Notes in Case 1: Hyperparathyroidism

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Published 03/06/2024 Magnesium hydroxide and magnesium citrate are both examples of {{c1::osmotic}} laxatives
Published 03/06/2024 Senna and bisacodyl are {{c1::cathartic (stimulant)}} agents that act via stimulation of the enteric nervous system and increased colonic secretions
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::Primary hyperparathyroidism}} is characterized by hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, and increased circulating levels of PTH
Published 03/06/2024 Patients with primary hyperparathyroidism have {{c1::increased}} Ca2+ excretion due to the high filtered load of calcium on the kidney
Published 03/06/2024 Patients with primary hyperparathyroidism have {{c1::increased}} urinary excretion of phosphate, calcium, and cAMP
Published 03/06/2024 What is the most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism?{{c1::Parathyroid adenoma (>80%)}}
Published 03/06/2024 Primary hyperparathyroidism may lead to CNS disturbances, such as {{c1::depression}} and seizures
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::Primary hyperparathyroidism}} often presents with increased levels of urinary {{c1::cAMP}} due to the activation of Gs proteins when PTH binds i…
Published 03/06/2024 Bisphosphonates decrease the development and recruitment of {{c1::osteoclast}} precursors
Published 03/06/2024 What skin pathologies are associated with sarcoidosis? {{c1::Cutaneous nodules}}, {{c2::erythema nodosum}}, {{c3::lupus pernio}}
Published 03/06/2024 Sarcoidosis is associated with {{c1::hypercalcemia}} due to increased {{c2::1α-hydroxylase}} activity in epithelioid histiocytes
Published 03/06/2024 What is the first-line treatment for symptomatic sarcoidosis? {{c1::Glucocorticoids}}
Published 03/06/2024 What effect do loop diuretics have on serum Ca2+ levels? {{c1::Decreased}}
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::Thiazide}} diuretics stimulate {{c1::Ca2+}} reabsorption in the distal tubule
Published 03/06/2024 Which electrolyte disturbance causes stones, bones, groans, and psychiatric overtones?{{c1::High Ca2+ (hypercalcemia)}}
Published 03/06/2024 At {{c2::low}} levels, vitamin D increases bone {{c1::mineralization::resorption/mineralization}}
Published 03/06/2024 At {{c2::high}} levels, vitamin D increases bone {{c1::resorption::resorption/mineralization}}
Published 03/06/2024 Vitamin D excess is seen in {{c1::granulomatous}} diseases due to increased activation of vitamin D by {{c2::epithelioid macrophages::cell type}}
Published 03/06/2024 Calcitriol {{c1::inhibits}} PTH production by the parathyroid gland
Published 03/06/2024 Calcitriol {{c1::stimulates}} maturation of osteoblasts, thereby {{c1::increasing}} bone formation
Published 03/06/2024 ↓ [Ca2+], ↓ phosphate, ↑ PTH = {{c1::vitamin D deficiency::vitamin D deficiency or chronic kidney disease}} → secondary hyperparathyroidism↓ [Ca2+], ↑…
Published 03/06/2024 Primary hyperparathyroidism and calcium > 1 mg/dL above normal is managed with {{c1::surgery (parathyroidectomy)::definitive treatment}}
Published 03/06/2024 Primary hyperparathyroidism is most common in {{c1::older women::demographic}}
Published 03/06/2024 Alendronate, pamidronate, zoledronate are all examples of {{c2::bisphophonates}}, which are the first line treatment for {{c1::osteoporosis}…
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