Notes in #ZankiPremade

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Published 10/05/2023 According to the {{c3::Fick}} principle: {{c2::Cardiac Output (CO)}} = {{c1::O2 consumption / (arterial O2 content - venous O…
Published 10/05/2023 The large airways of the {{c1::conducting}} zone of the lung consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi 
Published 10/05/2023 The small airways of the {{c1::conducting}} zone of the lung consist of bronchioles that further divide into terminal br…
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::conducting}} zone of the lung is responsible for warming, humidifying, and filtering the air
Published 10/05/2023 Does the conducting zone of the lung participate in gas exchange? {{c1::No}} 
Published 10/05/2023 The volume of the {{c1::conducting}} zone of the lung comprises the "{{c2::{{c3::anatomic::a}}}} dead space" 
Published 10/05/2023 {{c1::Cartilage}} and {{c2::goblet}} cells extend to the end of the {{c3::bronchi}} of the conducting zone&nbs…
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::cilia}} lining the epithelium of the respiratory tract help clear mucus and debris from the lungs vi…
Published 10/05/2023 Airway smooth muscle cells extend to the {{c1::terminal bronchioles::t}} of the conducting zone (sparse beyond this…
Published 10/05/2023 The smooth muscle of the conducting airways of the lung {{c1::relaxes::contracts/relaxes}} in response to sympathetic&nb…
Published 10/05/2023 The smooth muscle of the conducting airways of the lung {{c1::constrict::dilate/constrict}} in response to {{c3::parasym…
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of sympathetic innervation on the smooth muscle of the conducting airways of the lung?{{c1::Relaxation::Contrac…
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of parasympathetic innervation on the smooth muscle of the conducting airways of the lung?{{c1::Constriction::R…
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::respiratory}} zone of the lung consists of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs
Published 10/05/2023 Does the respiratory zone of the lung participate in gas exchange? {{c1::Yes}} 
Published 10/05/2023 Which part of the respiratory zone still contains some smooth muscle? {{c1::Respiratory bronchioles::Rb}}
Published 10/05/2023 Where in the respiratory tract do cilia terminate? {{c1::Respiratory bronchioles}}
Published 10/05/2023 Do the alveolar ducts and/or sacs have cilia? {{c1::No}}
Published 10/05/2023 The alveolar walls are lined with epithelial cells called {{c1::type I}} and {{c1::type II pneumocytes}} 
Published 10/05/2023 Type {{c1::II}} pneumocytes are responsible for synthesis of pulmonary {{c2::surfactant}} 
Published 10/05/2023 Type {{c1::II}} pneumocytes have regenerative capacity for both type I and type II pneumocytes
Published 10/05/2023 The alveoli contain phagocytic cells called {{c1::alveolar macrophages}}, which clear debris and participate in the immune response
Published 10/05/2023 Pulmonary blood flow is equal to the {{c1::cardiac output}} of the {{c2::right::left/right}} heart 
Published 10/05/2023 When a person is standing, pulmonary blood flow is lowest at the {{c1::apex (top)}} of the lungs
Published 10/05/2023 When a person is standing, pulmonary blood flow is highest at the {{c1::base (bottom)}} of the lungs
Published 10/05/2023 The volume that moves into the lung with each quiet inspiration is the {{c1::tidal volume}} 
Published 10/05/2023 What is the typical normal value for tidal volume (mL)?{{c1::500 mL}}
Published 10/05/2023 The additional volume that can be inspired above tidal volume is the {{c1::inspiratory reserve volume}} 
Published 10/05/2023 The additional volume that can be expired below tidal volume is the {{c1::expiratory reserve volume}} 
Published 10/05/2023 The volume that remains in the lungs after maximal forced EXpiration is the {{c1::residual volume}} 
Published 10/05/2023 Which lung volume cannot be measured on spirometry?{{c1::Residual volume}}
Published 10/05/2023 The sum of the tidal volume plus the inspiratory reserve volume is known as {{c1::inspiratory capacity}} 
Published 10/05/2023 The sum of the residual volume plus the expiratory reserve volume is known as {{c1::functional residual capacity}}&…
