Notes in ECO lecture 1

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Status Last Update Fields
Published 02/03/2025 Eco=______?
Published 02/03/2025 What are some examples of abiotic factors?
Published 02/03/2025 How can a biotic element affect the abiotic enviornment?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a keystone species?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the basic unit in ecology?
Published 02/03/2025 What do individual organisms sense and repsond to?
Published 02/03/2025 What do individuals do to the populations and communities?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a population?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a community?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the difference between community and ecosystem?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a landscape?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the biosphere?
Published 02/03/2025 What is ecology?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the biophilia hypothesis?
Published 02/03/2025 What is an ecosystem?
Published 02/03/2025 What are the 2 things that the ecosystem consists of?
Published 02/03/2025 What is biotic?
Published 02/03/2025 How can organisms modify the abiotic factors of a enviornment?==>tree example
Published 02/03/2025 How do populations function in a ecosystem?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a biome?
Published 02/03/2025 What must a observation be?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the second step of the scientific method?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a hypothesis?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a theory?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a statistical population?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a sample?
Published 02/03/2025 What does the sample provide?
Published 02/03/2025 What is categorical data?
Published 02/03/2025 What is nomial data?
Published 02/03/2025 What is ordinal data?
Published 02/03/2025 What is binary data?
Published 02/03/2025 What is numerical data?
Published 02/03/2025 What is discrete data?
Published 02/03/2025 What is continuous data?
Published 02/03/2025 What is frequency distribution?
Published 02/03/2025 What are the steps to working with ecological data?
Published 02/03/2025 What are summary statistics?
Published 02/03/2025 What is standard deviation?
Published 02/03/2025 What are outliers and what can they impact?
Published 02/03/2025 What do we do with outliers?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a Gaussian distribution?
Published 02/03/2025 What are parametric statistics used for? What are examples of parametric tests?
Published 02/03/2025 What are the assumptions needed for parametric statistical tests?
Published 02/03/2025 How do we deal with assumption violations?
Published 02/03/2025 What are scatterplots?
Published 02/03/2025 What are the three simple patterns of scatterplots?
Published 02/03/2025 What are the two types of linear models?
Published 02/03/2025 What are the characteristics of a correlation linear model?
Published 02/03/2025 What are the characteristics of a regression linear model?
Published 02/03/2025 What is R? What are its characteristics?
Published 02/03/2025 What is r2 and its characteristics?
Published 02/03/2025 What does a higher r2 value mean?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a t-test?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a t-value?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the p-value?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the alpha value?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a Type I error?
Published 02/03/2025 what is the ecological hierachy?
Published 02/03/2025 Lab vs field experiment
Published 02/03/2025 Experiment vs study?
Published 02/03/2025 what is a histogram?
Published 02/03/2025 What aspect of the physical enviornment most influnces a particular ecosystem?
Published 02/03/2025 What is weather?
Published 02/03/2025 What is climate?
Published 02/03/2025 What is albedo? What is it expressed as?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a high albedo?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a low albedo?
Published 02/03/2025 What is net radiation?
Published 02/03/2025 What happens if the amount of incoming shortwave radiation exceeds the amount of outgoing longwave radiation?
Published 02/03/2025 WHat happens to surface temperature if the quantity of outgoing longwave radiaiton exceeds incoming shortwave radiation?
Published 02/03/2025 What should ideally be the balance of radiation?
Published 02/03/2025 Why do we experience seasons?
Published 02/03/2025 Do all areas of the earth experience seasons?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the postion of the sun during the vernal equinox(march 21) and autumnal equinox(sep. 22)
Published 02/03/2025 Where is the sun during the summer solstice(jun 22)
Published 02/03/2025 What happens during the winter solstice (dec. 22)
Published 02/03/2025 What is the difference between climate and weather?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a dependent variable?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a independent variable?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a predictor variable?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a response variable?
Published 02/03/2025 What is the broad global trend in biodiversity?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a parameter?
Published 02/03/2025 What explains why there is mores species diversity at the equator?
Published 02/03/2025 What is a statistic?
Published 02/03/2025 What drives geographic variation in climate and weather patterns?
Published 02/03/2025 What is PAR?
Published 02/03/2025 What do shorter wavelengths produce?
Published 02/03/2025 What do longer wavelengths produce?
Published 01/22/2025 Why do we have seasons?
Published 01/22/2025 What is the diurnal cycle?
Published 01/22/2025 How does latitude affect variance in seasonality?
Published 01/23/2025 How do regions of surplus and deficit and how relate to atmospheric circulation
Published 01/24/2025 What is a rain shadow?
Published 01/24/2025 What climate driver infulnced the severity of the LA wildfires?
Published 01/24/2025 What governs the large-scale distribution of plants/nature of terrestrial ecosystems?
Published 01/24/2025 How did wet winters coutnrtibute to the LA fires?
Published 01/24/2025 How do santa ana winds contribute to LA fires?
Published 01/24/2025 How does proximity to the coastline influence climate?
Published 01/24/2025 What are microclimates inhabited by organisms affected by?
Published 01/24/2025 What are characteristics of urban microclimates?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the purpose of clover cyanide production?
