Notes in 06 Vaccine Preventable Illness

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Published 06/13/2024 Which type of vaccine induces a strong, often lifelong immunity? {{c1::Live attenuated vaccines}}
Published 06/13/2024 Live attenuated vaccines are often contraindicated in {{c1::pregnancy}} and {{c2::immunodeficiency}}
Published 06/13/2024 Which type of vaccine is a pathogen that has been inactivated by heat or chemicals? {{c1::Inactivated/killed vaccine}}
Published 06/13/2024 Most vaccines work well to prevent {{c1::severe disease}}Some work to prevent {{c1::infection completely}}
Published 06/13/2024 If you have a CD4+ count < {{c1::200}} cells/mm^3, you should not get a live, attenuated vaccine
Published 06/13/2024 The {{c1::CDC}} has a vaccine schedule app to use to look up when to give vaccines to children
Published 06/13/2024 5a6dc9427b26488fbc587fe9f468b4a7-oa-1
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::DTaP}} vaccine has a higher dose of diphtheria and pertussis vaccine antigens, and this is recommended for {{c2::infants::infants or adults}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Tetanus}} works by making a toxin that inhibits inhibitory neurotransmitters like GABA and glycine which then causes chronic spasms, risus sardo…
Published 06/13/2024 If someone has tetanus, you treat them by giving {{c1::tetanus Igs}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Cocooning}} is when you vaccinate a pregnant patient so that they can pass antibodies to the fetus (usually to protect against bordetella pertus…
Published 06/13/2024 Diagnose bordetella pertussis with {{c1::nasopharyngeal PCR}}
Published 06/13/2024 Post-exposure prophylaxis for bordetella pertussis can be done with {{c1::macrolide}} antibiotics for close contacts
Published 06/13/2024 If you are asplenic, you need to get vaccines against {{c1::Streptococcus pneumoniae}}, {{c1::H. influenzae}}, {{c1::N. meningitidis}}
Published 06/13/2024 What's the causative organism in this patient who has no recent sexual activity, fevers, orchitis, and did not complete his series of childhood immuni…
Published 06/13/2024 What's the causative organism of this painful vesicular rash in a 45 y/o patient that's HIV+ with a CD4+ count of 300 cells/mm^3, {{c1::Shingles …
Published 06/13/2024 Why do kids not get chicken pox anymore?{{c1::There is a vaccine against it}}
Published 06/13/2024 If a patient is 50+ years old and had chicken pox as a kid, how can they prevent against shingles?{{c1::Get the shingles vaccine}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Influenza}}, {{c1::Tdap}}, {{c1::COVID}}, and {{c1::RSV}} vaccines are recommended in pregnancy
Published 06/13/2024 RSV is part of the {{c1::paramyxovirus}} family
Published 06/13/2024 RSV is {{c1::single}} stranded {{c1::R}}NA virus
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::RSV}} is the main cause of bronchiolitis in infants and children
Published 06/13/2024 There are {{c1::2}} RSV vaccines
Published 06/23/2024 What bacteria causes lymphocytosis via production of lymphocytosis-promoting factor? {{c1::Bordetella pertussis}}
Published 06/23/2024 The vaccines for {{c1::HBV and HPV::which two viruses}} are {{c2::recombinant (subunit)}} vaccines
Published 06/23/2024 What type of vaccine is used for Clostridium tetani?{{c1::Toxoid}}
Published 06/23/2024 What type of vaccine is used for Corynebacterium diphtheriae?{{c1::Toxoid}}
Published 06/23/2024 What is the oxygen dependency of Bordetella pertussis?{{c1::Obligate aerobe}}
Published 06/23/2024 Bordetella pertussis is an aerobic gram-{{c1::negative}} {{c2::coccobacillus}}
Published 06/23/2024 What pilus proteins allow Bordetella pertussis to attach to the respiratory epithelium?{{c1::Filamentous hemagglutinin}}
Published 06/23/2024 Which bacteria produces a toxin that ADP-ribosylates and disables Gi receptors?{{c1::Bordetella pertussis (Pertussis toxin)}}
Published 06/23/2024 Pertussis toxin ribosylates Gi, {{c1::inhibiting::activating or inhibiting}} the G-protein receptor
Published 06/23/2024 Inhibition of Gi via the pertussis toxin results in {{c1::increased}} levels of {{c2::cAMP}}
Published 06/23/2024 Inhibition of Gi via the pertussis toxin inhibits {{c2::chemokine}} receptors on {{c1::lymphocytes}}
Published 06/23/2024 Which bacteria releases a toxin which inhibits chemokine receptors on lymphocytes, ultimately resulting in lymphocytosis?{{c1::Bordetella pertussis}}
Published 06/23/2024 Which toxin of Bordetella pertussis is an ADP-ribosylating toxin?{{c1::Pertussis toxin}}
Published 06/23/2024 Which toxin of Bordetella pertussis mimics the activity of adenylate cyclase?{{c1::Adenylate cyclase toxin}}
Published 06/23/2024 Which toxin of Bordetella pertussis inhibits DNA synthesis in ciliated epithelial cells?{{c1::Tracheal toxin}}
Published 06/23/2024 What are the three stages of Bordetella pertussis infection?{{c1::Catarrhal::1 - 2 weeks}}{{c1::Paroxysmal::2 weeks - 2 months}}{{c1::Convalescent::3 …
Published 06/23/2024 Which stage of Bordetella pertussis infection is characterized by non-specific fever and conjunctival injection?{{c1::Catarrhal}}
Published 06/23/2024 Which stage of Bordetella pertussis infection is characterized by whooping cough and post-tussive vomiting (infants) or post-tussive syncope (older pa…
Published 06/23/2024 Which stage of Bordetella pertussis infection is characterized by gradual recovery?{{c1::Convalescent}}
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::Pertussis (whooping cough)}} caused by Bordetella pertussis involves a cough on expiration and a "whoop" on inspiration
Published 06/23/2024 Bordetella pertussis should be treated early with {{c1::macrolides (azithromycin)}}
Published 06/23/2024 What is the route of transmission of Bordetella pertussis?{{c1::Respiratory droplets}}
Published 06/23/2024 What type of vaccine is used for Bordetella pertussis in infants and children?{{c1::Acellular (DTaP)}}
Published 06/23/2024 What is the booster for Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis called?{{c1::Tdap}}
Published 06/23/2024 Bordetella pertussis can be cultured on {{c1::Regan-Lowe}} or {{c2::Bordet-Gengou (potato)}} agar
Published 06/23/2024 What type of vaccine is the hepatitis A virus vaccine?{{c1::Inactivated/killed}}
Published 06/23/2024 Which poliovirus vaccine is live attenuated?{{c1::Sabin}}
Published 06/23/2024 What vaccine is available for rubella?{{c1::MMR (live attenuated)}}
Published 06/23/2024 When should the first rotavirus vaccination be given?{{c1::Within the first 3 months of birth}}
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::Inactive/killed}} vaccines can be remembered with the mnemonic "A TRIP could Kill you"{{c1::Hepatitis A::A}}{{c1::Salmonella Typhi (Typhoid feve…
Published 06/23/2024 Inactive/killed vaccines can be remembered with the mnemonic {{c1::A TRIP could Kill you}}
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