Notes in 05 Evaluating Drug Study Results

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Published 09/23/2023 The most important statistics to consider when thinking about implementing a treatment clinically are {{c1::NNT}} and {{c1::NNH}}
Published 09/23/2023 NNT can be calculated as {{c1::1/ARR}}
Published 09/23/2023 To Calculate the ARR we must first calculate the {{c1::EER}} & {{c1::CER}}
Published 09/23/2023 Statistical Significance can be determined by either {{c1::P-values}} or {{c1::Confidence Intervals}}
Published 09/23/2023 A {{c1::Null}} Hypothesis states that there is no difference between groups 
Published 09/23/2023 An {{c1::Alternative Two-Sided}} Hypothesis states that there is a difference between the 2 groups
Published 09/23/2023 {{c1::P-value}} is defined as the probability of the difference in groups occuring if the null hypothesis is correct
Published 09/23/2023 The {{c1::lower::lower or higher}} the P-value the less likely data is to have occurred by chance alone
Published 09/23/2023 {{c1::Alpha}} measures the risk of type 1 error
Published 09/23/2023 A {{c1::Confidence Interval}} is a range of plausible values that will likely contain the data point
Published 09/23/2023 {{c1::Confidence Level}} refers to the percentage of probability or certainty that the confidence interval would contain the true population parameter…
Published 09/23/2023 The formula for Relative Risk is:{{c1::}}
Published 09/23/2023 A Relative Risk of 1 means {{c1::null value}}
Published 09/23/2023 A Relative Risk under 1 means a {{c1::reduction::increase/reduction}} in risk
Published 09/23/2023 A Relative Risk above 1 means a {{c1::increase::increase/reduction}} in risk
Published 09/23/2023 If the Confidence Interval contains 1, the result is {{c1::not statistically significant::regarding statistical significance}}
Published 09/23/2023 The {{c1::Relative Risk}} quantifies a X% reduction in a given outcome for one treatment relative to subjects on placebo
Published 09/23/2023 Confidence Intervals are used to determine {{c1::precision}} or {{c1::certainty}} of a tests results
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