Notes in Unit 1

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Published 10/26/2023 In the process of doing an axillary lymph node dissection in a 50 year-old patient, the surgery resident cleans the space between the pectoralis major…
Published 10/26/2023 In lymphatic drainage of the breast, the major portion (about 75%) enters eventually into which group of nodes?
Published 10/26/2023 The prognosis in breast cancer is poorer as more proximal lymph nodes are found to have cancerous cells in them. Spread of cancer to which of the foll…
Published 10/26/2023 During a motorcycle accident, an 18-year-old male landed on the right lateral side of his rib cage with his right upper limb abducted. In the hospital…
Published 10/26/2023 During the planning of therapeutic intervention for a 54-year-old female patient with cancer of the right breast, a 3rd year medical student would nee…
Published 10/26/2023 Breast cancer cells can spread directly to the cranial cavity and brain via the vertebral venous plexus. Through which route can they reach this plexu…
Published 10/26/2023 After being thrown from a motorcycle moving at high speed, a 16-year-old female was found to have a paralyzed right pectoralis major muscle. Which set…
Published 10/26/2023 While observing a mastectomy on a 60-year-old female patient, a medical student was asked by the surgeon to help tie off the arteries that supply the …
Published 10/26/2023 In the axilla the pectoralis minor is a landmark, being closely related to all of the following structures except:
Published 10/26/2023 While putting panels on the roof of a barn, one of the panels slips and a man tries to catch it. During an attempt to catch the panel, he is struck by…
Published 10/26/2023 What is the fibrocartilaginous structure which deepens the shoulder socket?
Published 10/26/2023 A football suffered a severe shoulder separation after ramming the point of their shoulder into a practice dummy. Although this is a dislocation of th…
Published 10/26/2023 A scaffold falls on the right shoulder of a construction worker lacerating the side of his neck and suprascapular area, severing C5 spinal nerve just …
Published 10/26/2023 What is the proximal attachment of the long head of triceps brachii m.?
Published 10/26/2023 Which tendon of the rotator cuff muscles is the most commonly damaged, typically due to its close proximity to the coraco-acromial arch?
Published 10/26/2023 During a strenuous game of tennis a 55 year old woman complained of severe shoulder pain that forced her to quit the game. During physical examination…
Published 10/26/2023 A worker doing repetitive lifting develops an inflammation in the tendon of origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle, commonly called "tenn…
Published 10/26/2023 The anterior interosseous is a branch of which nerve?
Published 10/26/2023 In an attempt to commit suicide by slashing the ventral side of the wrist, the two tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis located most superfic…
Published 10/26/2023 Interruption of the median nerve in the cubital fossa affects what movement(s) of the thumb?
Published 10/26/2023 Structures within the carpal tunnel include the: 
Published 10/26/2023 The Tendons of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis and Flexor Digitorum Profundus are covered by which bursa?
Published 10/26/2023 A patient is severely limited in extension at the wrist joint after several months in a cast following a Colles fracture. Which joint would be especia…
Published 10/26/2023 The victim of multiple shrapnel wounds to the upper limb must have his forearm amputated at midlength. Because of concomitant damage in the patient's …
Published 10/26/2023 During an industrial accident, a sheet metal worker lacerates the anterior surface of his wrist at the junction of his wrist and hand. Examination rev…
Published 10/26/2023 The function of the posterior interosseous nerve is:
Published 10/26/2023 In an industrial accident, the artery passing lateral to the pisiform bone is cut. This artery is the 
Published 10/26/2023 When falling on an outstretched hand, the most commonly dislocated carpal bone is the 
Published 10/26/2023 When falling on an outstretched hand, the most commonly fractured carpal bone is the 
Published 10/26/2023 If the medial epicondyle of the humerus is fractured and the nerve passing dorsal to it is injured, which muscle would be most affected? 
Published 10/26/2023 While watching her boyfriend split wood, a teenager was struck on the back of her carpals by a sharp- edged flying wedge. Her extensor digitorum tendo…
Published 10/26/2023 What muscle tendon is enclosed within its own synovial sheath in the carpal canal? 
Published 10/26/2023 A student is rollerblading on the Diag and while trying to avoid others. A bicyclist falls heavily on his right wrist. After the fall he notes severe …
Published 10/26/2023 A jagged piece of glass entered his hand and severed all the tissue from the skin down to the metacarpal bone. The cut extended on the lateral si…
Published 10/26/2023 A jagged piece of glass entered his hand and severed all the tissue from the skin down to the metacarpal bone. The cut extended on the lateral si…
Published 10/26/2023 A jagged piece of glass entered his hand and severed all the tissue from the skin down to the metacarpal bone. The cut extended on the lateral si…
Published 10/26/2023 A patient sustained multiple deep lacerations on the palm of his hand and anterior surface of his wrist. During examination, the physician put a piece…
Published 10/26/2023 A patient sustained multiple deep lacerations on the palm of his hand and anterior surface of his wrist. During examination, the physician put a piece…
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