Notes in Lipids Metabolism LECTURE SKIPPED

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Published 01/07/2025 what are lipids?{{c1::chemically diverse group of compounds - grouped by their insolubility in water}}
Published 01/07/2025 what are the diverse biological functions of lipids?{{c1::principal source of stored energy}}{{c1::major structural elements of biological membranes (…
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-1
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-2
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-3
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-4
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-5
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-6
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-7
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-8
Published 01/07/2025 47557de2600543ffb1cc443ccc4cfca8-ao-9
Published 01/07/2025 triacylglycerols (fats/triglycerides (TG)){{c1::c. 90% of dietary lipids}}{{c1::major form of metabolic energy storage}}{{c1::hydrophobic}}
Published 01/07/2025  what are the two major pathways of triglyceride metabolism?{{c1::oxidation in mitochondria to release energy in the form of ATP}}{{c1::synthesis…
Published 01/07/2025 what are the three stages of complete TG (fatty acid) oxidation?{{c1::oxidation of long chain fatty acids to 2-carbon fragments in the form of acetyl-…
Published 01/07/2025 what is β-oxidation?{{c1::oxidative process occuring in mitochondria that releases free energy}}{{c1::involves successive removal of 2-carbon fra…
Published 01/07/2025 what are the steps of β-oxidation?{{c1::fatty acids activated by attachment to Coenzyme A (in cytosol)}}{{c1::transfer of acyl-groups across mitochond…
Published 01/07/2025 describe the Carnitine Shuttle{{c1::Acetyl Co-A is transferred past outer mitochondrial membrane by replacing CoA with carnitine}}{{c1::this is done b…
Published 01/07/2025 {{c2::mutations in dehydrogenase isozymes}} can cause {{c1::Sudden Infant Death Syndrome}}
Published 01/07/2025 3rd step of β-oxidation repeats {{c1::until all carbon units have been released}}, at the end of each cycle, {{c1::fatty acyl-CoA is 2C shor…
Published 01/07/2025 fatty acid synthesis (general){{c1::occurs mainly in liver and adipocytes}}{{c1::long carbon chain molecules built up from 2-carbon units derived from…
Published 01/07/2025 which fatty acids need carnitine shuttle mechanism to cross mitochondrial membrane?{{c1::only long chain fatty acids - not medium (<8)}}
Published 01/07/2025 3rd step of β-oxidation:{{c1::}}
Published 01/07/2025 why is the citrate malate cycle important in fatty acid synthesis?{{c1::so acetyl-CoA can be transported out of mitochondria and into the cytoplasm}}
Published 01/07/2025 the citrate malate cycle{{c1::acetyl-CoA cannot leave mitochondria so it is converted to citrate}}{{c1::acetyl-CoA converted to citrate by combining w…
Published 01/07/2025 how are fatty acids activated?{{c1::by enzyme Acyl-CoA synthetase which adds a CoA group onto the fatty acid}}
Published 01/07/2025 *!with Palmitoyl-CoA (16C), how many molecules of ATP can be made?{{c1::108}}
Published 01/07/2025 describe the full process of β-oxidation (3rd step):{{c1::2H (one from alpha and one from beta carbon) are lost to FAD to form FADH2}}{{c1::this is&nb…
Published 01/07/2025 fatty acid biosynthesis{{c1::}}
Published 01/07/2025 which enzyme do both acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA bind to?{{c1::fatty acid synthase}}
Published 01/07/2025 fatty acid biosynthesis overview:{{c1::a repeating series of condensation reactions involving malonyl-CoA adds further C2 units}}
Published 01/07/2025 fatty acid synthesis reactions yield {{c1::Palmitate}}{{c1::3C Malonyl CoA units donate 2C to each round}}{{c1::the cycle repeats 7 times (2C add…
Published 01/07/2025 control of fatty acid oxidation and synthesis{{c1::rate limiting steps}}{{c1::β-oxidation: transfer of acetyl-CoA intro mitochondria with carnitine sh…
Published 01/07/2025 how is fatty acid synthesis controlled?{{c1::acetyl carboxylase catalysed the formation of malonyl CoA from acetyl CoA which is subject to phosphoryla…
Published 01/07/2025 cholesterol{{c1::amphipathic liquid (hydrobhobic+philic portions}}{{c1::synthesised from acetyl-CoA and eliminates as bile acids}}{{c1::storage form i…
Published 01/07/2025 which part of cholesterol makes it amphipathic?
