Notes in Muscle/Cardiac Phys

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Published 02/05/2025 What is the primary function of the cardiovascular system?
Published 02/05/2025 What is the heart doing during systole and diastole?
Published 02/07/2025 {{c1::Cardiac output}} reflects the relationship between {{c2::blood pressure}} and {{c2::systemic vascular resistance}}
Published 02/05/2025 Cardiac output from the {{c1::right ventricle}} flows through the {{c2::pulmonary circulation}} where pressure is {{c2::low}}Cardiac ou…
Published 02/05/2025 {{c1::Cardiac preload}} is the {{c2::amount of blood in the hearts chambers before it contracts}}{{c1::Cardiac afterload}} is the {{c2::pres…
Published 02/05/2025 How do you calculate cardiac output?
Published 02/05/2025 What 3 factors contribute to stroke volume? Do they increase or decrease stroke volume?
Published 02/05/2025 What generates the driving pressure to move blood through vasculature?
Published 02/05/2025 Why are disruptions or reductions to blood flow to the brain, heart, and skeletal muscle so problematic?
Published 02/05/2025 What type of vasculature serves as an exchange site for oxygen, CO2, waste, and nutrients?
Published 02/05/2025 What are some differences between arterioles and venules/veins? 
Published 02/07/2025 What percentage of blood is in the venous system at any one time?
Published 02/05/2025 What are the body weight percentages for total body water (TBW), intracellulcar fluid, extracellular fluid, and plasma?
Published 02/05/2025 Describe Ohm's law for fluids (hint: ΔP=FR OR F=ΔP/R)
Published 02/11/2025 According to Ohm's law:Flow is directly proportional to {{c1::pressure gradient}} and {{c1::radius}} Flow is inversely proportional to {{c2:…
Published 02/16/2025 Increasing the {{c2::length}} and {{c2::viscosity}} creates {{c1::more}} resistance, while increasing {{c2::radius}} creates {{c1::less…
Published 02/05/2025 What does adding more vessels in parallel do to resistance?
Published 02/19/2025 The {{c2::total resistance}} of vessels connected in series is the {{c1::sum of each of the individual resistances}}The {{c2::total conducta…
Published 02/19/2025 Adding a parallel pathway to the system {{c1::decreases}} total resistance and {{c1::increases}} total conductance
Published 02/05/2025 Define/describe the following pressures:{{c1::Driving pressure}}: {{c2::pressure difference between two points}}{{c1::Transmural pressure}}: {{c2…
Published 02/05/2025 Define/describe the following terms:{{c1::Compliance}}: {{c2::How easily the heart's chamber expand when filled with blood}}{{c1::Resistance}}: {{c2::…
Published 02/05/2025 Vascular smooth muscle contractions {{c1::increase}} vascular tone and {{c1::reduces}} vascular compliance
Published 02/05/2025 A way to predict under ideal conditions when turbulence will occur
Published 02/05/2025 An increase in {{c1::vessel diameter and blood flow}} will lead to a {{c2::higher}} Reynolds numberAn increase in {{c1::blood viscosity…
Published 02/05/2025 Where is turbulence more likely?
Published 02/05/2025 What increases turbulence?
Published 02/05/2025 The relationship between flow and resistance can be viewed as an {{c1::invserse}} relationship
Published 02/08/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2366:top=.6399:width=.0707:height=.0469:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.3303:top=.3216:width=.0568:height=.050…
Published 02/08/2025 Describe the movement of an action potential throughout the heart
Published 02/08/2025 Here is a graph of a cardiomyocyte action potential! What is going on  at points 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4? (hint: think about what ions are moving in/ou…
Published 02/08/2025 What is the refractory period and why is it important?
Published 02/08/2025 How long is the refractory period in cardiac muscle in comparision to skeletal muscle?
Published 02/08/2025 What effect does altering the pacemaker current have on heart rate?
Published 02/08/2025 What serves as the source of action potentials in cardiac muscle?
