Notes in Week 5

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Published 03/11/2025 {{c1::Marfan}} syndrome is caused by a defect in {{c2::fibrillin}}, a glycoprotein that forms a sheath around {{c3::elastin}}
Published 03/11/2025 {{c1::Marfan}} syndrome is due to a mutation in the {{c2::FBN1}} gene on chromosome {{c3::15}}
Published 03/11/2025 What protein is defective in Marfan syndrome?{{c1::Fibrillin (scaffold for elastin)}}
Published 03/11/2025 What pathology is associated with scoliosis, long tapering fingers and toes (arachnodactyly), and upward subluxation of lenses?{{c1::Marfan syndrome}}
Published 03/11/2025 Marfan syndrome typically presents with subluxation of the lenses {{c1::upward::direction}} and {{c1::outward::direction}}
Published 03/11/2025 Connective tissue diseases are associated with which cardiac valve abnormality?{{c1::Mitral valve prolapse}}
Published 03/11/2025 What is the mode of inheritance of Marfan syndrome?{{c1::Autosomal dominant}}
Published 03/11/2025 Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger disease) is a form of segmenting {{c1::medium}}-vessel vasculitis that extends into contiguous {{c2::veins}} and {…
Published 03/11/2025 What demographic is classically affected by Buerger disease? {{c1::Heavy smokers, males < 40 years old}}
Published 03/11/2025 {{c2::Buerger}} disease is a segmental thrombosing vasculitis that commonly involves the {{c1::digits}}
Published 03/11/2025 Buerger disease often presents with intermittent claudication that may lead to {{c2::gangrene}} and {{c1::autoamputation}} of digits
Published 03/11/2025 Patients with Buerger disease often experience {{c1::Raynaud}} phenomenon
Published 03/11/2025 What is the treatment for Buerger disease?{{c1::Smoking cessation}}
Published 03/11/2025 {{c1::Aortic dissection}} is a longitudinal intimal tear with transmission of blood through the media of the aortic wall
Published 03/11/2025 Aortic dissection usually occurs in the proximal {{c1::10}} cm of the aorta (high stress region)
Published 03/11/2025 The most significant risk factor for aortic dissection in older adults is {{c1::hypertension}}
Published 03/11/2025 Aortic dissection is associated with inherited {{c1::connective tissue}} disorders
Published 03/11/2025 Aortic dissection is associated with a(n) {{c1::bicuspid}} aortic valve
Published 03/11/2025 Aortic dissection may present with sudden sharp, tearing {{c1::chest}} pain that radiates to the {{c1::back}}
Published 03/11/2025 Chest X-ray of a patient with aortic {{c2::dissection}} shows a widened {{c1::mediastinum}}
Published 03/11/2025 Aortic dissection may lead to obstruction of branching arteries, thus causing end-organ {{c1::ischemia}}
Published 03/11/2025 Aortic dissection may result in {{c1::rupture}} into the mediastinum, causing fatal hemorrhage
Published 03/11/2025 Stanford type {{c1::A (proximal)}} aortic dissection involves the ascending aorta and/or the aortic arch
Published 03/11/2025 Stanford type {{c1::B (distal)}} aortic dissection involves only the descending aorta
Published 03/11/2025 What is the treatment for Stanford type A aortic dissection? {{c1::Surgery}}
Published 03/11/2025 What is the treatment for Stanford type B aortic dissection? {{c1::β-blockers, then vasodilators}}
Published 03/11/2025 Thoracic aortic aneurysm is classically seen in patients with {{c1::tertiary syphilis}} due to {{c2::endarteritis}} of the vasa vasorum
Published 03/11/2025 {{c2::Thoracic}} aortic aneurysm is associated with {{c1::cystic medial}} degeneration (e.g., Marfan syndrome)
Published 03/11/2025 Risk factors for thoracic aortic aneurysm include {{c1::bicuspid}} aortic valve and {{c2::hypertension}}
Published 03/11/2025 Thoracic aneurysm is associated with inherited {{c1::connective tissue}} disorders
Published 03/11/2025 A major complication of thoracic aneurysm is dilation of the aortic valve root resulting in {{c1::aortic regurgitation (insufficiency)}}
Published 03/11/2025 Traumatic aortic rupture (due to trauma and/or deceleration injury) most commonly occurs at the {{c1::aortic isthmus}}
Published 03/11/2025 {{c1::Buerger}} disease may also be referred to as thromboangiitis obliterans
Published 03/11/2025 Aortic {{c1::dissection}} may present with markedly unequal blood pressure in the arms
Published 03/11/2025 What renal pathology is associated with berry aneurysms?{{c1::Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)}}
Published 03/11/2025 Ascending aortic aneurysms are most often due to {{c1::cystic medial necrosis}} (due to HTN and aging) and/or {{c2::connective tissue}} disorders
Published 03/11/2025 Descending aortic aneurysms are usually due to underlying {{c1::atherosclerosis}}
Published 03/11/2025 {{c2::Tertiary}} syphilis can present with aortitis, with a characteristic "{{c3::tree-barking}}" appearance
Published 03/11/2025 Myxomatous degeneration in the tunica media is found in {{c1::cystic medial degeneration}}, which predisposes to the development of aortic {{c2::disse…
Published 03/11/2025 What is the preferred diagnostic study for suspected aortic dissection in hemodynamically stable patients with normal renal function?{{c1::CT angiogra…
Published 03/11/2025 Aortic dissection can propagate proximally to the aortic root resulting in {{c1::aortic regurgitation}}, evidenced by a new onset decrescendo diastoli…
Published 03/11/2025 Large {{c1::thoracic aortic}} aneurysms may present with cough, wheezing, and dyspnea
Published 03/11/2025 Large {{c1::thoracic aortic}} aneurysms may present with dysphagia and hoarseness
Published 03/11/2025 {{c1::Thoracic aortic aneurysm}} rupture is associated with increasing vessel diameter (especially > 6cm)
Published 03/11/2025 Linear calcifications of the aortic arch on chest X-ray is suggestive of {{c1::syphilitic aortitis}}
Published 03/11/2025 What iatrogenic risk factor may damage the intimal layer of a vessel wall and cause aortic dissection?{{c1::Cardiac catheterization}}
Published 03/11/2025 Occlusion of the carotid arteries by an expanding {{c1::thoracic aortic}} dissection may cause ischemic stroke and/or syncope
Published 03/11/2025 Many patients with {{c1::thromboangiitis obliterans::vasculitis}} will demonstrate a hypersensitivity reaction to dermal injection of tobacco extract
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