Published 10/05/2023 The volume of gas remaining in the lungs after normal expiration is the {{c1::functional residual capacity}}
Published 10/05/2023 The sum of the tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume is known as the {{c1::vital capac…
Published 10/05/2023 The maximum volume of gas that can be {{c2::EXPIRED::INSPIRED/EXPIRED}} after maximal inspiration is known as the {{c1::(forced) vital capac…
Published 10/05/2023 The sum of the tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, and residual volume is kno…
Published 10/05/2023 The volume of gas present in the lungs after a maximal INspiration is known as the {{c1::total lung capacity}}
Published 10/05/2023 Which lung capacities cannot be measured on spirometry? (2){{c1::Functional Residual Capacity, Total Lung Capacity}}
Published 10/05/2023 Functional residual capacity may be measured using {{c1::helium dilution}} or {{c2::body plethysmograph}} 
Published 10/05/2023 What is the typical normal value for anatomic dead space (mL)?{{c1::150}} mL
Published 10/05/2023 The volume of the {{c2::anatomic}} dead space plus the {{c2::alveolar}} dead space comprises the "{{c1::physiologic}} dead sp…
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::apex::apex/base}} of a healthy lung is the largest contributor of alveolar dead space 
Published 10/05/2023 {{c1::Physiologic dead space::P}} is the total volume of the lungs that does not participate in gas exchange 
Published 10/05/2023 In healthy lungs, the physiologic dead space is approximately equal to the {{c1::anatomic dead space::WORDS}}
Published 10/05/2023 In certain pathologic situations, the physiologic dead space may become greater than the anatomic dead space, sugge…
Published 10/05/2023 Pathologic dead space is when part of the respiratory zone is {{c1::ventilated}}, but not {{c1::perfused}} (perfused, ventilated)
Published 10/05/2023 What equation may be used to determine the physiologic dead space (VD)?{{c1::}}
Published 10/05/2023 {{c1::Minute::Alveolar/Minute}} ventilation is the total volume of gas that enters the lungs per unit time  
Published 10/05/2023 {{c1::Alveolar}} ventilation is the volume of gas per unit time that reaches the alveoli (accounts for physiologic dead space…
Published 10/05/2023 What equation may be used to calculate minute ventilation? Minute Ventilation (VE) = {{c1::VT * Respiratory Rate}}
Published 10/05/2023 What equation may be used to calculate alveolar ventilation? Alveolar Ventilation (VA) = {{c1::(VT - VD) * Respirat…
Published 10/05/2023 What is the normal range of respiratory rates for a healthy adult (breaths/min)? {{c1::12-20 breaths/min}}
Published 10/05/2023 If CO2 production is constant, then the arterial and alveolar {{c2::Pco2}} is determined by {{c1::alveola…
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of increased alveolar ventilation on arteriolar (and alveolar) Pco2?{{c1::Decreased Pco2}}
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of decreased alveolar ventilation on arteriolar (and alveolar) Pco2?{{c1::Increased Pco2}}
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c2::alveolar gas}} equation states that the alveolar Po2 (PAo2) equals:{{c1::}}
Published 10/05/2023 When using the alveolar gas equation, the respiratory quotient (R) is equal to the ratio of {{c1::CO2 produced}} / …
Published 10/05/2023 In the steady state, the respiratory quotient, R, is normally equal to {{c1::0.8::NUMBER}}
Published 10/05/2023 The approximate Po2 in inspired, humidified air (PIO2) at sea level is {{c1::150}} mmHg
Published 10/05/2023 The gradient between PAO2 - PaO2 is known as the {{c1::A-a gradient}} and is normally {{c2::10}} -&n…
Published 10/05/2023 The total volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a maximal {{c2::in::in/ex}}spiration is known as the {{c1::fo…
Published 10/05/2023 The volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a maximal {{c2::in::in/ex}}spiration in {{c3::one::#}} second&…
Published 10/05/2023 The normal value for the ratio of FEV1/FVC is approximately {{c1::0.8}}
Published 10/05/2023 In {{c1::obstructive::obstructive/restrictive}} lung disease, the FEV1/FVC is {{c2::decreased::compare}}
Published 10/05/2023 In {{c1::restrictive::obstructive/restrictive}} lung disease, the FEV1/FVC is {{c2::normal}} or {{c2::increased}}