Published 01/24/2025 How do urban heat islands affect cyanide production?
Published 01/24/2025 What is a confounding variable?
Published 01/24/2025 What is environmentalism?
Published 01/24/2025 What is a null hypothesis?
Published 01/24/2025 What is an alternate hypothesis?
Published 01/24/2025 Does correlation equal causation?
Published 01/24/2025 What are greenhouse gases?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the greenhouse effect?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)
Published 01/24/2025 What is the Coriolis effect?
Published 01/27/2025 What are the three cells of atmospheric circulation?
Published 01/27/2025 What are currents?
Published 01/27/2025 What are gyres?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the saturation vapor pressure?
Published 01/27/2025 What is dew point?
Published 01/27/2025 What is relative humidity?
Published 01/25/2025 What features other than the Coriolis affect the deflection of wind?
Published 01/25/2025 What is the hadley cell?
Published 01/25/2025 What are gyres?
Published 01/25/2025 What are the 2 circular water motions of gyres?
Published 01/25/2025 How do the trade winds affect water currents?
Published 02/04/2025 How do westerly winds at higher latitudes affect water currents?
Published 01/25/2025 What is relative humidity?
Published 01/25/2025 What is the dew point temperature?
Published 01/25/2025 What is vapor pressure?
Published 01/25/2025 What are the conditions in the pacific during El nino?
Published 01/25/2025 What are conditions normally like, not el nino?
Published 01/25/2025 What is La nina?
Published 01/25/2025 What is the pattern of airflow driven by areas of high and low pressure?
Published 01/27/2025 What are some examples of biotic factors?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the first step of the scientific method?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the third step of the scientific method?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the fifth step of the scientific method?
Published 01/27/2025 In a histogram, why is continuous data transformed into categorical data?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the water cycle?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the dirivng force behind the water cycle?
Published 01/27/2025 What starts the water cycle?
Published 01/27/2025 What is interception?
Published 01/27/2025 What happens to water that is intercepted?
Published 01/27/2025 What is infiltration?
Published 01/27/2025 What does the rate of infiltration depend on?
Published 01/27/2025 What is surface runoff?
Published 01/27/2025 What is groundwater?
Published 01/27/2025 What are the characteristics of water?
Published 01/27/2025 What water gets evaporated?
Published 01/27/2025 What is transpiration?
Published 01/27/2025 What is found below the watertable?
Published 01/27/2025 What is a result of water's high specific heat?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the effect of the lattice arrangement of water?
Published 01/27/2025 When is a water lattice structure formed?
Published 01/27/2025 Why is a lattice less dense?
Published 01/27/2025 How does water evaporate?
Published 01/27/2025 What is cohesion for water?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the result of cohesion of water?
Published 01/27/2025 What is viscosity?
Published 01/27/2025 Why does water have a greater viscoity than air?
Published 01/27/2025 How does the viscosity of water affect animals?
Published 01/27/2025 Why is surface tension important for organisms?
Published 01/27/2025 Wha tis buoyancy?
Published 01/27/2025 How does the property of bouyancy affect organisms?
Published 01/27/2025 Can two populations be significantly different from one another if they have the same variation?
Published 02/04/2025
Published 01/27/2025
Published 01/27/2025 The total shortwave solar radiation {{c1::absorbed}} by the earth is the total incoming shortwave radiation, minus the shortwave radition {{c1::reflec…
Published 01/27/2025
Published 01/27/2025 What is a boundary layer?
Published 01/27/2025
Published 01/27/2025 What are the type sof boudnary layers?
Published 01/27/2025 What is diffusion?
Published 01/27/2025 What do diffusion coefficients depend on?
Published 01/27/2025 What are boundary layers?
Published 01/27/2025 What are the three types of boundary layers?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the benthic boundary layer?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the momentum boundary layer?
Published 01/27/2025 What does the amount of light reflected form the surface of water depend on?
Published 01/27/2025 What is the diffusion boundary layer?
Published 01/27/2025 Life depends on {{c1::boundary layer exchange}}
Published 01/27/2025 Other than the angle what to processes affect the amount of light entering the water surface?
Published 01/27/2025 What is viscosity?
Published 01/27/2025 What is a reynolds number?
Published 01/27/2025 What is Reynolds number (Re)? What is the Re for small organisms and big organisms?
Published 01/27/2025 How do small organisms with low Re swim?
Published 01/27/2025 What does a low reynolds number mean for a organism?
Published 01/27/2025 What wavelengths of light does water absorb?
Published 01/27/2025 How does light variation in depth affect organisms?
Published 01/27/2025 What are the characteristics of heat capacity?
Published 01/27/2025 What is lift?
Published 01/27/2025 What is drag?
Published 01/27/2025 What is lift of water?
Published 01/27/2025 What is drag of water? What is drag at low Re vs. high Re
Published 01/27/2025 What is the solution to drag of water?
Published 01/27/2025 What is shear?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the fourth step of the scientific method?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the properties of a population?
Published 01/28/2025 How do populations within an ecosystem interact with each other?
Published 01/28/2025 How are terrestial biomes classified?
Published 01/28/2025 What is individual/physiological ecology?
Published 01/28/2025 What is global ecology?
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