Notes in ZSO 2: Motiliteit

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Published 12/07/2024 A 35-year-old ER nurse expressed complaints of sensations of early satiety, bloating, and discomfort in the 'pit-of-her-stomach' after a meal. The p…
Published 12/07/2024 The small intestine of a runner in a marathon was instrumented for measuring intestinal blood flow, secretion of H2O and NaCl, and contractile activ…
Published 12/07/2024 The movement of nutrients along the digestive tract is compartmentalized by sphincter muscles. Which sphincter will have the highest resting pressur…
Published 12/07/2024 The first child of a healthy 28-year-old female weighed 12.2 lb when delivered by vaginal birth 1.2 years ago. In a conversation with her best and m…
Published 12/07/2024 Which of the following is the correct location for the neuronal cell bodies that give rise to the postganglionic sympathetic axons found in the ente…
Published 12/07/2024 In a study in which the volume of the gastric reservoir was recorded with an intragastric barostat in a normal subject, the volume of the reservoir …
Published 12/07/2024 A male university football fan attempted to impress his tailgate companions by imbibing a 12-oz can of beer in a single swallow and claiming he expe…
Published 12/07/2024 The parents of a 5-year-old boy received a diagnosis of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, which is characterized by an absence of electrical slow waves…
Published 12/07/2024 What distinguishes a synaptic-type (S-type) neuron from an afterhyperpolarization-type (AH-type) neuron?
Published 12/07/2024 The volume of liquid in the stomach is a major determinant of stomach emptying. Which statement related to gastric emptying is correct?
Published 12/07/2024 Intestinal motility is a complex process, orchestrated by nerves, hormones and the presence of food in the stomach. Which statement about this proce…
Published 12/07/2024 Welke soorten contracties bestaan er in het GI-stelsel?
Published 12/07/2024 Welke soort AP heeft het GI-stelsel?
Published 12/07/2024 Wat zijn de functies van tonische contracties?
Published 12/07/2024 In welke darmen komt er propulsieve peristalsis voor?
Published 12/07/2024  Verklaar volgende figuur
Published 12/07/2024 Verklaring: (physiologische) ileus
Published 12/07/2024 Teken de cyclus van de vorming van slow waves
Published 12/07/2024 Welke symptomen heeft achalasie? geef de logica achter de symptomen
Published 12/07/2024 Wat is typerend aan de motiliteit van het colon?
Published 12/07/2024 What does the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) do?
Published 12/07/2024 When does the MMC begin?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the primary purpose of the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the three phases of the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 How long does a single MMC cycle take?
Published 12/07/2024 What happens after Phase III of the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 Where does the MMC start and end?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the speed of the MMC change as it moves along the intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 What drives the contractions within the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 How do peristaltic waves within the MMC behave?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the MMC interact with bile?
Published 12/07/2024 Why is this bile movement important regarding the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 Which part of the nervous system organizes the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 Does the MMC continue without input from the brain?
Published 12/07/2024 Which hormones affect the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 What triggers the termination of the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the MMC cycle length differ between day and night?
Published 12/07/2024 How long does it take for an MMC activity front to travel from the stomach to the ileum?
Published 12/07/2024 How fast do ESWs and associated peristaltic waves travel within the activity front?
Published 12/07/2024 What does the MMC do for indigestible particles?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the MMC prevent bacterial overgrowth?
Published 12/07/2024 What condition is associated with the absence of the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 Why is the MMC called the "housekeeper" of the small intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 What role does the MMC play in bile circulation?
Published 12/07/2024 How does this movement MMC benefit the gallbladder?
Published 12/07/2024 What are potential triggers for the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 Does motilin directly trigger the MMC?
Published 12/07/2024 How is the MMC terminated during a meal?
Published 12/07/2024 Waar liggen de cellichamen van de parasympathisch ZS?
Published 12/07/2024 Welke neurotransmitters zijn er gebruikt excitatoir in het EZS?
Published 12/07/2024 Welke inhibitoire NT zijn er in het EZS?
Published 12/07/2024 Welke 3 eigenschappen heeft het EZS?
Published 12/07/2024 Je hebt stress want morgen weet je dat je officieel gebuisd bent voor Hart en Longen en je krijgt diarree. Maar stress is toch orthosympathisch en ort…
Published 12/07/2024 De darmen worden parasympathisch volledig bezenuwd door de n. vagus?
Published 12/07/2024 Parasympathisch ZS heeft vooral {{c1::afferente}} vezels in het EZS.
Published 12/07/2024 Orthosympathisch ZS heeft vooral {{c1::efferente}} vezels in het EZS.
Published 12/07/2024 Geef de  functies van de parasympathische bezenuwing van het GI stelsel
Published 12/07/2024 Geef de  functies van de orthosympathische bezenuwing van het GI stelsel
Published 12/07/2024 Waar liggen de interstitiële cellen van Cajal?
Published 12/07/2024 Welke segementen worden gevormd bij peristaltiek en welk invloed heeft het ZS op elk van de segmenten?
Published 12/07/2024 Verklaar waarom peristaltiek een polysynaptisch neuraal reflex is.
Published 12/07/2024 Slikken geeft aanleiding tot verschillende stadia: noem ze op en geef aan of ze vrijwillig of onvrijwillig zijn!
