Notes in Drug Development

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Published 09/08/2023 {{c2::minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)}}: the lowest concentration drug that prevents visible {{c1::in vitro}} growth of bacterial or fungi&nbsp…
Published 09/08/2023 preclinical testing of drugs1) Indentifying the physical and chemical properties of the drug 2) Testing the drug {{c4::in vitro}} 3) Determining formu…
Published 09/08/2023 {{c1::Selective toxicity}}: aim of antimicrobial therapy, to kill or inhibit infecting organism without damaging hosttoxicity testing: *in precli…
Published 09/08/2023 antibiotics can have collateral damage to the normal gut {{c1::microbiome}}
Published 09/08/2023 an {{c1::antibiogram}} offers information about susceptibility of different organisms to certain antibiotics
Published 09/08/2023 {{c1::breakpoint}} is highest plasma concentration of drug that can be safely achieved in a patient... used to define {{c2::susceptibility}} to an org…
Published 09/08/2023 bacteriostatic vs bactericidal drugs- {{c2::bacteriostatic}}: protein synthesis inhibitors → prevent {{c3::growth}} but don't kill organisms - {{…
Published 09/08/2023 antivirals- target viral life cycle intermediates→ neuroaminidase → viral {{c2::DNA polymerase}} (antivirals for cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex …
Published 09/08/2023 antifungals- can be used for bacteria and fungi - drugs that target ergosteral ({{c1::polyenes}}, azoles) and/or glucan ({{c2::echinocandins}}) →…
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