Notes in Case 1: Pituitary Adenoma

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Published 02/14/2024 Conditions with excess growth hormone may be treated with {{c1::somatostatin}} analogues such as {{c1::octreotide}}, which inhibit growth hormone secr…
Published 02/14/2024 The major symptoms of prolactin excess in women are {{c1::galactorrhea}} and {{c2::infertility}}
Published 02/14/2024 Is libido increased or decreased in patients with excess prolactin?{{c1::Decreased}}
Published 02/14/2024 How can prolactin excess be treated? {{c1::Dopamine agonists (cabergoline > bromocriptine)}}
Published 02/14/2024 {{c2::Dexamethasone}} is a synthetic {{c1::glucocorticoid}} that mimics the actions of cortisol, including suppression of ACTH
Published 02/14/2024 What is the result of the dexamethasone suppression test in a normal patient?{{c1::Low-dose dexamethasone inhibits ACTH secretion and consequently cor…
Published 02/14/2024 What is the result of a dexamethasone suppression test if the cause of hypercortisolism is an ACTH-secreting tumor of the anterior pituitary?{{c1::LOW…
Published 02/14/2024 What is the result of a dexamethasone suppression test if the cause of hypercortisolism is an adrenal cortical tumor?{{c1::Neither low nor high dose d…
Published 02/14/2024 {{c1::Cushing}} syndrome is the result of chronic excess glucocorticoids by: 1. Adrenal gland hyperplasia 2. {{c2::Pharmacologic doses of glucocortic…
Published 02/23/2024 Cushing {{c1::disease}} is the result of chronic excess glucocorticoids caused by {{c2::hypersecretion of ACTH from a pituitary adenoma}}
Published 02/14/2024 What is the treatment for Cushing disease?{{c1::Removal of the ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma}}
Published 02/14/2024 Pituitary adenomas may be {{c1::functional}} (hormone producing) or {{c1::nonfunctional}} (silent)
Published 02/14/2024 Pituitary adenoma may present with {{c1::hypopituitarism}} due to compression of normal pituitary tissue
Published 02/14/2024 A non-specific symptom of pituitary adenoma is {{c1::headache}} (due to mass effect)
Published 02/14/2024 In females, prolactinoma presents as {{c1::galactorrhea}} and {{c2::amenorrhea}}
Published 02/14/2024 In males, prolactinoma presents as headache, decreased {{c1::libido}}, and infertility
Published 02/14/2024 Prolactinoma may be treated with a(n) {{c1::dopamine}} agonist, such as {{c2::cabergoline (preferred)}} or {{c2::bromocriptine}}
Published 02/14/2024 Growth hormone cell adenoma presents as {{c1::gigantism}} in {{c2::children}}
Published 02/14/2024 Growth hormone cell adenoma presents as {{c1::acromegaly}} in {{c2::adults}}
Published 02/14/2024 Growth hormone cell adenoma may be diagnosed by lack of GH {{c1::suppression}} by oral glucose
Published 02/14/2024 One possible treatment for a growth hormone adenoma is a(n) {{c1::somatostatin}} analog, such as {{c1::octreotide}}
Published 02/14/2024 One possible treatment for a growth hormone adenoma is a(n) {{c1::GH receptor antagonist}}, such as {{c2::pegvisomant}}
Published 02/14/2024 {{c1::Hypopituitarism}} is the insufficient production of hormones by the anterior pituitary gland
Published 02/14/2024 The most common cause of hypopituitarism in adults is {{c1::pituitary adenoma}} (due to mass effect)
Published 02/14/2024 What is the treatment for hypopituitarism?{{c1::Hormone replacement therapy}}
Published 02/14/2024 Cushing disease refers specifically to a(n) {{c1::ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma}}
Published 02/14/2024 {{c1::Octreotide (somatostatin analog)}} may be used to treat acromegaly and gigantism if symptoms persist after {{c2::transsphenoidal resection::trea…
Published 02/14/2024 {{c1::Cabergoline}} and {{c1::bromocriptine}} are {{c2::D2}} receptor {{c3::agonists}}, which may be used to treat acromegaly by inhibiting secretion …
Published 02/14/2024 What is the preferred initial test for evaluating patients with suspected acromegaly? {{c1::IGF-1 level}}
Published 02/14/2024 What is the next step in a patient with suspected acromegaly that is found to have elevated IGF-1 levels? {{c1::Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)}}
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