Notes in 06 Human Pathogens Prereadings

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Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::flagellum}} of a bacterium is a long protein arm used for motility
Published 08/31/2023 An important virulence factor in bacteria is the {{c1::capsule}}.
Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::cytoplasm}} of bacteria contains {{c2::ribosomes}}, {{c2::nucleoid}}, {{c2::genetic material}}, and {{c2::plasmids}}
Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::viral::pathogen type}} genome can be DNA, RNA, ds, ss, linear or circular.
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Pro}}karyotes' nuclear material sits freely within the cytoplasm
Published 08/30/2024 A bacteria's {{c1::cell}} wall can be a target for the immune system and antibiotics
Published 08/31/2023 purple circles are gram {{c1::positive::negative or positive}}
Published 08/31/2023 Red/pink organisms are gram {{c1::negative::negative or positive}}
Published 08/31/2023 Gram {{c1::positive}} bacteria have a much thicker cell wall
Published 08/31/2023 Gram {{c1::Negative}} Bacteria have thinner cell walls with a(n) {{c2::outer membrane}} surrounding it
Published 08/31/2023 Gram {{c1::Negative}} Bacteria contain a(n) {{c2::periplasm}}, which is a space between the cell membrane and outer membrane
Published 08/31/2023 Bacteria sometimes secrete a(n) {{c1::capsule}}, which is a sticky, gelatinous layer that assists the bacteria in attaching to host cells
Published 08/31/2023 {{c2::Capsules}} of bacteria are typically water and polysaccharide, protecting against {{c1::phagocytosis}}
Published 08/31/2023 Bacteria with distinct, firmly attached gelatinous layer have a(n) {{c1::capsule}}
Published 08/31/2023 Bacterial {{c1::pili}} and {{c1::fimbria}} allow bacteria to adhere to surfaces and attach to other bacteria for conjugation (exchange genetic informa…
Published 08/31/2023 Small DNA within the cells of bacteria that replicate independently are known as {{c1::plasmids}}
Published 08/31/2023 3 most common bacterial shapes{{c1::Coccus/Cocci}}{{c1::Rods aka Bacilli::... aka ...}}{{c1::Coccobacillus}}
Published 08/31/2023 The thick cell wall of {{c1::peptidoglycan}} in gram positive bacteria holds the crystal violet of the gram stain in place
Published 08/31/2023 A(n) {{c1::bacteriophage}} is a virus that infects bacteria
Published 08/31/2023 Viruses contain either DNA or RNA surrounded by a(n) {{c1::capsid}}
Published 08/31/2023 The two most common shapes of viral capsids are {{c1::icosahedral}} and {{c1::helical}}
Published 08/31/2023 All naked viruses have {{c2::icosahedral}} capsids
Published 08/31/2023 The viral {{c1::capsid::virus component}} protects the genome and aids in its transfer between hosts.
Published 08/31/2023 Bacteria are surrounded by several layers collectively called the {{c1::cell envelope}}. These layers include the {{c2::cell wall}}, {{c2::plasma memb…
Published 08/31/2023 The viral genome contains genes needed by the virus that are not present in {{c1::the host.::where?}}
Published 08/31/2023 32914867362b472b8ce273a5e069f41e-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 32914867362b472b8ce273a5e069f41e-ao-4
Published 09/03/2023 The {{c1::glucan synthase complex::protein complex}} located in the fungal {{c2::cell membrane::part of cell}} is responsible for the {{c3::synthesis …
Published 08/31/2023 20f234ae5c9b46d98d7dfa91c79ce91e-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 In the intracellular state, the virus exists solely as {{c1::nucleic acids}} and is capable of {{c2::reproduction}}.
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::14 alpha-demethylase}} is a cytochrome P450 enzyme in fungi that is responsible for production of {{c2::ergosterol}}
Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::cytoplasm}} of bacteria is made up of water, cell components, enzymes, and molecules.
Published 08/31/2023 ebc26567c6ad4e578fb853219c9d7343-ao-6
Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::plasma membrane}} in bacteria are responsible for respiration, photosynthesis, and synthesis of lipids/cell components in addition to i…
Published 08/31/2023 The cell wall of bacteria consists of {{c1::peptidoglycan::carbohydrate}}. 
Published 08/31/2023 Bacteria are {{c1::pro::pro/eu}}karyotic.
Published 08/31/2023 Fungal cell walls are made up of polysaccharides including {{c1::chitin.}}
Published 08/31/2023 172c50141b914280b878f49eacc90f2a-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 ebc26567c6ad4e578fb853219c9d7343-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Ergosterol}} is an essential sterol in the fungal cell membrane.
Published 08/31/2023 526578d2bcd04a49bc57f5c7e7d7809f-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 172c50141b914280b878f49eacc90f2a-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 Bacterial ribosomes are located in the {{c1::cytoplasm}} or {{c1::plasma membrane}}.
Published 08/31/2023 A bacterial capsule has two functions:-{{c1::protection against phagocytosis}}- {{c1::adhesion to surfaces}}
Published 08/31/2023 Antibiotic resistance genes are often not encoded in the bacterial chromosome, but instead on {{c1::plasmids}}.
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Glucans::polysaccharide}} make up the majority of the fungal cell wall.
Published 08/31/2023 Bacteria are prokaryotic and do not contain a {{c1::nucleus}} or {{c1::membrane-bound organelles}}
Published 08/31/2023 Mutations occur more frequently in RNA viruses than DNA viruses because {{c1::RNA polymerase makes more mistakes than DNA polymerase}}.
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Viruses}} do not contain a cytoplasmic membrane, cytosol, and  functional organelles, and does not have any metabolic activity.
Published 08/31/2023 ebc26567c6ad4e578fb853219c9d7343-ao-7
Published 08/31/2023 Fungi are {{c1::eu::eu/pro}}karyotic organisms.
Published 08/31/2023 Gram positive bacteria contains {{c1::more::more or less}} peptidoglycan than gram negative bacteria.
Published 08/31/2023 20f234ae5c9b46d98d7dfa91c79ce91e-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Viruses::pathogen type}} are simple and acellular with a distinct pattern of multiplication.
Published 08/31/2023 ebc26567c6ad4e578fb853219c9d7343-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 20f234ae5c9b46d98d7dfa91c79ce91e-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 20f234ae5c9b46d98d7dfa91c79ce91e-ao-4
Published 08/31/2023 The chromosome of most bacteria is a {{c1::single circle of double-stranded DNA}}.
Published 08/31/2023 In the extracellular state, a virus is called a {{c1::virion}} and is not capable of {{c2::reproduction}}.
Published 08/31/2023 Fungi {{c1::do::do/do not}} contain membrane bound organelles and possess cell membranes and cell walls.
Published 08/31/2023 172c50141b914280b878f49eacc90f2a-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 32914867362b472b8ce273a5e069f41e-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 32914867362b472b8ce273a5e069f41e-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 ebc26567c6ad4e578fb853219c9d7343-ao-1
Published 09/08/2023 Bacteria contain linear or circular {{c1::plasmids}} which are small {{c3::ds-DNA::type of nucleic acid}} containing {{c2::non-essential::no…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Ergosterol}} provides stability and flexibility to the cell membrane of fungi.
Published 08/31/2023 The most important role of the cell wall of bacteria is {{c1::protection.}}The cell wall also helps {{c2::maintain shape.}}
Published 08/31/2023 What do fungal plasma membranes contain that others lack?{{c1::Ergosterol}}
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