Notes in Leg

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Status Last Update Fields
Published 11/30/2024 Tibia and fibula joined along their length by {{c1::interosseous membrane}}
Published 11/30/2024 Tibia and fibula interosseous membrane function: {{c1::Stabilizes leg, anchor for muscles}}
Published 11/30/2024 Flexor hallucis longus muscle attaches from {{c1::fibula}} and {{c1::interosseous membrane}} to {{c1::distal phalanx of hallux}}. Action is to {{…
Published 11/30/2024 Flexor digitorum longus muscle attaches from {{c1::tibia}} to {{c1::distal phalanges of digits II-V}}. Action is to {{c2::flex DIP joints of digits II…
Published 11/30/2024 Tibialis posterior muscle attaches from {{c1::along tibia}}, {{c1::fibula}}, and {{c1::interosseous membrane}} to {{c1::navicular and 1st (m…
Published 11/30/2024 Popliteus muscle attaches from {{c1::lateral epicondyle of femur}} to {{c1::posterior tibia}}. Action is to {{c2::laterally rotate femur when fully ex…
Published 11/30/2024 Plantaris muscle attaches from {{c1::supracondylar ridge of femur}} to {{c1::calcaneal tuberosity via calcaneal (achilles) tendon}}. Action is to {{c2…
Published 11/30/2024 Soleus muscle attaches from {{c1::soleal line of tibia}}, {{c1::proximal fibula}}, and {{c1::interosseous membrane}} to {{c1::calcaneal tuberosit…
Published 11/30/2024 Gastrocnemius muscle attaches from {{c1::supracondylar ridges/lines of femur}} to {{c1::calcaneal tuberosity via calcaneal (achilles) tendon}}. Action…
Published 11/30/2024 Fibularis tertius muscle attaches from {{c1::distal 1/3 of fibula}} to {{c1::base of 5th metatarsal}}. Action is to {{c2::evert and dorsiflex ankle}}
Published 11/30/2024 Fibularis brevis muscle attaches from {{c1::middle 1/3rd of fibula (deep to fibularis longus)}} to {{c1::5th metatarsal tuberosity}}. Action is to {{c…
Published 11/30/2024 Fibularis longus muscle attaches from {{c1::head and proximal 1/3 of fibula}} to {{c1::lateral side of 1st (medial) cuneiform and 1st metatarsal}}. Ac…
Published 11/30/2024 Extensor hallucis longus muscle attaches from {{c1::middle of anterior fibula}} to {{c1::distal phalanges of hallux}}. Action is to {{c2::extend (dors…
Published 11/30/2024 Extensor digitorum longus muscle attaches from {{c1::fibula}} and {{c1::interosseous membrane}} to {{c1::base of distal phalanges}}. Action is to…
Published 11/30/2024 Tibialis anterior muscle attaches from {{c1::lateral tibial condyle}} to {{c1::1st cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal}}. Action is to {{c2::Dorsifle…
Published 11/30/2024 Calcaneal (achilles) tendon is the fusion of the {{c1::gastrocnemius, soleus, and sometimes plantaris}} muscle tendons
Published 11/30/2024 Anterior leg compartment held in place by {{c1::pair of extensor retinacula}} 
Published 11/30/2024 Lateral leg compartment held in place by {{c1::fibular retinacula}} 
Published 11/30/2024 Posterior leg superficial and deep compartment separated by {{c1::transverse intermuscular septum (deep fascia)}}
Published 11/30/2024 The primary plantarflexor of the ankle is the {{c1::soleus}} muscle
Published 11/30/2024 {{c1::plantaris}} muscle is a posterior leg compartment muscle commonly harvested for grafting
Published 11/30/2024 Lateral leg compartment long tendons wrap behind {{c1::lateral malleolus}} on way to distal attachments
Published 11/30/2024 Anterior leg compartment tendons run along {{c1::anterior ankle joint}} on way to distal attachments
Published 11/30/2024 Deep posterior leg compartment tendons cross between {{c1::medial malleolus}} and {{c1::calcaneus}} on way to distal attachments
Published 11/30/2024 Flexor hallucis longus is innervated by {{c1::tibial}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::direct muscular branches of popliteal}} artery, {{c2::posteri…
Published 11/30/2024 Flexor digitorum longus is innervated by {{c1::tibial}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::direct muscular branches of popliteal}} artery, {{c2::poster…
Published 11/30/2024 Tibialis posterior is innervated by {{c1::tibial}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::direct muscular branches of popliteal}} artery, {{c2::posterior t…
Published 11/30/2024 Popliteus is innervated by {{c1::tibial}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::direct muscular branches of popliteal}} artery, {{c2::posterior tibial}} a…
Published 11/30/2024 Plantaris is innervated by {{c1::tibial}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::direct muscular branches of popliteal}} artery, {{c2::posterior tibial}} a…
Published 11/30/2024 Soleus is innervated by {{c1::tibial}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::direct muscular branches of popliteal}} artery, {{c2::posterior tibial}} arte…
Published 11/30/2024 Gastrocnemius is innervated by {{c1::tibial}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::direct muscular branches of popliteal}} artery, {{c2::posterior tibial…
Published 11/30/2024 Fibularis tertius is innervated by {{c1::deep fibular}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::anterior tibial}} artery
Published 11/30/2024 Fibularis brevis is innervated by {{c1::superficial fibular}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::fibular}} artery
