Notes in 07 Vaccine Hesitancy

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Published 06/23/2024 1eeb8f8655964fb693e3bf8b7d83c509-oa-1
Published 06/23/2024 dbda3827d7354828b2434f4f204d801d-oa-1
Published 06/23/2024 3c39d76de8e1489c9d63acf8553cddc1-oa-1
Published 06/23/2024 c2525a4f3d9e48f4a3cddcba6bcc2edb-oa-1
Published 06/13/2024 Today, we vaccinate against {{c1::more}} diseases and have {{c1::lower}} antigenic exposure
Published 06/13/2024 Some people are hesitant on getting vaccines because of {{c1::poor trust of the medical system}}, possibly due to things like the Tuskegee study
Published 06/13/2024 Some people don't get vaccines because they are scared of {{c1::needles}}, hospitals, and blood
Published 06/13/2024 8168c5899c0f46e9a90fbf866347b82a-oa-1
Published 06/13/2024 8168c5899c0f46e9a90fbf866347b82a-oa-2
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Conspiracy theories}} are highly correlated with anti-vaccination sentiments
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Social media}} has also been shown to drive anti-vaccination sentiment in recent years
Published 06/13/2024 In terms of vaccines, if you give patients too much {{c1::choice/shared decision making}}, that might be a bad thing because they might refuse ge…
Published 06/13/2024 2d3a61534d164ee796b9cecbaf04c05c-oa-1
Published 06/13/2024 b9b8a5986dfb4c1a96690d48e07dbf57-oa-1
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::vaccine hesitancy}} is a delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::False::T or F?}} - MMR vaccine causes autism
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::False::T or F?}} - thimerosal is harmful
Published 06/23/2024 Institute of Medicine reviewed the body of literature and found that the evidence favors {{c1::rejection of causal relationship}} between thimerosal-c…
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::False::T or F?}} - we give too many vaccines too soon
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::True::T or F?}} - vaccines are not linked to diabetes, allergies and asthma, SIDS, multiple sclerosis
Published 06/23/2024 Vaccine Components{{c1::antibiotics}} prevent vaccine contaminationgelatin acts as a stabilizing agent{{c1::aluminium}} is an adjuvant which stimulate…
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::True::T or F?}} - COVID is not just a disease of the elderly
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::True::T or F?}} - COVID-19 is dangerous for children
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::False::T or F?}} - mRNA vaccines cause infertility
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::False::T or F?}} - mRNA vaccines were developed too quickly
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::False::T or F?}} - COVID-19 vaccine immunity does not last
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::True::T or F?}} - COVID-19 vaccines are safe
Published 06/23/2024 Understanding Riskif you are technologically sophisticated, you can make a risk {{c1::assessment}}if you are a lay person, you will rely on risk {{c1:…
Published 06/23/2024 Use {{c1::presumptive}} dialogue for all vaccines esp. more frequently refused (except HPV and flu vaccines)
Published 06/23/2024 CASE Method C{{c1::orroborate}}A{{c2::bout Me}}S{{c1::cience}}E{{c2::xplain/Advise}}(presumptive dialogue and active listening)
Published 06/23/2024 in cases of vaccine hesitancy, it is {{c1::ethical::ethical or unethical}} to persuade families and parents
Published 06/23/2024 American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations for Vaccine Hesitancy maintain relationships with vaccine-concerned families when possiblelistenin…
Published 06/23/2024 Answer is {{c1::E. none of the above}}
Published 06/23/2024 Answer is {{c1::B. False}}
Published 06/23/2024 When is the first DTaP vaccine usually given?{{c1::~2 months of age}}
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