Notes in Osmosis

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Published 10/11/2024 What is the main job of the lungs?
Published 10/11/2024 What happens during an inhale?
Published 10/11/2024 What happens during an exhale?
Published 10/11/2024 Where does oxygen move into the blood?
Published 10/11/2024 What does the alveolar gas equation describe?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the total pressure of air in the alveoli equal to?
Published 10/11/2024 What causes the air inside the alveoli to become saturated with water vapor?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the partial pressure of water vapor in the alveoli called?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the total alveolar pressure excluding water vapor?
Published 10/11/2024 How is the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture determined?
Published 10/11/2024 How do molecules exert pressure inside the alveoli?
Published 10/11/2024 If the total pressure is 20 mmHg and oxygen makes up 70% of the mixture, what is the partial pressure of oxygen?
Published 10/11/2024 How is the partial pressure of inspired oxygen (PiO2) calculated?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the respiratory quotient (R)?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the typical value of the respiratory quotient (R) for a balanced diet?
Published 10/11/2024 How does the partial pressure of CO2 in the alveoli relate to the blood?
Published 10/11/2024 How is the partial pressure of oxygen in the arterioles (PaO2) calculated?
Published 10/11/2024 What does the alveolar gas equation help calculate?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the alveolar gas equation ?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the simplified alveolar gas equation using normal conditions?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the fraction of inspired oxygen in normal air?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the atmospheric pressure at sea level?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the water vapor pressure in the alveoli?
Published 10/11/2024 What does the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve show?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the function of hemoglobin?
Published 10/11/2024 How many oxygen molecules can each hemoglobin protein bind?
Published 10/11/2024 What is deoxyhemoglobin?
Published 10/11/2024 What is oxyhemoglobin?
Published 10/11/2024 What technique measures average hemoglobin oxygen saturation?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the main factor that influences oxygen saturation?
Published 10/11/2024 What is P50 on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve?
Published 10/11/2024 What is positive cooperativity in hemoglobin?
Published 10/11/2024 What effect does CO2 binding have on hemoglobin?
Published 10/11/2024 What role does carbonic anhydrase play in red blood cells?
Published 10/11/2024 How does a decrease in pH affect hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the effect of 2,3-DPG on hemoglobin?
Published 10/11/2024 How does temperature affect hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the difference between hemoglobin A and hemoglobin F in terms of oxygen affinity?
Published 10/11/2024 What happens to the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve when hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen decreases?
Published 10/11/2024 What happens to the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve when hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen increases?
Published 10/11/2024 How does carbon monoxide (CO) affect hemoglobin's ability to bind oxygen?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the effect of CO binding on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve?
Published 10/11/2024 What shape does the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve have?
Published 10/11/2024 What causes the sigmoidal shape of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve?
Published 10/11/2024 What factors can shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve?
Published 10/11/2024 Hemoglobin has higher affinity for CO2 or O2 ?
Published 10/11/2024 What is oxygen content?
Published 10/11/2024 What is oxygen binding capacity?
Published 10/11/2024 What are the two main ways oxygen moves around in the blood?
Published 10/11/2024 How is oxygen content of blood calculated?
Published 10/11/2024 How do you calculate the amount of dissolved oxygen?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the solubility constant of oxygen in blood?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the oxygen content of dissolved oxygen at a partial pressure of 100 mmHg?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the oxygen binding capacity of 1 gram of hemoglobin?
Published 10/11/2024 How much oxygen is carried by hemoglobin in 100mL of blood with 15 g of hemoglobin?
Published 10/11/2024 How does hemoglobin saturation affect oxygen binding?
Published 10/11/2024 What does oxygen content not indicate?
Published 10/11/2024 How is oxygen delivery calculated?
Published 10/11/2024 How is cardiac output calculated?
Published 10/11/2024 What factors influence hemoglobin’s oxygen binding capacity?
Published 10/11/2024 What factors influence blood's oxygen content?
Published 10/11/2024 Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Published 10/11/2024 The alveolar gas equation predicts the concentration of alveolar {{c1::oxygen}} based on the arterial concentration of {{c2::carbon dioxide}}.
Published 10/11/2024 A respiratory quotient of 0.8 means that a person produces carbon dioxide at a rate of {{c1::80}} percent that of their consumption of oxygen.
Published 10/11/2024 Increasing the production of carbon dioxide that diffuses into the lungs will {{c1::increase::increase/decrease}} alveolar ventilation, as predicted b…
Published 10/11/2024 Administration of a {{c1::higher fraction of inspired oxygen::variable of alveolar gas equation}}, can compensate for the respiratory derangement that…
Published 10/11/2024 Percent saturation of hemoglobin is a function of the PO2 of blood, as described by the {{c1::oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation}} curve.
