Notes in 5 Water Balance

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Published 10/09/2024 Our Na+ concentration is almost always determined by the amount of {{c1::water::water vs Na+}}
Published 10/09/2024 Free Water referes to water {{c1::movement}}
Published 10/09/2024 Urine Water Excretion = {{c1::}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Hypo}}Tonic is Uosm {{c1::<}} Posm
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Osmoreceptors}} are located in the {{c2::HypoThalamus}} and release {{c2::ADH}} when water osm is high
Published 10/09/2024 It is very important to drink water as soon as you feel {{c1::thirsty}}
Published 10/09/2024 What is the driving force in water reabsorption?{{c1::HyperOsmallar Medulla}}
Published 10/09/2024 ADH binds {{c1::V2}} receptor on {{c1::Principal}} Cells of Collecting Duct⇒ causes insertion of Aquaporin (AQP{{c1::2}}) channels*{{c1::V2}} receptor…
Published 10/09/2024 Aquaporin channels AQP{{c1::3}} and AQP{{c1::4}} are located on the {{c2::Basolater (capillary/blood)}} side that are ALWAYS {{c1::open}}
Published 10/09/2024 finish AQP1 and AQP2 that are NOT in collecting duct {{c1::}}
Published 10/09/2024 The {{c2::Thick Ascending Limb}} does reabsorption of NaCl {{c1::without::w/ or w/o}} water
Published 10/09/2024 Urea enters Medullary Interstitium at the {{c1::Medullary Collecting Duct}} through Passive Diffusion
Published 10/09/2024 Inhibiting Na/K/2Cl- exchange @thick ascedning limb will {{c1::decrease}} water reabsorb bc you {{c1::lose}} medulary osmolar gradient
Published 10/09/2024 The {{c1::Vasa Recta}} are made to run fluid current in the {{c2::opposite}} direction of tubular flow
Published 10/09/2024 ADH SECRETION IS REGULATED BY:By {{c1::plasma osmolality}} and {{c1::arterial volume}}
Published 10/09/2024 Inc Arterial Volume is detected by {{c1::arterial stretch receptors}} causing inc ADH
Published 10/09/2024 What is primary regulator of ADH, Plasma Osm or Arterial Volume?{{c1::Plasma Osm}}
Published 10/09/2024 Arterial Volume supercedes Plasma Osm as ADH regulator only when Volume changes >{{c1::15}}%
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Diabetes Insipidous (DI)}} ⇒ not able to {{c1::concentrate urine}} due to⇒ {{c1::Central}} cause → {{c3::ADH not produced}}⇒ {{c1::Nephrogenic}}…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::(SIADH) Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH}} ⇒ really {{c2::high}} release of {{c2::ADH}} not due to normal causes **For Diagnositics → Urine {{…
Published 10/09/2024 Cirrhosis can cause severe arterial vaso{{c1::Dilation}} due to {{c1::Portal HTN}} → dec {{c2::filling}} and activate {{c2::Na+ water retention}} mech…
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