Notes in 04 Breast Mass

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Published 11/02/2024 Insidious as it relates to medical terminology means {{c1::slow in development}}
Published 11/02/2024 what is a breast lump
Published 11/02/2024 what are the 5 differentials of breast mass
Published 11/02/2024 A milk-filled breast cyst is termed a {{c1::galactocele}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Mastitis}} refers to inflammation or swelling of the breasts that may or may not be infectious
Published 11/02/2024 Fibroadenoma, fibrocystic changes, and papilloma are all examples of {{c1::benign}} breast lesions
Published 11/02/2024 Benign tumors often have a greater effect on {{c1::morbidity::mortality/morbidity}}
Published 11/02/2024 Benign breast masses are characteristically:{{c1::soft/rubbery::texture}}{{c1::mobile::mobile/fixed}}{{c1::symmetric::symmetry}}{{c1::tender::tender/n…
Published 11/02/2024 What features of a breast mass would be concerning for malignancy?{{c1::hard::hard/soft}}{{c1::immotile::motile/immotile}}{{c1::non-tender::tender/non…
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Milk lines}} are vetral surface ectoderm ridges along which breast tissue and nipples develop
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Polythelia}} is a congenital anomaly in which a patient develops more than 2 nipples
Published 11/02/2024 What is the medical term for breast pain?{{c1::mastodynia/mastalgia}}
Published 11/02/2024 what is skin dimpling
Published 11/02/2024 9455875ce6d142eebbedc13f2444f0ee-ao-2
Published 11/02/2024 9455875ce6d142eebbedc13f2444f0ee-ao-3
Published 11/02/2024 9455875ce6d142eebbedc13f2444f0ee-ao-4
Published 11/02/2024 9455875ce6d142eebbedc13f2444f0ee-ao-5
Published 11/02/2024 9455875ce6d142eebbedc13f2444f0ee-ao-7
Published 11/02/2024 9455875ce6d142eebbedc13f2444f0ee-ao-8
Published 11/02/2024 A {{c1::pedunculated}} nipple is a nipple with an elongated stalk
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Montgomery glands}} are tubercles of the nipple that secrete sebum in order to moisturize the aerolar tissue and stimulate fetal latching
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Paget's}} disease describes a breast malignancy that begins as a scaly, eczema-like lesion and may weep, crust, or erode
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Peau d'orange}} refers to the observable changes in breast tissue caused by lymph blockage and excess fibrosis. The breast will appear hard, dar…
Published 11/02/2024 Peau d'orange is caused by {{c1::blockage of lymph vessels}} that results in the {{c1::excess accumulation of lymph in breast tissue}}. 
Published 11/02/2024 The {{c1::sentinel}} lymph node is the first node to which cancer is likely to metastasize
Published 11/02/2024 The breast is anatomically defined as the area between the {{c1::clavicle}} and {{c1::6th rib}} vertically, and the {{c1::midaxillary line}} and {{c1:…
Published 11/02/2024 The {{c1::tail of spence}} refers to the breast tissue that extends into the anterior axillary fold
Published 11/02/2024 What quandrant of the breast and which breast is most at risk for malignancy?{{c1::superolateral quadrant of the left breast}}
Published 11/02/2024 The majority of breast lymph is drained by the {{c1::axillary}} lymph nodes (75%) while the minority is drained by the {{c1::parasternal}} lymph nodes…
Published 11/02/2024 general causes of mastalgia (breast pain) and when it is pathological/physiological
Published 11/02/2024 What are the three methods of breast palpation{{c1::}}
Published 11/02/2024 What is the palpation method used for the axillary nodes?the {{c1::box}} method
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Galactorrhea}} is the term for milky nipple discharge unrelated to normal milk production. It could be related to {{c1::malignancies like p…
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Fibroadenoma}} is the most common breast lesion in a 15-25 year old.
Published 11/02/2024 What are the three most common breast lesions in a 25-50 year old?{{c1::CystsFibrocystic changesCancer}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Cancer}} is the most common breast lesion in a woman >50 year old
Published 11/02/2024 The most common breast lesions in pregnancy and lactation are:{{c1::lactating adenomascystsmastitiscancer}}
Published 11/02/2024 A fibradenoma is a {{c1::hyperplasia}} of {{c1::stroma}} and {{c1::glandular}} tissues of the breast. Fibroadenoma masses are characterized as:{{c1::s…
Published 11/02/2024 Fibrocystic changes are {{c1::dependent::dependent/independent}} on/of the menstrual cycle and are characterized as {{c1::nodular}} lesions caused by …
Published 11/02/2024 what is a papilloma in terms of breast lesions
Published 11/02/2024 characteristic findings of cancer in breasts
Published 11/02/2024 Mammography is indicated for {{c1::solid}}, {{c1::suspicious}} masses, especially in women over {{c1::40}}. While it is the current gold standard for …
Published 11/02/2024 Most breast cancers are detected by {{c1::mammography}}.
Published 11/02/2024 Ultrasonography is indicated for breast masses in women under {{c1::35}} and for {{c1::hollow/non-suspicious}} masses
Published 11/02/2024 Ultrasonography of breast masses is indicated for {{c1::cystic}} lesions only
Published 11/02/2024 4ad615236d9d4d619710a9fb2ab416ba-ao-1
Published 11/02/2024 4ad615236d9d4d619710a9fb2ab416ba-ao-2
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Fine needle}} aspiration is a biopsy technique indicated for cystic lesions
Published 11/02/2024 A cystic mass should get {{c1::fine needle aspiration}}.
Published 11/02/2024 If the aspirate of a fine needle aspiration is clear of blood and the cyst is reduced, the patient should {{c1::follow up in 4-6 weeks}}. If these cri…
Published 11/02/2024 The current gold standard for breast biopsy of solid/suspicious masses is {{c1::core needle biopsy}}
Published 11/02/2024 Excisional breast biopsy is indicated when 1. {{c1::there is imaging discordance with biopsy histology}}2. {{c1::lesions can't be reached by core…
Published 11/02/2024 risk factors for breast cancer
Published 11/02/2024 BRCA mutations increase breast cancer risk by 
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::yes, marked venous network in pregnancy::are these normal appearing breasts?}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::no, normal breast asymmetry::are there any abnormalities present?}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::no, abnormal breast contour with dimpling and nipple inversion::is this a normal appearing breast?}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::breast dimpling}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::mastitis}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::breast abscess}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::fat necrosis with + seatbelt sign}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Paget's disease}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::polythelia}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::montgomery tubercles}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::montgomery tubercles}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::paget's disease}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::paget's disease}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::paget's disease}}
Published 11/02/2024 color of nipple discharge and disease{{c2::fibrocystic disease}} : {{c1::brown or green}}{{c2::infection}} : {{c1::yellow}}{{c2::galactorrhea}} : {{c1…
Published 11/02/2024 lymph nodes are typically palpable in what type of hyperplasia
Published 11/02/2024 9455875ce6d142eebbedc13f2444f0ee-ao-1
Published 11/02/2024 9455875ce6d142eebbedc13f2444f0ee-ao-6
Published 11/02/2024 5 differentials for breast mass1. {{c1::trauma}} → hematoma, fat necrosis2. {{c1::mass of non-inflammtory etiology}} → cyst (galactocele: mi…
Published 11/02/2024 papilloma: {{c1::pedunculated growth of epithelial cells that project in the lumen of a duct & common cause of clear or bloody unilateral nipple d…
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