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::diaphragm}} is the most important muscle for inspiration 
Published 10/05/2023 When the diaphragm contracts, the abdominal contents are pushed {{c1::downwards}} 
Published 10/05/2023 During exercise or respiratory distress, the {{c1::external}} intercostal muscles and {{c2::accessory::a}} muscles&…
Published 10/05/2023 What muscles are normally used for expiration at rest? {{c1::none :) (normally passive)}}
Published 10/05/2023 During exercise or in diseases with increased airway resistance (e.g. asthma), {{c1::abdominal::a}} muscles an…
Published 10/05/2023 Lung {{c1::compliance}} describes the change in lung volume for a given change in lung pressure 
Published 10/14/2023 Lung compliance may be calculated by the equation C = {{c1::{{c2::Δ}}{{c2::V}}/{{c2::Δ}}{{c2::P}}}}
Published 10/05/2023 The compliance of the lungs and chest wall is {{c1::inversely}} proportional to their elastance 
Published 10/05/2023 The compliance of the lungs and chest wall is {{c1::inversely}} proportional to the wall stiffness 
Published 10/05/2023 {{c1::Elastic recoil}} is the force generated due to the tendency for the lungs to collapse inward and the chest wall&nb…
Published 10/05/2023 Elastic recoil is {{c1::inversely}} proportional to compliance and {{c1::directly}} proportional to elastance 
Published 10/05/2023 A lung with {{c1::high::high/low}} compliance is easier to fill 
Published 10/05/2023 A lung with {{c1::low::high/low}} compliance is harder to fill 
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::slope::s}} of a respiratory system pressure-volume curve represents lung {{c2::compliance}} 
Published 10/05/2023 The slope (compliance) of the pressure-volume loop curves for inspiration and expiration are different due to …
Published 10/05/2023 {{c3::Hysteresis::H}} occurs due to the need to overcome surface {{c1::tension}} forces during lung {{c2::inflation (inspirat…
Published 10/05/2023 Are the lungs generally more compliant during inspiration or expiration?{{c1::Expiration (due to hysteresis)}}
Published 10/05/2023 The intermolecular forces between liquid molecules lining the lung are much {{c1::stronger::stronger/weaker}} than the forces betw…
Published 10/05/2023 During initial inspiration, liquid molecules are {{c1::close together::close together/far apart}} and intermolecular forces&n…
Published 10/05/2023 During {{c2::ex::ins/ex}}piration, the slope of the pressure-volume loop {{c1::increases::increases/decreases}} as the densit…
Published 10/05/2023 At FRC, the intrapleural space normally has a {{c1::negative::positive/negative}} pressure relative to the atmosphere 
Published 10/05/2023 At {{c3::functional residual capacity}}, the {{c1::inward}} pull of the {{c2::lung::one word}} is balanced by the {{c1::outward}} pull of th…
Published 10/05/2023 If a sharp object punctures the intrapleural space ({{c2::pneumothorax::condition}}), the intrapleural pressure becomes {{c1:…
Published 10/05/2023 The compliance of the lung-chest wall system is {{c1::less::more/less}} than that of the lungs or chest wall alone
Published 10/05/2023 At FRC, airway and alveolar pressures are equal to {{c1::0 (atmospheric pressure)}}
Published 10/05/2023 When lung volume is {{c2::less::more/less}} than FRC, there is a net {{c1::expanding::expanding/collapsing}} force on the lung-chest wa…
Published 10/05/2023 When lung volume is {{c2::greater::greater/less}} than FRC, there is a net {{c1::collapsing::expanding/collapsing}} force on the l…
Published 10/05/2023 At highest lung volumes, both the lungs and the chest wall contribute to {{c1::collapsing::expanding/coll…
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of emphysema on lung compliance?{{c1::In::In/De}}creased compliance
Published 10/05/2023 At the original FRC, the tendency of the lung to collapse in a patient with {{c2::emphysema::emphysema/pulmonary fibrosis}} is {{c…
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of emphysema on functional residual capacity (FRC)?{{c1::In::In/De}}creased FRC
Published 10/05/2023 A patient with {{c2::emphysema}} breathes at a higher lung volume and will thus have a {{c1::barrel}}-shaped chest …
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of normal aging on lung compliance?{{c1::Increased compliance}}
