Notes in Physik::T3

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Removal Requested 02/19/2025 What is the difference between an self adjoint operator \(\hat A\) and an unitary operator \(\hat U\)?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 Quantum formalism.In what kind of space does qunatum mechanics lives?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 Quantum formalism.What is a transformation in q. m.?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 Quantum formalism.What is a measurement in q. m.?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 Operational meaning of a q.m. measurment.How do you compute the probability to get a click at detector \(k\)?Bonus: What has to be true for it?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 What is an observable?1. Mathamatically wise.2. How does it look like?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 ObservablesHow would you compute the mean value of an Observable\(A\)?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 ObservablesWhat is true or what can you do if the following is true?Let \(A,B\) be obsevables. \([A,B]=0\)
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 QM statesWhat is a pure state?What is a mixed sate?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 QM statesHow do you describe a (mixed) state?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 Which conditions have to be true for\(\rho=\begin{pmatrix} a&b\\c&d \end{pmatrix},\;a,b,c,d\in \mathbb C\)?How can you write \(\rho\)&nb…
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 What is a normal operator?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 What elements of the class of normal operators do you know which are important for QM?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 What is a projection operator \(\hat P\)?What is special about the eigen values?
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 How does a collaps of a pure quantum state looks like mathemarically?
Removal Requested 02/09/2025 Definition.Singlet.
Removal Requested 02/05/2025 Singlets. Under what is a singlet invariant?
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