Published 02/08/2025 {{c1::Faster}} pacemakers like the {{c2::Sinoatrial (SA) node}} will  override {{c1::slower}} pacemakers such as the {{c2::Atrioventric…
Published 02/08/2025 What is the hierachy of pacemaker cells for setting the heart rate?
Published 02/17/2025 There are three dominant currents in the SA and AV nodes. What are they and what do they drive?
Published 02/12/2025 What are some unique features of the If or "funny current" channels?
Published 02/08/2025 {{c1::Norepinephrine}} acts on {{c2::B-adrenergic receptors}} to {{c2::speed up}} spontaneous depolarization of pacemaker cells{{c1:: Acetyl…
Published 02/08/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.5945:top=.2948:width=.0814:height=.0804:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.7066:top=.3049:width=.0876:height=.057…
Published 02/08/2025 List/describe what is happening at these ECG waves:{{c1::P wave}}: {{c2::atrial depolarization}}{{c1::QRS complex}}: {{c2::ventricular depol…
Published 02/08/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.3579:top=.4279:width=.1167:height=.0798:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1029:top=.4279:width=.1029:height=.100…
Published 02/08/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.221:top=.943:width=.1176:height=.0499:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.3922:top=.943:width=.1355:height=.0523:o…
Published 02/08/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0571:top=.095:width=.123:height=.0879:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2906:top=.0048:width=.1283:height=.0713:…
Published 02/12/2025 {{c1::End-diastolic volume (EDV)}}: {{c2::Volume of blood in ventrilcles at end of diastole (before contraction)}}{{c1::End-systolic volume (ESV)}}: {…
Published 02/08/2025 What is stroke volume and ejection fraction, and how are they related to EDV and ESV?
Published 02/15/2025 {{c1::Preload}}: {{c2::length and tension on a muscle before contraction}}{{c1::Afterload}}: {{c2::force to eject blood from the ventricle}}
Published 02/11/2025 An increase in {{c2::preload}} will {{c1::increase}} cardiac output, while a increase in {{c2::afterload}} will {{c1::decrease}} cardia…
Published 02/11/2025 Is arterial (aortic) or ventricular pressure greater during diastole?
Published 02/11/2025 Describe the Frank-Starling Mechanism (also reffered to as Starlings Law) for the cardiovascular system
Published 02/11/2025 What are some physiologic consequences of the Frank-Starling mechanism?
Published 02/11/2025 What is the molecular basis of the Frank-Starling mechanism? 
Published 02/11/2025 Stretch from the right atrial wall can increase heart rate by {{c1::10-20%}} by aciton of the {{c2::SA node}}
Published 02/11/2025 Why does an increased heart rate increase the force of contraction?
Published 02/11/2025 Why is it important for R-side and L-side input to be closely matched?
Published 02/11/2025 An increase in {{c1::preload}} will cause an increase in {{c2::end diastolic ventricular volume}}An increase in {{c1::afterload}} will …
Published 02/11/2025 Define/desrcibe the following ionotropes:{{c1::Positive ionotrope}}: {{c2::increase the force of musclular contractions through increased intracellula…
Published 02/11/2025 What are some mechanisms for positive and negative inotrophy? 
Published 02/11/2025 What are examples of positive an negative inotropes? 
Published 02/11/2025 {{c1::Positive chronotropes}} will {{c2::increase}} heart rate. Examples include {{c2::norepinephrine}} and {{c2::epinephrine}}. {{c1::Negative c…
Published 02/11/2025 {{c1::AV valves}} prevent backflow from the {{c2::ventricles}}. {{c1::Semilunar valves}} prevent backflow from {{c2::arteries into vent…
Published 02/11/2025 What is occuring during S1 (lub), S2 (dub), S3, and S4 heart sounds?