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of pulmonary fibrosis on lung compliance?{{c1::De::In/De}}creased compliance
Published 10/05/2023 At the original FRC, the tendency of the lung to collapse in a patient with {{c2::pulmonary fibrosis::emphysema/pulmonary fibrosis…
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of pulmonary fibrosis on functional residual capacity (FRC)?{{c1::De::In/De}}creased FRC
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of pulmonary edema on lung compliance?{{c1::De::In/De}}creased compliance
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of pneumonia on lung compliance?{{c1::De::In/De}}creased compliance
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of surfactant on lung compliance?{{c1::Increased compliance}}
Published 10/05/2023 The law of Laplace states that the collapsing pressure of an alveoli, P, is equal to {{c1::2T / r::Equation}}
Published 10/05/2023 According to the law of Laplace, a large alveolus will have a {{c1::low::high/low}} collapsing pressure 
Published 10/05/2023 According to the law of Laplace, a small alveolus will have a {{c1::high}} collapsing pressure 
Published 10/05/2023 {{c1::Surfactant::S}} is a mixture of phospholipids that line the alveoli and reduce their surface tension 
Published 10/05/2023 Surfactant reduces surface tension by disrupting the intermolecular forces between {{c1::liquid::l}} molecules 
Published 10/14/2023 Without surfactant, small alveoli are more likely to collapse, which is termed {{c1::{{c2::ate}}lectasis}}
Published 10/05/2023 Pulmonary surfactant is a mix of lecithins, the most important of which is {{c1::dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC)}}
Published 10/05/2023 In the developing fetus, surfactant synthesis begins as early as gestastional week {{c1::20}}
Published 10/05/2023 In the developing fetus, mature levels of surfactant are not achieved until around week {{c1::{{c3::3}}{{c2::5}}}}
Published 10/05/2023 Alveoli have {{c1::in::in/de}}creased tendency to collapse on {{c2::expiration::inspiration/expiration}} 
Published 10/14/2023 What equation may be used to calculate the airflow (Q) given the pressure and resistance of the airway? {{c1::Q = {{c2::Δ}}{{…
Published 10/05/2023 Airflow is {{c1::inversely}} proportional to airway resistance
Published 10/05/2023 Airflow is {{c1::directly}} proportional to the pressure gradient
Published 10/05/2023 The resistance of an airway may be calculated using Poiseuille's equation, which states R = {{c1::8ηl/πr4}}
Published 10/05/2023 Airway resistance is {{c1::inversely::directly/inversely}} proportional to the {{c3::fourth}} power of the {{c2::radius}} of the airway…
Published 10/05/2023 The major site of airway resistance is the {{c1::medium}}-sized bronchi
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of parasympathetic innervation on airway resistance? {{c1::In::In/De}}creased resistance
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of sympathetic innervation on airway resistance? {{c1::De::In/De}}creased resistance
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of high lung volumes on airway resistance (ie Extra-alveolar)? {{c1::De::In/De}}creased resistance
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of low lung volumes on airway resistance? {{c1::In::In/De}}creased resistance
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of increased viscosity (e.g. deep-sea diving) on airway resistance? {{c1::In::In/De}}creased resistance
Published 10/05/2023 What is the effect of decreased viscosity (e.g. helium inhalation) on airway resistance? {{c1::Decreased resistance}}
Published 10/05/2023 What equation may be used to calculate the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)? PVR = ({{c1::Ppulm artery}} - {{c2::PL atrium…
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::transmural}} pressure across the lungs is calculated as {{c2::alveolar}} pressure minus {{c2::intrapleural}} pressu…
Published 10/05/2023 How does the volume of breath change during inspiration? {{c1::Increased}}
Published 10/05/2023 How does the intrapleural pressure change during inspiration (relative to atmosphere)? {{c1::More negative relative to atmosp…
