Notes in MSS Week 3

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Published 08/12/2024 Strength of stimulus,frequency of stimulus,muscle length relative to resting length,size of muscle fibre
Published 08/12/2024 Due to level of overlap of actin and myosin and subsequent ability to form cross-bridges and due to the amount of shortening possible
Published 08/12/2024 80-120% of resting length
Published 08/12/2024 slightly stretched
Published 08/12/2024 1 alpha motor neuron and all the muscle fibres which it innervates
Published 08/12/2024 In a single motor unit every single muscle cell will contract when the motor neuron is excited
Published 08/12/2024 Contraction of a single motor unit due to a single AP
Published 08/12/2024 latent period,contraction period,relaxation period
Published 08/12/2024 Neural stimulation ends and calcium is re-sequestered into SR
Published 08/12/2024 A phenomenon observed in muscles which have been at rest for a long period. Contraction force increases for stimuli of the same strength with successi…
Published 08/12/2024 Resting calcium levels in sarcoplasm increase after every twitch,twitches create heat which provides optimal temperature for Myosin ATPase
Published 08/12/2024 increase frequency of stimulation to motor unit, increase strength of stimulus to muscle
Published 08/12/2024 single twitch,unfused tetanus,fused tetanus
Published 08/12/2024 twitch,wave summation,unfused/incomplete tetanus,fused/complete tetanus
Published 08/12/2024 The stronger the stimulus, the more motor units engage
Published 08/12/2024 small
Published 08/12/2024 threshold
Published 08/12/2024 axon diameter (bigger = high threshold)
Published 08/12/2024 An increase in tension with a constant fibre length (iso = same; metric = length)
Published 08/12/2024 A change in length with a constant tension (iso = same' tonic = tone/tension)
Published 08/12/2024 Cable pulls
Published 08/12/2024 plank and add weight to back
Published 08/12/2024 Muscle shortens while doing work
Published 08/12/2024 Muscle lengthens while doing work
Published 08/12/2024 eccentric contraction
Published 08/12/2024 Stored ATP:Hydrolised ATP stored in myosin heads,ATP in sarcoplasm,Synthesised ATP:Creatine phosphate,Glycolysis,Aerobic respiration
Published 08/12/2024 Creatine phosphate is dephosphorylated to phosphorylate ADP to ATP. This happens at a 1:1 ratio
Published 08/12/2024 -15s-30-60s-Hours
Published 08/12/2024 -energy from stored ATP in muscles-ATP from CP(creatine phosphate)-glycolysis (anaerobic)-cellular respiration
Published 08/12/2024 No oxygen required
Published 08/12/2024 Type I - slow oxidativeType IIB - fast glycolyticType IIA - fast oxidative glycolytic
Published 08/12/2024 A protein which delivers oxygen in muscle and gives muscle its red colour
Published 08/12/2024 "physiological inability to contract even though themuscle is still being stimulated"
Published 08/12/2024 This is the sustained elevation in heart rate and respiration to replenish depleted oxygen stores and oxygen required to replenish: ATP, creatine phos…
Published 08/12/2024 Lactic acid in blood filtered in liver -> gluconeogenesis converts lactate into glucose (using energy from beta-oxidation) -> glucose is stored as gly…
Published 08/12/2024 Following high intesity exercise, muscles increase in size due to cells size increase (not number)
Published 08/12/2024 Muscle repair after injury uses satellite cells which differentiate into new muscle cells
Published 08/12/2024 Reduction in size and number of myocytes
Published 08/12/2024 Generalised muscle wasting associated with diseases
Published 08/12/2024 Muscle wasting due to aging
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