Notes in 07 Thyroid Function Tests and Imaging

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Published 02/16/2024 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion is decreased in response to {{c1::free T3/T4}}
Published 09/03/2024 What is the result when thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins bind to TSH receptors of the thyroid gland?{{c1::They stimulate secretion of T3 and T4}}
Published 09/03/2024 In what cases may the levels of TSH be increased during hyperthyroidism? {{c1::When the disorder is in the hypothalamus or anterior pituitary (i.e. ex…
Published 02/16/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a middle-aged woman with hip/shoulder weakness, muscle atrophy, weight loss, and tachycardia? {{c1::Hyperthyroidism}}
Published 09/03/2024 What is a common complication of radioactive iodine when treating Graves disease?{{c1::Permanent hypothyroidism}}
Published 09/03/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with an acute MI complicated by cardiogenic shock that develops a low total T3 level despite normal TSH/free…
Published 09/03/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an asymptomatic patient with a slightly elevated TSH despite normal free T3/T4 levels?{{c1::Subclinical hypothyroidism…
Published 09/03/2024 Thyroid nodules in {{c1::hyperthyroid::hyperthyroid/hypothyroid}} patients are almost never cancer
Published 02/16/2024 What is the initial step in evaluation of a newly discovered thyroid nodule? {{c1::TSH level and U/S}}
Published 09/03/2024 Pts with thyroid nodules that are {{c1::euthyroid::which thyroid status?}} are more likely to be cancer
Published 09/03/2024 {{c1::Euthyroid sick}} syndrome is an apparent alteration of thyroid hormone level with normal thyroid gland function seen in {{c2::critically ill}} p…
Published 09/03/2024 Most commonly, patients with euthyroid sick syndrome will have:- serum TSH {{c1::normal}}- total serum T4 {{c1::normal}}- total serum T3 {{c1::↓}}- re…
Published 09/03/2024 Should you start thyroid hormone replacement in a patient with euthyroid sick syndrome?{{c1::No*}}
Published 02/16/2024 Which thyroid imbalance presents with increased TSH (if 1*) and decreased free T3 / T4?{{c1::Hypothyroidism}}
Published 02/16/2024 Which thyroid imbalance presents with decreased TSH (if 1*) and increased free T3 / T4?{{c1::Hyperthyroidism}}
Published 02/16/2024 A thyroid nodule is diagnosed as malignant with ultrasound-guided {{c1::fine needle aspiration}}, which is reliable for all cancers except {{c1::folli…
Published 02/16/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an older patient with memory changes, weight gain, fatigue, and constipation?{{c1::Hypothyroidism}}
Published 02/16/2024 Thyroid nodules >1 cm with high risk sonographic features (ultrasound) should undergo {{c1::fine-needle aspiration (FNA)::test}}
Published 02/16/2024 What type of thyroid nodule, hyperfunctioning ("hot") or hypofunctioning ("cold"), is more likely to be cancerous?{{c1::Hypofunctioning ("cold")}}
Published 09/03/2024 What is the next best step if FNA of a thyroid nodule in a euthyroid patient comes back as malignant or indeterminate?{{c1::Thyroid lobectomy}}
Published 09/03/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a newborn that presents with an enlarged tongue, umbilical hernia, and jaundice with high TSH and low free T4?{{c1::Co…
Published 02/16/2024 = {{c1::Hypothyroidism::Diagnosis}}
Published 09/03/2024 Heat intolerance, tachycardia and ↑ reflexes is suggestive of {{c1::hyperthyroidism::condition}}
Published 02/16/2024 What RAIU scan finding is seen in Graves disease?{{c1::Diffuse uptake}}
Published 09/03/2024 Cold intolerance, lethargy and depression is most likely {{c1::hypothyroidism::condition}}
Published 02/16/2024 Hyperthyroidism, {{c2::diffuse::type}} goiter, exophthalamos and pretibial myxedema is suggestive of {{c1::Graves disease::condition}}
Published 02/16/2024 What is the next best step in diagnosing/treating a thyroid nodule that has low TSH?{{c1::RAIU scan}}
Published 09/03/2024 Thyroid nodule and normal or elevated TSH is managed with {{c1::FNA::next step}}
Published 09/03/2024 What is the diagnostic procedure of choice for thyroid nodules in an euthyroid patient?{{c1::FNA}}
Published 09/03/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with weight loss, tachycardia, anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies, and the physical exam findings belo…
Published 09/03/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient that develops post-operative high fever, tachycardia, hypertension, and lid lag with no muscle rigidity? Ser…
Published 09/03/2024 All thyroid nodules > 2 cm should be evaluated with {{c1::fine-needle aspiration (FNA)::test}}
Published 09/03/2024 Rapid DiagnosisThydroid function test shows {{c1::high TSH and low free T4}} in congenital hypothyroidism.
Published 09/03/2024 Do you screen for congenital hypothyroidism? {{c1::Yes}}
Published 09/03/2024 The early phase of painless (silent) thyroiditis is associated with high titers of anti-{{c1::TPO and anti-thyroglobulin::2}}…
Published 09/03/2024 Central hypothyroidism presents with {{c1::decreased}} free T4 levels and {{c1::decreased}} serum TSH
Published 09/03/2024 A normal TSH, low T4/3, and normal free T4 is inidicative of what thyroid pathology?{{c1::TBG deficiency}}
Published 09/03/2024 8591a47c4c42474aaa0f7544b17415d0-ao-1
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Published 09/03/2024 de3f9f02ec2a4d7f843906a8b686401b-ao-1
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Published 09/03/2024 de3f9f02ec2a4d7f843906a8b686401b-ao-4
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