Notes in L02

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Published 02/02/2025 When does gastrulation happen?What is the status of the embryo at this point?What do these parts go on to become?From what does the notochord originat…
Published 02/02/2025 What is primary neuralation? What is the mechanism?How does this lead to the formation of the neural plate, neural tube, and neural crest?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the neural tube lined with?What is the neural tube a precursor to?What are the neural crest cells precursors to?
Published 02/02/2025 What are the possible neural tube defects?What could they be a result of?
Published 02/02/2025 What do ventral and dorsal mean in the brain/spinal cord?
Published 02/02/2025 What are the primary vesicles?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the brain developing distinctive anterior and posterior parts dependent on?Give two examples and where they are present.What does this mean fo…
Published 02/02/2025 What is the brain developing distinctive dorsal and ventral parts dependent on?Give an example.What are three things this molecule is important in? Wh…
Published 02/02/2025 How many layers does a mature cerebral cortex have?What are the differences between the layers?What process are they developed in?
Published 02/02/2025 Where does the process of inside-out layering start? What is happening here?What can an impairment at this stage cause?What cells act as scaffold…
Published 02/02/2025 31b2ea7eb10b49c199f1d4dd0f2e5f8f-oa-1
Published 02/02/2025 What is cortical dysgenisis and what can it lead to?What is lissencephaly and what can it lead to?
Published 02/02/2025 What happens after the layers of the cortex are formed and differentiated?What determines the direction of growth?What are two examples of these?What …
Published 02/02/2025 How does synaptogenesis occur?How is this process refined?What happens to neurones that fail to undergo this process?What is the pathological link?
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