Notes in Chapter_41:_Neurosurgery

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Published 07/07/2024 The most common location of cerebral aneurysm is at the junction of the {{c1::anterior cerebral}} and the {{c1::anterior communicating}} arteries
Published 07/07/2024 The middle and posterior cerebral arteries are connected by the {{c1::posterior}} communicating artery
Published 07/07/2024 The two anterior cerebral arteries are connected by the {{c1::anterior}} communicating artery
Published 07/07/2024 There is only 1 {{c1::anterior}} communicating cerebral artery
Published 07/07/2024 A nerve injury characterized by no axonal injury with only temporary loss of function is {{c1::neuropraxia}}
Published 07/07/2024 A nerve injury characterized by axon disruption, but with preservation of the myelin sheath is {{c1::axonotmesis}}
Published 07/07/2024 A nerve injury characterized by axon and myelin sheath disruption is {{c1::neurotmesis}} 
Published 07/07/2024 The regeneration of nerves occurs at a rate of {{c1::1}} mm per day
Published 07/07/2024 Bare sections of nerve without myelin that allow for salutatory conduction are called {{c1::Nodes of Ranvier}}
Published 07/07/2024 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is released by the {{c2::supraoptic}} nucleus of the hypothalamus through the {{c1::posterior}} pituitary
Published 07/07/2024 The main stimulus for antidiuretic hormone (ADH) release is {{c1::high plasma osmolarity}}
Published 07/07/2024 A congenital cause of cerebral hemorrhage is {{c1::arteriovenous}} malformation
Published 07/07/2024 Cerebral hemorrhage from arteriovenous malformation usually occurs in patients {{c1::younger}} than 30(younger or older)
Published 07/07/2024 Treatment for cerebral arteriovenous malformations includes {{c1::resection}} if symptomatic
Published 07/07/2024 Cerebral hemorrhage from cerebral aneurysms usually occurs in patients {{c1::older}} than 40(younger or older)
Published 07/07/2024 Treatment for cerebral aneurysms includes placing coils before {{c1::clipping}} and {{c1::resecting}} the aneurysm
Published 07/07/2024 A subdural hematoma is caused by injury to {{c1::bridging veins}}
Published 07/07/2024 A subdural hematoma is characterized by a(n) {{c1::crescent}} shape on head CT scan
Published 07/07/2024 Subdural hematomas have a {{c1::higher}} mortality than epidural hematomas(lower or higher)
Published 07/07/2024 Operative treatment is indicated for subdural hematomas if there is neurologic degeneration or midline shift > {{c1::1}} cm
Published 07/07/2024 An epidural hematoma is caused by injury to {{c1::the middle meningeal artery}}
Published 07/07/2024 An epidural hematoma is characterized by a(n) {{c1::lens}} shape on head CT scan
Published 07/07/2024 Operative treatment is indicated for epidural hematomas if there is neurologic degeneration or midline shift > {{c1::…
Published 07/07/2024 Loss of consciousness, followed by a lucid interval is characteristic of a(n) {{c1::epidural}} hematoma
Published 07/07/2024 50% of all cerebral aneuryms involve the {{c1::middle cerebral}} artery
Published 07/07/2024 Subarachnoid hemorrhages can be caused by cerebral aneurysms or {{c1::arteriovenous malformations}}
Published 07/07/2024 The treatment goals for subarachnoid hemorrhage involve {{c3::clipping}}, overcoming {{c2::vasospasm}}, and preventing {{c1::rebleeding}}
Published 07/07/2024 Vasospasm is overcome in subarachnoid hemorrhage by maximizing {{c3::perfusion}}, inducing {{c2::hyper}}-volemia, and {{c1::calcium channel block…
Published 07/07/2024 Only go to the OR for subarachnoid hemorrhage if the patient is neurologically {{c1::intact}}
Published 07/07/2024 Intracerebral hematomas most often affect the {{c1::temporal}} lobe
Published 07/07/2024 A sign of severely elevated ICP and impending herniation is intermittent {{c1::bradycardia}}
Published 07/07/2024 The presence of hypertension, bradycardia, and respiratory depression due to increased ICP is known as {{c1::Cushing's}} triad
Published 07/07/2024 A spinal cord injury with deficit is treated with {{c1::high-dose steroids}}
Published 07/07/2024 Spinal shock presents with {{c2::hypo}}-tension, normal or slow heart rate, and {{c1::warm}} extremities
Published 07/07/2024 Spinal shock occurs with spinal cord injuries above T5 due to loss of {{c1::sympathetic}} tone
Published 07/07/2024 Spinal shock is treated with fluids and possibly a(n) {{c1::phenylephrine}} drip
Published 07/07/2024 The most common cause of anterior spinal artery syndrome is {{c1::ruptured cervical disc}}
Published 07/07/2024 In anterior spinal artery syndrome, {{c1::position-vibratory sensation}} and {{c2::light touch}} are preserved
Published 07/07/2024 An incomplete transection of half of the spinal cord is known as {{c1::Brown-Sequard}} syndrome
Published 07/07/2024 Central cord syndrome most commonly occurs with {{c1::hyperextension}} injuries of the cervical spine
Published 07/07/2024 The corticospinal and {{c1::rubrospinal}} tracts are ventral and carry motor neurons
Published 07/07/2024 The most common primary brain tumors in adults are {{c1::meningiomas}}
Published 07/07/2024 Most brain metastases are from the {{c1::lung}}
Published 07/07/2024 The most common brain tumor in children is {{c1::pilocytic astrocytoma}}
Published 07/07/2024 The most common metastatic brain tumor in children is {{c1::neuroblastoma}}
Published 07/07/2024 Acoustic neuromas arise from cranial nerve 8 at the {{c1::cerebellopontine}} angle
Published 07/07/2024 Most spine tumors are {{c1::benign}}(benign or malignant)
Published 07/07/2024 The most common spine tumor is {{c1::neurofibroma}}
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Intra}}-dural spine tumors are more likely to be {{c1::benign::benign or malignant}}
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Extra}}-dural spine tumors are more likely to be {{c1::malignant::benign or malignant}}
Published 07/07/2024 Paraganglionomas can present with {{c1::metanephrines}} present in the urine
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Intraventricular}} hemorrhage is seen in premature infants due to rupture of vessels in the {{c1::germinal matrix}}
Published 07/07/2024 Risk factors for intraventricular hemorrhage include cyanotic heart disease and {{c1::ECMO}}
Published 07/07/2024 The treatment of intraventricular hemorrhage involves ventricular {{c1::drainage}}
Published 07/07/2024 Pituitary apoplexy is treated with {{c1::steroids}}
Published 07/07/2024 The diaphragm is innervated by nerve roots {{c1::C3}}-{{c1::C5}}
Published 07/07/2024 The cells that act as macrophages in the brain are {{c1::microglial cells}}
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