Notes in Analytical Chemistry

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Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved- refers to a single pile of a material. Not in the form of separate permanently identifiable units.
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved- is comprised of identifiable units, which may be assigned numbers
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in term of operations involved- is a quantity of the material transferred on one occasion and covered by a single set of shipping docum…
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved - refers to quantity of material which is assumed to represent a single population for sampling pu…
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved - refers to quantity of material which is known or assumed to have been produced under uniform con…
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved - are portions of the material obtained from the lot/batch by using a sampling device
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved - is the result of combined increments. In some cases, laboratory samples are directly obtained fr…
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved -results from a number of primary samples combined and mixed.
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved - is a portion of material delivered to the laboratory for analysis. Obtained from primary or comp…
Published 10/22/2023 Classification in terms of operations involved -refers to a quantity of material that is actually submitted for analysis. Technically, it is call…
Published 10/22/2023 Types of samples in terms of sampling process-samples with characteristics the same as that of parent metrial
Published 10/22/2023 Types of samples in terms of sampling process-obtained by choosing certain portions of the material possessing the desired characteristics to be analy…
Published 10/22/2023 Types of samples in terms of sampling processobtained by using a random sampling plan that generates data for the purpose of statistical analyses.
Published 10/22/2023 Types of samples in terms of sampling process- two or more portions of the material collected at the same time.
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