Published 02/11/2025 Cardiac ouput is controlled by {{c2::intrinsic}} factors that involve {{c1::the heart automatically respoding to short term changes}}, and {{c2::extri…
Published 02/11/2025 What do sympathathetic and parasympathetic fibers invvervate in the heart?
Published 02/11/2025 {{c1::Sympathetic}} stimulation increases {{c2::HR and contractility}}, while {{c1::parasymathetic}} stimulation decreases {{c2::HR markedly and contr…
Published 02/11/2025 Does cardiac muscle depend on intracellular or extracellular Ca2+ for contraction?
Published 02/12/2025 Resistance of vessels {{c1::increases}} after vasoconstriction, and {{c1::decreases}} after vasodilation
Published 02/12/2025 What is the one factor that tissues can control to modulate bloodflow locally?
Published 02/12/2025 How does an increase in tissue metabolism cause vasodilation?
Published 02/12/2025 During the stress-relaxation response, a rapid increase in blood volume causes {{c1::vasodilation}}. A rapid decrease in blood volume causes {{c1::vas…
Published 02/12/2025 What is the difference between active and reactive hyperemia within a tissue?
Published 02/13/2025 How does pulmonary microvasculature respond to hypoxia and low pH, when compared to systemic
Published 02/13/2025 {{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1982:top=.2907:width=.2041:height=.4256}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1987:top=.7439:width=.2036:height=.2318}}{{…
Published 02/13/2025 What is the primary purpose of the arterial baroreceptor reflex?
Published 02/13/2025 What are the primary arterial baroreceptors?
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.006:top=.2102:width=.1745:height=.105}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1911:top=.2078:width=.1851:height=.1085}}{{c2…
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0042:top=.3258:width=.1798:height=.1568}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1893:top=.3269:width=.1913:height=.1557}}{{…
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0051:top=.4897:width=.1798:height=.1097}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1911:top=.4897:width=.1877:height=.1097}}{{…
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0059:top=.61:width=.1804:height=.1144}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1933:top=.6076:width=.1857:height=.1167}}{{c2…
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0056:top=.7326:width=.1797:height=.1474}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1915:top=.7326:width=.1903:height=.145}}{{c…
Published 02/13/2025 {{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.361:top=.3636:width=.6351:height=.2803:oi=1}}{{c3::image-occlusion:rect:left=.361:top=.6591:width=.6351:height=.1515:…
Published 02/13/2025 What are the three categories of capillaries, and an example tissue? (if applicable)
Published 02/13/2025 What are the two primary means of transporting large large/charged molecules across the capillary wall? (Standard capillary)
Published 02/13/2025 In the context of Fick's law of diffusion, and increase in {{c1::solute concentration difference}} and {{c1::area of diffusion}} will {{c2::…
Published 02/13/2025 Which plasma protein is the primary contributor to oncotic pressure?
Published 02/13/2025 What are the four starling forces? (capillary) And what is the flow direction of each?
Published 02/13/2025 What is the default state of starlings forces around a capillary? What does this mean for movement of fluids?
Published 02/13/2025 What system drives the slight negative hydrostatic pressure of the interstitium?
Published 02/13/2025 What are the four causes/mechanisms of edema formation?
Published 02/16/2025 What is the general definition of circulatory shock?
Published 02/16/2025 Define myxomatous
Published 02/16/2025 {{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0082:top=.1855:width=.2595:height=.1425}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0075:top=.3488:width=.2595:height=.1425}}{{…
Published 02/16/2025 While there are many receptors and reflexes associated with responding to shock, there are two major systems that respond to a major loss of blood. {{…
Published 02/16/2025 Why is the body's chronic response to heart disease counterintuitive? 
Published 02/16/2025 What is the primary difference in the contraction pathway between smooth and skeletal muscle?
Published 02/16/2025 Is coronary blood flow the highest during diastole or systole?Why is this?
Published 02/16/2025 What is the primary negative inotrope we discuss in this class?
Published 02/16/2025 What is the end result of inotrope activity on the heart?
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