Published 10/05/2023 How does the alveolar pressure change during mid-inspiration (relative to atmosphere)? {{c1::More negative}} relative to…
Published 10/05/2023 As the alveolar pressure becomes negative relative to the atmosphere (mid-inspiration), air flows {{c1::inwards}} 
Published 10/05/2023 How does the volume of breath change during expiration? {{c1::Decreased}}
Published 10/05/2023 How does the intrapleural pressure change during expiration (relative to atmosphere)? {{c1::Less negative}} relative to …
Published 10/05/2023 How does the alveolar pressure change during mid-expiration (relative to atmosphere)? {{c1::More positive}} relative to atmos…
Published 10/05/2023 As the alveolar pressure becomes positive relative to the atmosphere (mid-expiration), air flows {{c1::out::in/out}}wards
Published 10/05/2023 In what normal scenario may intrapleural pressure be positive (relative to the atmosphere)? {{c1::Forced expiration…
Published 10/05/2023 The partial pressure of a gas (Px) in humidified tracheal air is equal to {{c1::(PB - PH2O) * F::Equation}}
Published 10/05/2023 The partial pressure of a gas (Px) in dry expired air is equal to {{c1::PB * F::Equation}}
Published 10/05/2023 The concentration of a dissolved gas (Cx) is equal to {{c1::Px * Solubility}}
Published 10/05/2023 Transfer of gases across cell membranes or capillary walls occurs by {{c2::{{c1::{{c3::simple}} {{c4::diffusion}}}}::two words}}
Published 10/05/2023 According to Fick's law, the rate of diffusion of a gas (Vgas) is equal to: {{c1::}}
Published 10/05/2023 The diffusion coefficient (DK) for CO2 is approximately 20x {{c1::higher::higher/lower}} than that of O2 
Published 10/05/2023 The lung diffusing capacity (DL) is the equivalent of {{c1::permeability::p}} of the alveolar-pulmonary capillary barrier
Published 10/05/2023 The lung {{c2::diffusing capacity::dc}} (DL) can be measured with {{c1::carbon monoxide (CO)::compound}} because it is exclusively&nbsp…
Published 10/05/2023 DLCO may be used to estimate the extent to which {{c1::oxygen}} passes from the air sacs of lungs into blood 
Published 10/05/2023 The lung diffusing capacity, DL, is {{c1::directly}} proportional to the surface area available for diffusion 
Published 10/05/2023 The lung diffusing capacity, DL, is {{c1::directly}} proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the gas 
Published 10/05/2023 The lung diffusing capacity, DL, is {{c1::inversely}} proportional to the alveolar wall thickness 
Published 10/05/2023 The lung diffusing capacity, DL, {{c1::decreases}} in emphysema due to decreased {{c2::surface area (A)}} 
Published 10/05/2023 The lung diffusing capacity, DL, {{c1::de::in/de}}creases in pulmonary fibrosis due to increased {{c2::wall thickness (Δ…
Published 10/05/2023 The lung diffusing capacity, DL, {{c1::in::in/de}}creases during exercise due to {{c3::in::in/de}}creased {{c2::surface area …
Published 10/05/2023 The Po2 in dry inspired air is normally approximately {{c1::160}} mmHg
Published 10/05/2023 The Po2 in humidified tracheal air is normally approximately {{c1::150}} mmHg
Published 10/05/2023 The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air (PAO2) and arterial blood (PaO2) is normally approxima…
Published 10/05/2023 The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveolar air (PACO2) and arterial blood (PaCO2) is normally…
Published 10/05/2023 The partial pressure of oxygen in the venous blood (PvO2) is normally approximately {{c1::40}} mmHg
Published 10/05/2023 The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mixed venous blood (PvCO2) is normally approximately {{c1::{{c2::4}}…
Published 10/05/2023 The partial pressure of O2 in arteriolar blood is slightly {{c1::lower::higher/lower}} than alveolar air …
Published 10/05/2023 The two sources of the physiologic shunt are {{c1::bronchial::b}} blood flow and a small portion of {{c2::coronary:…
Published 10/05/2023 The total gas concentration in solution is the sum of the {{c1::dissolved}} gas plus {{c2::bound}} gas plus&nb…
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::partial pressure}} gradient is the driving force for the diffusion of a gas 
Published 10/05/2023 Only {{c1::dissolved}} gas contributes to the partial pressure of a gas in solution 
Published 10/05/2023 In {{c1::diffusion}}-limited gas exchange, the gas does not equilibrate by the time blood reaches the end of the capillary
