity of the enzyme {{c1::elastase}} in the lung.
Published 10/11/2024 Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency can cause {{c1::panacinar}} emphysema.
Published 10/11/2024 Hepatocytes stain {{c1::periodic acid-Schiff}} stain positive in patients with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency.
Published 10/11/2024 Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency is a genetic disorder where misfolded gene product protein aggregates accumulate in the hepatocellular {{c1::endoplasmi…
Published 10/11/2024 The management of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is aimed at preventing or slowing the progression of lung and liver disease, which includes never sta…
Published 10/11/2024 The diagnostic histological marker for chronic bronchitis is a {{c1::Reid}} index greater than 0.5, which measures mucosal gland proliferation by comp…
Published 10/11/2024 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with chronic bronchitis are typically termed as "{{c1::blue bloaters}}."
Published 10/11/2024 Chronic bronchitis is defined as a condition that yields a chronic productive cough lasting at {{c1::least three months}} over a minimum of two years.
Published 10/11/2024 A Reid index above {{c1::50}} percent is a diagnostic criterion for chronic bronchitis.
Published 10/11/2024 Chronic bronchitis is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that is characterized by {{c1::hyperplasia}} of mucous secreting glands at the l…
Published 10/11/2024 Chronic bronchitis can result in {{c1::cyanosis}} due to early onset hypoxemia resultant of shunting in the lungs.
Published 10/11/2024 Symptoms of bronchitis include coughing up mucus, wheezing, {{c1::dyspnea::breathing issue}}, and chest discomfort.
Published 10/11/2024 Symptoms of bronchitis include {{c1::productive::non-productive/productive}} cough, wheezing, dyspnea, and chest discomfort.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Bronchitis}} is inflammation of the bronchi (large and medium-sized airways) of the lungs.
Published 10/11/2024 The chronic hypoxemic {{c1::vasoconstriction::vasodilation/vasoconstriction}} from chronic bronchitis can lead to cor pulmonale.
Published 10/11/2024 Bronchitis, particularly the chronic form, can lead to {{c1::hypercapnia::hypocapnia/hypercapnia}}
Published 10/11/2024 In patients with chronic cough in chronic bronchitis, a combination inhaled corticosteroid and l{{c1::ong-acting beta-agonist}} may be used.
Published 10/11/2024 Due to chronic hypoxemia, patients with chronic bronchitis can have {{c1::polycythemia}}, a hematological compensation.
Published 10/11/2024 Chronic bronchitis can lead to {{c1::pulmonary hypertension}} which eventually can lead to cor pulmonale.
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