Notes in Urea cycle

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Published 09/29/2023 {{c2::Ammonia (NH3)}} is a toxic byproduct of {{c1::protein catabolism}} that is detoxified by {{c3::the liver}}, forming {{c3::no…
Published 09/29/2023 The urea cycle starts in the {{c1::liver mitochondria}} with the synthesis of {{c2:: carbamoyl phosphate}} from {{c3::2 ATP}}, {{c3::ammonia…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::N-acetylglutamate (NAG)}} is the required {{c2::allosteric activator}} of {{c3::carbamylphosphate synthetase (CPS1)}}.
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Ornithine transcarbamylase}} takes {{c2::carbamoyl phosphate::product of CPS1}} and {{c2::ornithine::product of arginase, end of urea …
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Argininosuccinate synthetase}} takes {{c2::citrulline::product of ornithine transcarbamylase}}, {{c2::aspartate::product of AST}}, and…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Argininosuccinate lyase}} takes {{c2::argininosuccinate}} and forms {{c2::arginine}} and {{c2::fumarate}}.{{c2::Arginine::Product 1}} …
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Arginase}} is the last enzyme of the urea cycle.{{c1::Arginase}} takes {{c2::arginine}} and forms {{c2::urea}} and {{c2::ornithine}}.{…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Aspartate transaminase (AST)}} is used as a {{c2::liver}} tissue marker.
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency}} is the most common urea cycle disorder.This condition leads to {{c2::increased}} levels of {{…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Sodium phenylbutyrate}} works to reduce ammonia levels by {{c2::forming a conjugate with glutamine, which is then excreted by the kidneys}}…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1)}} is the rate-limiting enzyme for the urea cycle.
Published 09/29/2023 Concentration of ketone bodies is high in blood during {{c1::starvation}} or in {{c1::Type I diabetes mellitus}}. Problem with ketone bodies: {{c2::pH…
Published 09/29/2023 High blood cholestrol and LDL levels can lead to plaque formation, which can lead to {{c1::heart attacks}} and {{c1::strokes}}
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