Notes in 11 Anatomy: fetal development

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Published 09/14/2024 Compare and Contrast gestational age vs embryonic age.
Published 09/14/2024 what are some methods for clinically estimating gestational age?
Published 09/14/2024 State pregancy trimesters and there week marks.
Published 09/14/2024 State development periods and their associated weeks. (different from trimester week marks)
Published 09/14/2024 For gestational weeks 4-8, what trimester are we in, what stuctures form, what are the noticeable features?
Published 09/14/2024 For the gestational weeks 9-12, what trimester are we in, what structures are forming, do any structures function differently?
Published 09/14/2024 For weeks 14-16 gestational age, what trimester, what structures, what functions of structures and what noticeable features are present?
Published 09/14/2024 For weeks 17-20 gestational age, what trimester, what structures, what functions of structures and what noticeable features are present?
Published 09/14/2024 For weeks 21-24 gestational age, what trimester, what structures, what functions of structures and what noticeable features are present?
Published 09/14/2024 For weeks 25-28  gestational age, what trimester, what structures, what functions of structures and what noticeable features are present?
Published 09/14/2024 For weeks 29-32 gestational age, what trimester, what structures, what functions of structures and what noticeable features are present?
Published 09/14/2024 For weeks 33-36 gestational age, what trimester, what structures, what functions of structures and what noticeable features are present?
Published 09/14/2024 For weeks 37-40 gestational age, what trimester, what structures, what functions of structures and what noticeable features are present?
Published 09/14/2024 For weeks 41+ gestational age, what trimester, what structures, what functions of structures and what noticeable features are present?
Published 09/14/2024 Pre-Term Testing First trimester: {{c1::Chorionic villus}} sampling Diagnosis {{c4::number of chromosomes}} Preformed between {{c1::10…
Published 09/14/2024 Pregnancy testing Second trimester: {{c1::Quad}} screen: A maternal blood test screening that looks for AFP, hCG, estriol and inhibin-A AFP:…
Published 09/14/2024 Other pregancy testing {{c1::Fetoscopy}}: insertion of scope into uterus to try and operate on baby {{c2::Percutaneous}} umbilical blood sam…
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