Notes in Breastfeeding

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Published 10/08/2024 Name 3 benefits of breastfeeding to the infant:{{c1::Nutritionally complete meal and the composition changes over time in accordance to baby's require…
Published 10/08/2024 What are 3 benefits of breastfeeding for the mother {{c1::Facilitates maternal-infant bonding}}{{c1::Reduces risk of breast & ovarian ca…
Published 10/08/2024 The WHO recommends exclusively breastfeeding babies until {{c1::6 months}} of age. 
Published 10/08/2024 Lactation•Alveoli are lined with {{c1::lactocytes}} which produce milk: the milk is released into the {{c1::alveolus}}Alveoli are surrounded by smooth…
Published 10/08/2024 What are the 3 inhibitors of lactogenesis?{{c1::ProgesteroneOestrogenHuman placental lactogen}}
Published 10/08/2024 How does progesterone inhibit lactogenesis?Influences the {{c1::growth and size of alveoli and lobes}}Inhibits lactation during {{c1::pregnancy}}&nbsp…
Published 10/08/2024 How does oestrogen inhibit lactation?Stimulates the {{c1::development of the ductal system}}High levels inhibit {{c1::lactation during pregnancy}}
Published 10/08/2024 How does Human Placental Lactogen inhibit lactation?Inhibits {{c1::milk production}}Prolactin-like effect on {{c1::the growth in the breast}}
Published 10/08/2024 How does prolactin stimulate lactogenesis?{{c1::Growh and differentiation of alveoli}} during pregnancyStimulates {{c1::mammary gland to produce milk …
Published 10/08/2024 How does Oxytocin stimulate lactogenesis?Promotes {{c1::smooth muscle contraction adn elt down of milk into the ducts}}
Published 10/08/2024 What are the 2 stimulators of lactogenesis?{{c1::Oxytocin & Prolactin}}
Published 10/08/2024 Colostrum is secreted in the first {{c1::48-72}} hours. This is high in {{c1::protein and immunoglobulins}}Mature milk transitions from {{c1::72}}h af…
Published 10/08/2024 What are 3 reasons lactation may be delayed?{{c1::Cesarean sectionInhibitors of prolactin production e.g. PPH, retained placentaMaternal Risk Factors:…
Published 10/08/2024 {{c1::Urine}}, {{c1::Stool}} and {{c1::Weight}} are assessed to see if the baby is receiving enough milk 
Published 10/08/2024 Assessment of breast milk intake: Urine {{c1::1 wet nappy in first 24h2 wet nappies on day 23 wet nappies on day 34 wetnappies on day 4>6…
Published 10/08/2024 Assessment of breast milk intake: Stool All babies should pass meconium in the 1st 24 hoursDay3-5 : {{c1::transitional stool}}End of first week: …
Published 10/08/2024 Assessment of breast milk intake: Weight •All infants lose weight after delivery •Up to {{c1::10}}% is normal •If more than this = needs assessme…
Published 10/08/2024 What are 3 common problems associated with breastfeeding? For either mum or baby{{c1::Nipple pain or cracked nipplesMastitis: treatment includes analg…
Published 10/08/2024 What are 3 contraindications for breastfeeding?{{c1::Maternal HIV infectionGalacosemiaMother receiving chemo}}
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