Notes in 04 Mycobacteria

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Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacterium {{c2::leprae}} thrives in {{c1::cool}} temperatures, explaining its predilection for {{c1::extremities}} of the body
Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacteria leprae grows extensively in {{c1::armadillos::animal}}, which have a cooler core body temperature
Published 06/11/2024 Leprosy is caused by {{c1::Mycobacteria leprae}} and is also known as {{c2::Hansen's}} disease
Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacteria leprae can cause {{c1::tuberculoid}} and {{c2::lepromatous}} leprosy
Published 06/11/2024 {{c1::Tuberculoid}} leprosy is associated with a strong {{c2::Th1}}-cell response, allowing for {{c2::cell-mediated}} immunity
Published 06/11/2024 {{c2::Tuberculoid}} leprosy is able to be contained within {{c1::macrophages}}
Published 06/11/2024 Well-demarcated, hairless, hypoesthetic, hypopigmented skin plaques are common in {{c1::Tuberculoid}} leprosy
Published 06/11/2024 A positive {{c1::Lepromin}} skin test demonstrates a good cell-mediated response in {{c2::Tuberculoid leprosy}}
Published 06/11/2024 {{c1::Lepromatous}} leprosy is associated with a strong {{c2::Th2}}-cell response, allowing for {{c2::humoral}} immunity
Published 06/11/2024 {{c1::Lepromatous}} leprosy is unable to be contained within macrophages, allowing for diffuse inflammatory damage
Published 06/11/2024 Which form of Leprosy (Mycobacteria leprae) is communicable (human to human)?{{c1::Lepromatous leprosy}}
Published 06/11/2024 {{c2::Lepromatous}} leprosy presents with a symmetrical {{c1::glove}} and {{c1::stocking}} neuropathy
Published 06/11/2024 Poorly-demarcated raised lesions on extensor surfaces of the extremities is characteristic of {{c1::Lepromatous}} leprosy
Published 06/11/2024 "Leonine facies" are characteristic of {{c1::Lepromatous leprosy (Mycobacteria leprae)}}
Published 06/11/2024 Loss of eyebrows is characteristic of {{c1::Lepromatous}} leprosy
Published 06/11/2024 A saddle-nose (thick) with thick cheeks is characteristic of {{c1::Lepromatous}} leprosy
Published 06/11/2024 Infertility due to testicular involvement is characteristic of {{c1::Lepromatous}} leprosy
Published 06/11/2024 Treatment of the {{c2::Tuberculoid}} form of Leprosy includes {{c1::Rifampin}} and {{c1::Dapsone}} for {{c3::6 months::time}} 
Published 06/11/2024 Treatment of the {{c1::Lepromatous}} form of Leprosy includes Rifampin, Dapsone and {{c2::Clofazimine}} for {{c2::24 months to 5 years::time}} 
Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacterium leprae is an obligate {{c1::intracellular}} bacteria
Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacterium {{c1::avium complex}} is a non-TB disease that causes disseminated infection in the late stages of {{c2::AIDS}}
Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacterium avium complex includes {{c1::Mycobacterium avium}} and {{c1::Mycobacterium intracellulare}}
Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacteria {{c1::marinum}} causes a hand-infection in aquarium handlers
Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacteria {{c1::scrofulaceum}} causes cervical lymphadenitis in children
Published 06/11/2024 Which AIDS opportunistic infection stains acid-fast?{{c1::Mycobacterium avium complex}}
Published 06/11/2024 Mycobacterium avium complex grows best at {{c1::41}}°C
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