Published 11/30/2024 Fibularis longus is innervated by {{c1::superficial fibular}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::fibular}} artery
Published 11/30/2024 Tibialis anterior is innervated by {{c1::deep fibular}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::anterior tibial}} artery
Published 11/30/2024 Extensor hallucis longus is innervated by {{c1::deep fibular}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::anterior tibial}} artery
Published 11/30/2024 Extensor digitorum longus is innervated by {{c1::deep fibular}} nerve and supplied blood by {{c2::anterior tibial}} artery
Published 11/30/2024 Fibularis tertius is technically an {{c1::anterior}} compartment muscle but functions with {{c1::lateral}} compartment muscles
Published 11/30/2024 flexor retinaculum of lower limb includes:- {{c1::Tibialis posterior}}- {{c1::flexor Digitorum longus}}- {{c1::Posterior Tibial Artery}…
Published 11/30/2024 Leg cutaneous innervation by:- {{c1::Saphenous}} nerve - {{c2::medial::area}} portion of leg- {{c1::Sural}} nerve - {{c2::lateral/posterior::area…
Published 11/30/2024 Leg muscle compartments include:- {{c1::anterior compartment}}- {{c1::lateral compartment}}- {{c1::posterior compartment}}
Published 11/30/2024 {{c1::posterior}} leg compartment is the largest leg compartment. {{c1::lateral}} leg compartment is the smallest
Published 11/30/2024 Leg is separated into compartments by {{c1::thick deep crural fascia::structure}}
Published 11/30/2024 Varicose veins are caused by {{c1::incompetence of venous valves (superficial or deep veins) → reflux of blood into superficial veins and back in…
Published 11/30/2024 deep vein thrombosis: {{c1::clots that form in the deep veins (usually in the legs)}}
Published 11/30/2024 If a deep vein thrombosis dislodges, it can cause {{c1::pulmonary embolism}} by {{c1::traveling to the lungs}}
Published 11/30/2024 02f6a175043f45898151ffb64fdf37b1-ao-3
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Published 11/30/2024 02f6a175043f45898151ffb64fdf37b1-ao-46
Published 11/30/2024 {{c1::interphalangeal (IP)}} joint is the articulation between {{c2::proximal phalanges}}, {{c2::middle phalanges}}, and {{c2::distal phalanges}}
Published 11/30/2024 {{c1::metatarsophalangeal (MTP)}} joint is the articulation between {{c2::metatarsals of foot}} and {{c2::phalanges of foot}}
Published 11/30/2024 interphalangeal (IP) joint is a {{c1::synovial}} {{c1::hinge}} joint
Published 11/30/2024 metatrasophalangeal (MTP) joint is a {{c1::synovial}} {{c1::condyloid}} joint
Published 11/30/2024 interphalangeal (IP) joint movements include- {{c1::flexion/extension}}
Published 11/30/2024 metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint movements include- {{c1::abduction (away from 2nd toe) and adduction (towards 2nd toe)}}- {{c1::plantarflexion and dor…
Published 11/30/2024 {{c1::interphalangeal (IP)}} joint ligaments include- {{c1::[ligament 1] ([bone 1] -> [bone 2])}}- {{c1::[ligament 2] ([bone 2] -> [bone 3])}}
Published 11/30/2024 {{c1::traverse tarsal}} joint ligaments include- {{c1::[ligament 1] ([bone 1] -> [bone 2])}}- {{c1::[ligament 2] ([bone 2] -> [bone 3])}}
Published 11/30/2024 Acute bleed into a leg compartment (e.g., fracture) can lead to {{c1::compartment syndrome::injury}} causing {{c1::dangerous increase in pressure and…
Published 11/30/2024 {{c1::common fibular}} nerve injury causes {{c2::foot drop (gait abnormality)}} due to {{c3::loss of dorsiflexor muscles}}
Published 11/30/2024 tibial nerve branches into {{c1::medial plantar}},{{c1::lateral plantar}}, and {{c1::sural}} nerve at the {{c1::plantar foot and throughout the p…
Published 11/30/2024 Deep fibular nerve formed by {{c1::L4-S1}} spinal nerves and supplies: Sensory- {{c2::dorsal lateral digit 1, dorsal medial digit 2}}Motor - {{c3::Tib…
Published 11/30/2024 Superficial fibular nerve formed by {{c1::L5-S2}} spinal nerves and supplies: Sensory- {{c2::distal anterior leg}}- {{c2::medial digit 1, lateral…
Published 11/30/2024 {{c1::Tibial nerve}} and {{c1::common fibular}} nerve contribute a branch to the sural nerve
Published 11/30/2024 Lateral leg compartment muscles include:- {{c1::Fibularis longus}}- {{c1::Fibularis brevis}}- {{c1::Fibularis tertius}}
Published 11/30/2024 Superficial posterior leg compartment includes:- {{c1::Plantaris}}- {{c1::Popliteus}}- {{c1::Gastrocnemius}}- {{c1::Soleus}}
Published 11/30/2024 Anterior leg compartment includes- {{c1::Tibialis anterior}}- {{c1::Extensor digitorum longus}}- {{c1::Extensor hallucis longus}}
Published 11/30/2024 Deep posterior leg compartment includes:- {{c1::Tibialis posterior}}- {{c1::Flexor digitorum longus}}- {{c1::Flexor hallucis longus}}
Published 11/30/2024 02f6a175043f45898151ffb64fdf37b1-ao-2
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Published 11/30/2024 02f6a175043f45898151ffb64fdf37b1-ao-1
Published 11/30/2024 02f6a175043f45898151ffb64fdf37b1-ao-7
Published 11/30/2024 02f6a175043f45898151ffb64fdf37b1-ao-8
Published 11/30/2024 Common fibular nerve branches into {{c1::superficial fibular}} nerve, {{c1::deep fibular}} nerve, and {{c1::sural}} nerve at the {{c1::infer…
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