Published 12/07/2024 30f3379b39934f199d40a45e83fb0293-ao-1
Published 12/07/2024 30f3379b39934f199d40a45e83fb0293-ao-2
Published 12/07/2024 Wat is de algemene staat van de spieren in de oesophagus zonder slikken of iets in een levend persoon.
Published 12/07/2024 Welk respons is verantwoordelijk voor peristalsis in de oesophagus?
Published 12/07/2024 Welke 2 fases bevat gastrische accomodatie?
Published 12/07/2024 Welke factoren verlagen de LES tonus?
Published 12/07/2024 Zenker diverticulum
Published 12/07/2024 Barret Oesophagus- wat is er hier mis?
Published 12/07/2024 Jackhammer/nutcracker oefophagus- qu'est-ce que c'est?
Published 12/07/2024 Waardoor wordt de receptieve relaxatie fase van de gastrische acoomodatie door geinitieerd?
Published 12/07/2024 Waardoor wordt de adaptieve relaxatie fase van de gastrische acoomodatie door geinitieerd?
Published 12/07/2024 Welke NT spelen een rol in de gastrische accomodatie?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the vagovagal reflex?
Published 12/07/2024 What is one function of the vagovagal reflex related to food?
Published 12/07/2024 What do the sensory receptors in the vagovagal reflex detect?
Published 12/07/2024 What role do vagal efferent fibers play in the vagovagal reflex?
Published 12/07/2024 How are musculomotor neurons classified in the vagovagal reflex?
Published 12/07/2024 What type of neurons stimulate secretion in the vagovagal reflex?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the CNS organize circuits for controlling the upper GI tract?
Published 12/07/2024 What inputs fine-tune the vagovagal reflex?
Published 12/07/2024 How are vagovagal reflex circuits similar to somatic motor reflexes?
Published 12/07/2024 Teken het reflexcircuit voor gastrische accomodatie.
Published 12/07/2024 Wat gebeurt er in de maag na de vagotomy? Wat voelt de ptnt?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the key functions of gastric motility?
Published 12/07/2024 How does gastric emptying affect blood glucose levels?
Published 12/07/2024 What regulates gastric motility and emptying?
Published 12/07/2024 How do stomach contents influence gastric motility?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the effect of isotonic liquids on gastric emptying?
Published 12/07/2024 How does acidic gastric chyme affect gastric emptying?
Published 12/07/2024 How does caloric content affect gastric emptying?
Published 12/07/2024 Which macronutrient empties from the stomach the slowest?
Published 12/07/2024 What triggers the release of gastrin and what are its effects?
Published 12/07/2024 How is neuronal control of gastric emptying achieved?
Published 12/07/2024 How do liquids and solids differ in gastric emptying?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the "sieving action" of the stomach?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC)?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the MMC differ in digestive and interdigestive states?
Published 12/07/2024 What is regurgitation?
Published 12/07/2024 What is vomiting (emesis)?
Published 12/07/2024 Where is the vomiting center located?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), and where is it located?
Published 12/07/2024 What stimuli can trigger vomiting?
Published 12/07/2024 What happens in the GI tract during vomiting?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the stages preceding vomiting?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the sequence of events during the vomiting cycle?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the protective and harmful aspects of vomiting?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the three functional regions of the small intestine? :) weggevertje
Published 12/07/2024 What occurs in the small intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the small intestine influence gastric emptying?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the three fundamental patterns of small intestinal motility?
Published 12/07/2024 How is motility in the small intestine controlled?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the interdigestive motility pattern?
Published 12/07/2024 What is segmentation in the small intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 How does segmentation occur?
Published 12/07/2024 What is leaky gut syndrome (LGS)?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the role of the gut barrier?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the components of the intestinal barrier?
Published 12/07/2024 What is paracellular movement?
Published 12/07/2024 What factors can contribute to LGS pathophysiology?
Published 12/07/2024 What are some conditions associated with leaky gut syndrome?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the main divisions of the large intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 What processes occur in the large intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the content of the large intestine differ from that of the small intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the normal transit time through the large intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the primary stimulus for increased large intestinal motility after a meal?
Published 12/07/2024 What is power propulsion, and where does it occur?
Published 12/14/2024 What is the gastrocolic reflex?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the function of haustrations in the transverse colon?
Published 12/07/2024 How does transverse colon motility compare to that of the small intestine?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the primary role of the descending colon?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the capacity of the sigmoid colon and rectum, and how does it adapt to fecal movements?
Published 12/07/2024 What anatomical feature prevents involuntary fecal leakage?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the rectoanal reflex?
Published 12/07/2024 Which nervous systems are involved in defecation?
Published 12/07/2024 How do mechanoreceptors and somatosensory nerves contribute to defecation?
Published 12/07/2024 How does the pelvic floor behave during defecation?
Published 12/07/2024 What are the two main categories of motility disorders?
Published 12/07/2024 What is paralytic ileus, and when does it occur?
Published 12/07/2024 What is the role of inhibitory neurons in motility disorders?
Published 12/07/2024 How is physiological ileus different from paralytic ileus?
Published 12/07/2024 zoek de m puborectalis
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