Published 01/07/2025 how does cholesteorl ester form?{{c1::by adding a fatty acid hydrocarbon chain to 1st ring}}
Published 01/07/2025 which enzyme catalyses the formation of cholesterol esters?{{c1::Acyl-CoA Cholesterol Acyltransferase (ACAT)}}
Published 01/07/2025 bile acids{{c1::produced from cholesterol by liver and excreted into gall bladder for release into small intestine}}{{c1::hydrophilic cholesterol-deri…
Published 01/07/2025 where does cholesterol biosynthesis occur?{{c1::main site of synthesis = liver/can also be made in intestine/adrenal cortex}}
Published 01/07/2025 cholesterol biosynthesis{{c1::acetyl CoA converted to HMG-CoA}}{{c1::this is then metabolised to Mevalonate}}{{c1::catalysed by HMG-CoA Reductase}}{{c…
Published 01/07/2025 how is cholesterol biosynthesis controlled?{{c1::by insulin and glucagon}}{{c1::they regulate the activity of the enzyme HMG-CoA which catalyses the f…
Published 01/07/2025 where do statins target?{{c1::HMG-CoA reductase}}
Published 01/07/2025 cholesterol is a feedback {{c1::inhibitor}}mevalonate is a feedback {{c1::inhibitor}}
Published 01/07/2025 stage 1 of cholesterol biosynthesis{{c1::synthesis of mevalonate from acetate}}
Published 01/07/2025 stage 2 of cholesterol biosynthesis{{c1::conversion of mevalonate to two activated isoprenes}}
Published 01/07/2025 stage 3 of cholesterol biosynthesis{{c1::condensation of six isoprene units to form squalene}}
Published 01/07/2025 stage 4 of cholesterol biosynthesis{{c1::cyclization of squalene to the four ring steroid-nucleus}}
Published 01/07/2025 what are the four stages of cholesterol biosynthesis?{{c1::SYNTHESIS}}{{c1::CONVERSION}}{{c1::CONDENSATION}}{{c1::CYCLIZATION}}{{c1::FINAL CHOLESTEROL…
Published 01/07/2025 Final cholesterol synthesis{{c1::}}
Published 01/07/2025 transport of lipids in the blood{{c1::short-chain fatty acids are transported bound to blood proteins like albumin}}{{c1::bulk transport of neutral li…
Published 01/07/2025 what are apolipoproteins?{{c1::specific carrier proteins which combine with lipids to form several classes of plasma lipoproteins}}
Published 01/07/2025 what are the components of a lipoprotein?{{c1::phospholipid monolayer}}{{c1::apolipoprotein}}{{c1::triacylglycerols}}{{c1::cholesteryl esters}}{{c1::f…
Published 01/07/2025 each plasma lipoprotein has a specific function determined by:{{c1::point of synthesis}}{{c1::lipid composition}}{{c1::apolipoprotein content}}they ac…
Published 01/07/2025 major classes of plasma lipoproteins{{c1::chylomicron}}{{c1::VLDL}}{{c1::LDL}}{{c1::HDL}}
Published 01/07/2025 chylomicron{{c1::largest, least dense}}{{c1::exogenous lipid transport}}{{c1::synthesised from dietary fats from intestinal tissues}}{{c1::key lipopro…
Published 01/07/2025 VLDL{{c1::endogenous lipid transport}}{{c1::originate in liver, transport lipids to muscle and adipose tissue}}{{c1::key lipoproteins: ApoE, ApoC-II}}
Published 01/07/2025 LDL{{c1::endogenous transport}}{{c1::carry cholesterol to muscle adrenal glands and adipose tissue}}{{c1::key lipoprotein: ApoB-100}}
Published 01/07/2025 HDL{{c1::reverse transport}}{{c1::originate in liver and small intestine and involved in returning cholesterol to liver}}{{c1::key lipoprotein: ApoE}}
Published 01/07/2025 what are the two major steps in digestion of dietary TGs?{{c1::need to be emulsified by bile acids}}{{c1::then hydrolysed by enzyme pancreatic triacyl…
Published 01/07/2025 products of lipid digestion = {{c1::mixture of fatty acids and mono+diacylglycerols}}products can {{c1::be absorbed by intestinal mucosa (bile ac…
Published 01/07/2025 lipid transport - exogenous pathway{{c1::dietary fat is emulsified and transported through intestinal mucosa where it is packaged into chylomicrons}}{…
Published 01/07/2025 lipid transport - endogenous pathway{{c1::from liver to adipose/muscle tissues as VLDL lipoproteins}}{{c1::ApoC-II activates tissue bound lipoprotein …
Published 01/07/2025 LDL particles {{c1::contain ApoB-100 which is recognised by cell surface LDL receptors}}
Published 01/07/2025 lipids transport - reverse transport{{c1::returns cholesterol from extrahepatic tissues to the liver via HDLs}}{{c1::they do not enter liver by endocy…
Published 01/07/2025 LDL uptake by cells{{c1::mediated by LDL receptors on cell surface binding to ApoB-100}}{{c1::LDL receptors separated from LDL and recycled back to ce…
Published 01/07/2025 regulation of intracellular cholesterol{{c1::cellular cholesterol levels are controlled by regulating LDL cholesterol uptake and biosynthesis}}short t…
Published 01/07/2025 which aspects of cholesterol biosynthesis and uptake are controlled?{{c1::HMG-CoA reductase: transcription and protein production increased under low …
Published 01/07/2025 per cycle what is formed?{{c1::1 Acetyl-CoA}}{{c1::1 FADH2}}{{c1::1 NADH}}what do they do? {{c1::FADH2 and NADH are electron carriers, and a…
Published 01/07/2025 Storage lipids:{{c1::Triacylglycerols}}Membrane lipids:>{{c3::Phospholipids}}-{{c1::Glycerophospholipids}}-{{c2::Sphingolipids}}>{{c2::Glycolipi…
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