Published 10/11/2024 A(n) {{c1::increase::increase/decrease}} in P50 reflects a decrease in affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.
Published 10/11/2024 Alveolar air, pulmonary capillary blood, and systemic arterial blood all have a PO2 of {{c1::100}} mm Hg.
Published 10/11/2024 Humans can withstand an alveolar PO2 as low as {{c1::60}} mm Hg without steeply decreasing the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin.
Published 10/11/2024 In the tissues, when PO2 is approximately 40 mm Hg at rest, hemoglobin is approximately {{c1::75}}% saturated.
Published 10/11/2024 A(n) {{c1::decrease::increase/decrease}} in P50 reflects an increase in affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.
Published 10/11/2024 In the lungs, due to positive cooperativity, affinity is {{c1::highest::highest/lowest}} and oxygen is most tightly bound.
Published 10/11/2024 In mixed venous blood, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is {{c1::lower::higher/lower}} when compared to systemic arterial blood.
Published 10/11/2024 The oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve has a {{c1::sigmoidal}} shape.
Published 10/11/2024 Pulse oximetry measures {{c1::arterial % saturation}} because arterial blood “pulses,” whereas venous and capillary blood do not; background absorbanc…
Published 10/11/2024 In the lungs, hemoglobin is nearly {{c1::100}}% saturated.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Pulse oximetry}} is a method that measures % saturation of arterial blood using dual-wavelength spectrophotometry.
Published 10/11/2024 When PO2 is near 100mmHg in the early systemic arterial blood, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is at its {{c1::highest::highest/lowest}}.
Published 10/11/2024 Binding of each successive molecule of oxygen to a heme group increases the affinity for the next one, a phenomenon described as {{c1::positive cooper…
Published 10/11/2024 The flat portion of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve extends from {{c1::60 to 100::range}} mm Hg.
Published 10/11/2024 At a PO2 of 40 mm Hg, hemoglobin is only {{c1::75}} % saturated and the affinity for oxygen is decreased, which facilitates unloading of oxygen in the…
Published 10/11/2024 Knowing percent saturation, one can estimate {{c1::PaO2}} from the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve.
Published 10/11/2024 On the oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve, the {{c1::P50}} is the point on the PO2 axis at which hemoglobin is 50% saturated.
Published 10/11/2024 Hemoglobin {{c1::A}} has two alpha and two beta chains.
Published 10/11/2024 Dissolved oxygen makes up {{c1::2}}% of the total oxygen content of blood.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::O2 content}} = (O2-binding capacity x % saturation) + dissolved O2
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Carbon monoxide}} competes with oxygen for heme binding sites and usually wins due to its 200 times greater affinity for hemoglobin.
Published 10/11/2024 The maximum amount of oxygen that can be bound to 100% saturated hemoglobin per volume of blood is called the {{c1::oxygen-binding}} capacity.
Published 10/11/2024 At a given PO2, hemoglobin saturation is influenced by temperature, blood pH, PCO2, and the amount of {{c1::2,3-bisphosphoglycerate}} in the blood.
Published 10/11/2024 Each hemoglobin subunit contains a {{c1::heme}} portion and a polypeptide chain.
Published 10/11/2024 The only type of oxygen that produces a partial pressure, which is necessary for oxygen diffusion, is {{c1::dissolved}} oxygen.
Published 10/11/2024 A decrease in temperature, PCO2, H+, or 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate levels in blood shifts the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the {{c1::left::lef…
Published 10/11/2024 There are two forms of oxygen in the blood: {{c1::dissolved}}, and bound to hemoglobin.
Published 10/11/2024 The deformation of the red blood cells due to hemoglobin S can result in occlusion of small blood vessels, causing many of the symptoms of {{c1::sickl…
Published 10/11/2024 Since oxygen needs to move from the mother to the fetus, fetal hemoglobin has a {{c1::higher::lower/higher}} affinity for oxygen than adult hemoglobin…
Published 10/11/2024 As cells metabolize glucose and use oxygen, they release carbon dioxide, which increases the {{c1::PCO2}} and {{c2::H+}} levels in capillary blood.
Published 10/11/2024 The oxygen affinity of hemoglobin S is {{c1::less::more/less}} than the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin A.
Published 10/11/2024 During glycolysis, {{c1::red blood cells}} produce 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate as they break down glucose.
Published 10/11/2024 Declining blood pH and increasing PCO2 weaken the hemoglobin-O2 bond, a phenomenon called the {{c1::Bohr}} effect.
Published 10/11/2024 When oxygen levels are low, 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate levels {{c1::increase::increase/decrease}} and binds reversibly with hemoglobin.
Published 10/11/2024 Methemoglobin is created when the iron component of heme is in the {{c1::ferric (Fe3+)}} state instead of the normal ferrous (Fe2+) state.
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