Published 10/05/2023 In {{c1::perfusion}}-limited gas exchange, the gas equilibrates early along the length of the capillary
Published 10/05/2023 In {{c2::perfusion}}-limited gas exchange, diffusion can be increased only if {{c1::blood flow}} increases 
Published 10/05/2023 In normal health, O2 exhibits {{c1::perfusion}}-limited gas exchange 
Published 10/05/2023 {{c2::CO2::CO/CO2}} exhibits {{c1::perfusion}}-limited gas exchange
Published 10/05/2023 {{c2::N}}2O exhibits {{c1::perfusion}}-limited gas exchange
Published 10/05/2023 {{c2::CO::CO/CO2}} exhibits {{c1::diffusion}}-limited gas exchange
Published 10/05/2023 In certain pathologic conditions (e.g. fibrosis) and during {{c2::strenuous exercise::exercise/ strenuous exercise}}, O2 transfer becomes {{…
Published 10/05/2023 At {{c1::high::high/low}} altitude, the partial pressure gradient of O2 is {{c2::lower::higher/lower}} and thus equilibration…
Published 10/05/2023 O2 is carried in blood in two forms: {{c2::dissolved}} (2%) or {{c1::bound to hemoglobin}} (98%) 
Published 10/05/2023 Hemoglobin is a globular protein consisting of {{c1::four::number}} subunits
Published 10/05/2023 Each subunit of hemoglobin contains a {{c1::heme}} moiety, which is an {{c2::iron}}-binding {{c3::porphyrin}}, and a polypept…
Published 10/05/2023 Iron in hemoglobin is normally in the {{c1::ferrous (Fe2+)}} state
Published 10/05/2023 If the iron in hemoglobin is in the {{c1::ferric (Fe3+)}} state, it is called {{c2::methemo{{c3::globin}}}} 
Published 10/05/2023 Methemoglobin (Fe3+) binds O2 much {{c1::less::more/less}} readily than hemoglobin (Fe2+)
Published 10/05/2023 Methemoglobin has an {{c1::in::in/de}}creased affinity for {{c2::cyanide}} relative to hemoglobin
Published 10/05/2023 {{c1::Methemoglobinemia}} may present with {{c3::cyanosis}} and {{c2::chocolate}}-colored blood 
Published 10/05/2023 Induced-{{c1::methemoglobinemia}} (i.e. {{c3::nitrites}} followed by {{c3::thiosulfate}}) may be used to treat {{c2::cyanide}} poisoning&nbs…
Published 10/05/2023 Methemoglobinemia can be treated with {{c1::methylene blue}} or {{c2::{{c3::vitamin}} {{c4::C}}}} 
Published 10/05/2023 What two {{c3::drug}} classes are associated with methemoglobinemia? {{c1::Nitrates}} (and {{c4::nitrites}}) & {{c2:…
Published 10/05/2023 Polluted/high altitude H2O may contain {{c1::nitr{{c2::i}}tes}}, which can cause methemoglobinemia 
Published 10/05/2023 {{c1::{{c2::Ben}}{{c3::zo}}{{c4::caine}}}} is a local anesthetic that may cause methemoglobinemia in toxic doses 
Published 10/05/2023 Methemoglobinemia is associated with {{c1::decreased}} SaO2, {{c1::decreased}} O2 content, and {{c1::normal}} PaO2 
Published 10/05/2023 Most adult hemoglobin is composed of 2 {{c1::α}} and 2 {{c1::β}} subunits; known as {{c2::HbA}}
Published 10/05/2023 Fetal hemoglobin, known as {{c2::HbF}}, is composed of 2 {{c1::alpha}} and 2 {{c1::gamma}} subunits 
Published 10/05/2023 Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) has a much {{c1::higher}} binding affinity for O2 than adult hemoglobin (HbA) 
Published 10/05/2023 Why must fetal hemoglobin have a much higher O2 binding affinity than HbA? {{c1::Drives O2 diffusion across pl…
Published 10/05/2023 The increased O2 binding affinity of fetal hemoglobin results from {{c1::de::in/de}}creased affinity of HbF fo…
Published 10/05/2023 Hemoglobin exists in two forms: {{c1::taut}} (deoxygenated) and {{c1::relaxed}} (oxygenated)
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c2::taut}} form of hemoglobin has a {{c1::low::high/low}} affinity for O2 
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c2::relaxed}} form of hemoglobin has a {{c1::high::high/low}} affinity for O2 
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::taut}} form of hemoglobin is found in most tissues 
Published 10/05/2023 The {{c1::relaxed::relaxed/taut}} form of hemoglobin is found in the {{c2::respiratory tract::respiratory tract/tissues}}
Published 10/05/2023 Normally 1g of hemoglobin can bind {{c1::1.34}} mL of O2 
Published 10/05/2023 Normally there is ~{{c1::{{c2::}}{{c3::1}}{{c4::5}}}} g/dL of hemoglobin in blood 
Published 10/05/2023 The O2-binding capacity of blood is 20.{{c1::1}} mL O2/ 100 mL blood 
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