Notes in 01 Female Reproductive System

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Published 03/12/2024 What tumor suppressor gene does the E6 protein from Human Papillomavirus (HPV) bind to and inhibit?{{c1::p53}}
Published 03/12/2024 What tumor suppressor does the E7 protein from Human Papillomavirus (HPV) bind to and inhibit?{{c1::Rb (specifically p105-Rb)}}
Published 03/12/2024 {{c1::Koilocytes}} have characteristic {{c2::perinuclear}} halos that are hallmarks of {{c3::HPV}} infections
Published 03/12/2024 {{c1::Condyloma Acuminatum}} is a type of Condyloma that is caused by HPV, typically types 6 and 11
Published 03/12/2024 What is the carcinoma risk associated with HPV6 and HPV11?{{c1::Low}}
Published 03/12/2024 What is the key risk factor for Cervical Carcinoma?{{c1::High-risk HPV (16, 18, 31, 33)}}
Published 03/12/2024 What is the gold standard procedure for screening for Cervical Carcinoma?{{c1::Pap Smear}}
Published 03/12/2024 What is the cause of Verruca (Warts)?{{c1::HPV 1-4}} infection of {{c1::Keratinocytes}}
Published 03/13/2024 What is the female remnant of the gubernaculum? {{c1::Ovarian ligament + round ligament of uterus::2}}
Published 03/13/2024 The ectocervix is lined by {{c1::non-keratinized stratified squamous}} epithelium
Published 03/13/2024 The endocervix is lined by {{c1::simple columnar}} epithelium
Published 03/13/2024 The {{c1::transformation zone}} is the squamocolumnar junction between the ectocervix and the endocervix
Published 03/13/2024 HPV is a sexually transmitted DNA virus that infects the lower genital tract, especially the cervix at the {{c1::transformation zone}}
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)}} is characterized by koilocytic change, nuclear atypia, and increased mitotic activity of cervical epi…
Published 03/12/2024 Cervical carcinoma may present with abnormal vaginal {{c1::bleeding (often postcoital)}} or cervical discharge
Published 03/12/2024 The most common type of cervical carcinoma is {{c1::squamous cell carcinoma}} (80%)
Published 03/12/2024 The second most common subtype of cervical carcinoma is {{c1::adenocarcinoma}} (15%)
Published 03/12/2024 {{c2::Hydronephrosis}} with {{c1::post-renal failure}} is a common cause of death in advanced {{c3::cervical}} carcinoma in females
Published 03/13/2024 Pap smear screening begins at age {{c1::21}} and are performed every {{c1::three}} year(s)
Published 03/13/2024 A pap smear is performed by scraping cells at the {{c1::transformation zone}} of the cervix
Published 03/13/2024 High-grade dysplasia on pap smear is characterized by {{c1::dark::color}} nuclei with a(n) {{c1::high}} nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio
Published 03/13/2024 An abnormal pap smear is followed by confirmatory {{c1::colposcopy}} (visualization of cervix with a magnifying glass) and {{c1::biopsy}}
Published 03/12/2024 Endometrial polyps and endometrial hyperplasia can arise as a side effect of the chemotherapeutic drug {{c1::tamoxifen}}
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Endometrial hyperplasia}} is the hyperplasia of endometrial glands relative to the stroma
Published 03/13/2024 Endometrial hyperplasia is usually caused by unopposed {{c1::estrogen}}
Published 03/12/2024 {{c1::Endometrial carcinoma}} is a malignant proliferation of endometrial glands
Published 03/12/2024 One type of a rare ovarian surface epithelial tumor is a(n) {{c1::endometrioid}} tumor, which is composed of endometrial-like glands and is usual…
Published 03/12/2024 What is the most common gynecologic cancer worldwide?{{c1::Cervical (due to lack of screening or HPV vaccination)}}
Published 03/12/2024 Buzz word for HPV {{c2::cervical}} cancer: {{c1::post-coital bleeding}}
Published 03/12/2024 Gardasil HPV vaccine protects against what strains of HPV? {{c1::6, 11, 16, 18}}
Published 03/12/2024 Gardasil HPV vaccine is what type of vaccine? {{c1::Subunit}}
Published 03/12/2024 Estrogen analogs increase the risk of {{c1::endometrial}} cancer when given without progesterone
Published 03/12/2024 HPV has a predilection for what type of epithelium?{{c1::Stratified squamous epithelium}}
Published 03/12/2024 What are 4 characteristics of HPV itself?{{c1::Non-enveloped (naked), icosahedral, circular, dsDNA virus::enveloped?, shape?, circular/linear?, DNA/RN…
Published 03/12/2024 What types of HPV encode for the proteins E6 and E7?{{c1::High Risk (HPV 16, 18, 31, 33)}}
Published 03/13/2024 Pap smears are used to detect {{c1::cervical dysplasia (CIN)}} before it becomes carcinoma
Published 03/12/2024 Which layer of the epithelium does HPV infect?{{c1::Stratum basale}}
