Notes in Janet Woo

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Published 09/07/2024 You are reading two ECGs. The attending physician tells you one is a supraventricular arrhythmia (atrial flutter for example), and the other is a vent…
Published 09/07/2024 The most common way of classifying tachyarrhythmias is 1 - supraventricular vs. ventricular, and 2- regular vs. irregular. What are some supraventricu…
Published 09/07/2024 The most common way of classifying tachyarrhythmias is 1 - supraventricular vs. ventricular, and 2- regular vs. irregular. What are some supraventricu…
Published 09/07/2024 The most common way of classifying tachyarrhythmias is 1 - supraventricular vs. ventricular, and 2- regular vs. irregular. What are some ventricular r…
Published 09/07/2024 The most common way of classifying tachyarrhythmias is 1 - supraventricular vs. ventricular, and 2- regular vs. irregular. What are some ventricular i…
Published 09/07/2024 TRUE or FALSE: Sinus tachycardia is always a tachyarrhythmia and should be treated as such
Published 09/07/2024 What is happening at the level of the atria with focal atrial tachycardia and multifocal atrial tachycardia? Is the SA node still functioning?
Published 09/07/2024 You are a first-year internal medicine resident and you notice that a patient recently diagnosed with atrial fibrillation is missing an important prev…
Published 09/07/2024 Where in the heart does atrial fibrillation originate from? What procedure gets rid of it? (BONUS: what specialty does that procedure – just for fun :…
Published 09/07/2024 TRUE or FALSE: Both Afib and Vfib are medical emergencies and you should defibrillate the patient
Published 09/07/2024 TRUE or FALSE: if a patient is in cardiac arrest and there is no electrical rhythm in the heart (pulseless electrical activity), defibrillating a pati…
Published 09/07/2024 You are looking at an ECG and you notice a saw-tooth pattern. What type of arrhythmia is this? What is happening in the atria?
Published 09/07/2024 What are the two types of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias (PSVT)? Hint: they both involve the AV node in one way or another (BONUS: given the…
Published 09/07/2024 What is the name of the pathway that the electrical signal most often takes in AVRT after passing through the AV node?
Published 09/07/2024 We previously said that ventricular tachyarrhythmias usually have a wide QRS and that ventricular myocytes are slow at propagating the signals by them…
Published 09/07/2024 Ventricular tachycardia can have multiple foci firing within the ventricular wall (polymorphic). What famous life-threatening arrhythmia is an example…
Published 09/07/2024 How is V-Tach treated?
Published 09/07/2024 Why can tachyarrhythmias lead to syncope and possibly ischemia of the myocardium?
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