Notes in 21 Fetal genitourinary

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Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryAlthough oligohydramnios can be caused by many things, the complete {{c1::genitourinary tract}} shou…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryOligohydramnios due to a fetal {{c5::genitourinary}} malformation can be divided into three categori…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryIf the fetal bladder is {{c2::empty}} and thus not visualized on ultrasound, the cause of oligohydramnios…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryNormal fetal kidneys grow approximately {{c1::1}} mm per week of gestation 
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryScreening for fetal {{c1::hydronephrosis}} is routinely performed to evaluate for potentially treatable causes…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryThe {{c1::anterior}}-{{c1::posterior}} renal {{c2::pelvis}} diameter is measured to assess for {{c3::hydroneph…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryThe accepted range of the anterior-posterior renal pelvis diameter (APRPD) varies by {{c1::gestational age}}, …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryCase: coronal fetal ultrasound of fetus with trisomy {{c1::18::associated with this diagnosis}}Yellow arr…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryPrenatal Urinary Tract Dilation (UTD) Classification System:Normal anterior-posterior renal pelvis diamet…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryPrenatal Urinary Tract Dilation (UTD) Classification System:Possibly abnormal anterior-posterior renal pelvis …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryPrenatal Urinary Tract Dilation (UTD) Classification System:Abnormal anterior-posterior renal pelvis diam…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryOther than an abnormally high anterior-posterior renal pelvis diameter (APRPD), any of the following, when pre…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryHydronephrosis, hydroureter and a {{c1::normal::normal/dilated}} bladder may be due to a {{c2::distal ure…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Genitourinary{{c2::Distal ureteral obstruction::complication}} or {{c3::ureterocele::complication}} from ectopic inser…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryThe most common ectopic insertion of the upper pole moiety of a duplicated collecting system is {{c1…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryA {{c1::ureterocele}} is dilation of the {{c2::intramural}} portion of the ureter, which balloons into th…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryHydronephrosis, hydroureter and a {{c1::dilated::normal/dilated}} bladder is caused by {{c2::bladder outlet}} …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Genitourinary{{c1::Posterior urethral valves}} are by far the most common cause of {{c2::bladder outlet}} obstruction
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryUrethral atresia is a rare cause of {{c1::bladder outlet}} obstruction
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryHydronephrosis can lead to {{c1::cystic renal dysplasia}}, ({{c3::increased::increased/decreased}} echogenicit…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Genitourinary{{c3::Posterior urethral valves}} are congenital {{c1::obstructions}} of the posterior urethra due to a {…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryUltrasound findings of posterior urethral valves show severe {{c2::dilation}} of the posterior ureth…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryUltrasound findings of posterior urethral valves includes bilateral severe {{c1::hydroureteronephros…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryCase: L = coronal ultrasound thru the fetal abdomen; R = transverse ultrasound thru the fetal pelvisL cal…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Genitourinary{{c1::Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)}} is a congenital disorder of diffuse {{c2::c…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryUltrasound findings of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease include very {{c1::large::small…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryPrognosis of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is {{c1::poor }}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryAutosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is associated with {{c1::pulmonary hypopl…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryCase: transverse ultrasound through fetal abdomen, fetus has no surrounding amniotic fluid with severe ol…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Genitourinary{{c2::Multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK)}} is thought to be the end result of fetal obstructive {{c1::uropat…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Genitourinary{{c2::uni}}-lateral multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) → {{c1::excellent}} prognosis{{c2::bi}}-lateral multi…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryMulticystic dysplastic kidney may affect only the {{c1::upper}} pole of a {{c2::duplicated}} system
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryOn imaging of multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK), multiple {{c1::non-communicating::communicating/…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryCysts seen in {{c2::MCDK::MCDK/hydronephrosis}} {{c1::do not::do/do not}} connect to the collec…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryThe natural history of multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) is gradual {{c1::involution}} which can occur pre-…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryCase: L = transverse ultrasound through fetal abdomen; R = sagittal viewYellow arrows: bilateral {{c…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryAlthough not a physical obstruction, severe vesicoureteral reflux may cause hydro{{c2::nephrosis}} and hydro{{…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal GenitourinaryCysts seen in {{c2::hydronephrosis::MCDK/hydronephrosis}} {{c1::do::do/do not}} connect to the collecting…
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