Published 03/12/2024 What are the recommended screening guidelines for mammogram in patients with average risk of breast cancer?{{c1::mammogram every 2 years in women age …
Published 03/12/2024 Tumors of {{c2::Smooth Muscle}} are known as {{c1::Leiomyomas}} when benign and {{c1::Leiomyosarcomas}} when malignant
Published 03/12/2024 One risk factor for endometrial cancer is {{c1::obesity}} due to increased peripheral conversion of androgens into estrone
Published 03/12/2024 {{c1::Anovulation}} is the most potent risk factor for endometrial cancer due to unopposed estrogen and decreased progesterone
Published 03/12/2024 What is the gold standard method for diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)?{{c1::Colposcopy}}
Published 03/12/2024 The HPV vaccine is typically administered beginning at age 11 - 12 and is recommended for everyone up until age {{c1::26}}
Published 03/12/2024 What is the next best step in management if pt has an abnormal Pap smear?{{c1::Colposcopy to get ectocervical biopsy and endocervical curettage::Not A…
Published 03/12/2024 5α-reductase deficiency = {{c1::46XY::genotype}}
Published 03/12/2024 {{c1::Cervical}} cancer often presents as abnormal vaginal bleeding with cervical ulceration
Published 03/12/2024 - Pap smear should be performed every {{c1::3 years}} in women 21–29 years of age- Women 30–65 years should either continue a Pap smear alone {{c1::ev…
Published 03/12/2024 Individuals age >15 require {{c1::3}} doses of the HPV vaccine to achieve immunity
Published 03/12/2024 Individuals age <15 require {{c1::2}} doses of the HPV vaccine to achieve immunity
Published 03/12/2024 CIN1 is another name for {{c1::LSIL}} and CIN2/CIN3 is another name for {{c1::HSIL}}
Published 03/12/2024 Which form of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is at the highest risk of progressing to cervical cancer?{{c1::CIN2/3 (HSIL)}}
Published 03/12/2024 Fibroids (leiomyomas) may be found in {{c1::submucosal, intramural, and subserosal::locations (3)}} parts of the uterine wall
Published 03/12/2024 Of the 3 parts of the Mullerian duct, the first two give rise to the {{c1::uterine tube}} and the third part gives rise to the {{c1::uterus …
Published 03/12/2024 Parts of the uterine wall, from lumen out:{{c1::endometriummyometriumperimetrium}}
Published 03/12/2024 The endometrium undergoes changes during the menstrual cycle, but it is generally composed of {{c1::simple columnar}} epithelium
Published 03/12/2024 The ectocervix is lined with {{c1::(non-keratinized) stratified squamous}} epithelium and the endocervix is lined with {{c1::simple columnar…
Published 03/12/2024 In this image, A is pointing to {{c1::transformation zone}}
Published 03/12/2024 In this image, B is pointing to {{c1::ectocervix}}
Published 03/12/2024 Women should start consider starting mammograms around age {{c1::40}} and they should definitely start by age {{c1::50}}
Published 03/12/2024 This endometrial biopsy shows simple hyperplasia {{c1::without::with/out}} atypia
Published 03/12/2024 This endometrial biopsy shows simple hyperplasia {{c1::with::with/out}} atypia
Published 03/12/2024 This endometrial biopsy shows complex hyperplasia {{c1::without::with/out}} atypia
Published 03/12/2024 This endometrial biopsy shows complex hyperplasia {{c1::with::with/out}} atypia
Published 03/12/2024 This gross uterine sample shows {{c1::leiomyomas}}
Published 03/12/2024 What is the route of transmission of HPV?{{c1::Direct skin contact}}
Published 03/12/2024 What type of cervical cancer testing is shown below?{{c1::Pap smear (cytology)}}
Published 03/12/2024 What type of cervical cancer testing is shown below?{{c1::Cervical biopsy (histology)}}
Published 03/12/2024 In colposcopy, {{c1::acetic acid}} is used to turn HPV-infected cells white
Published 03/12/2024 When performing colposcopy, {{c1::punch biopsy}} can be used to get sample from ectocervix and {{c1::curette}} can be used to get sample fro…
Published 03/12/2024 CIN 1 is generally managed with {{c1::observation (or ablative treatment)}}CIN 2/3 is generally managed with {{c1::excisional treatment}}
Published 03/12/2024 Cervical cancer in early stage I = {{c1::radical hysterectomy::treatment}}Cervical cancer in late stage I and beyond = {{c1::chemotherapy + radia…
Published 03/12/2024 Advanced cases of cervical cancer can present with leg {{c1::swelling}}
Published 03/12/2024 The current HPV vaccine covers {{c1::9}} strains of HPV
Published 03/12/2024 The simple/complex, with/without atypia classification is used for {{c1::endometrial}} cancer
Published 03/12/2024 Total hysterectomy = removal of uterus + {{c1::cervix}}
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