Notes in 01 Pituitary and Pineal Glands

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Published 02/13/2024 5785b0635b91463b8f461981aa6a48b7-ao-1
Published 02/13/2024 7c880712311c4415935a4c413ed178bf-ao-1
Published 02/13/2024 9117c76d207d4d9bb89fafb17e43359b-oa-1
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Published 02/13/2024 b98c9dbf78b74a74b71e41a0dce7d6f6-oa-1
Published 02/13/2024 ee7b04632c9e492f8fa6387521dd1615-oa-1
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Published 02/13/2024 ee7b04632c9e492f8fa6387521dd1615-oa-3
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Published 02/13/2024 64263b6ad6d448e2b52b97d5c88bf39d-oa-1
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Published 02/13/2024 64263b6ad6d448e2b52b97d5c88bf39d-oa-3
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Published 02/13/2024 64263b6ad6d448e2b52b97d5c88bf39d-oa-5
Published 02/13/2024 7ab1908fed004ab5b1f22f4088407642-oa-1
Published 02/13/2024 7ab1908fed004ab5b1f22f4088407642-oa-2
Published 02/13/2024 7ab1908fed004ab5b1f22f4088407642-oa-3
Published 02/13/2024 d72d694eeaf64d1d8e3670b7dfcbb102-oa-1
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Published 02/13/2024 0e572bbbcca04fcda7f46272c57539c1-oa-1
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Published 02/13/2024 0e572bbbcca04fcda7f46272c57539c1-oa-3
Published 02/13/2024 The pituitary gland, which also is called the {{c1::hypophysis}}, consists of an anterior and posterior lobe
Published 02/13/2024 The hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary gland by a thin stalk called the {{c1::infundibulum}}
Published 02/13/2024 The connections between the hypothalamus and the {{c1::posterior}} pituitary are neural only
Published 02/13/2024 The {{c1::anterior}} lobe of the pituitary gland is primarily composed of {{c2::endocrine}} cells
Published 02/13/2024 The hypothalamus and anterior pituitary are linked directly by the {{c1::hypothalamic-hypophysial portal}} system
Published 02/13/2024 {{c2::Growth hormone}} is synthesized in the {{c1::somatotrophs::cell type}} of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
Published 02/13/2024 The synthesis of growth hormone is stimulated by {{c1::growth-hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)}}, its hypothalamic-releasing hormone
Published 02/13/2024 One direct action of growth hormone is {{c1::decreased}} glucose uptake into cells, producing a(n) {{c1::increase}} in glucose blood concentration
Published 02/13/2024 What direct action does growth hormone have on lipolysis?{{c1::Increased}}
Published 02/13/2024 How does growth hormone affect protein synthesis and lean body mass?{{c1::Increased}}
Published 02/13/2024 Prolactin is the major hormone responsible for {{c1::milk production (lactogenesis)}} and also participates (with estrogen) in {{c1::breast developmen…
Published 09/03/2024 Prolactin secretion is {{c2::tonically inhibited}} by {{c1::dopamine}}
Published 09/03/2024 Both ADH and oxytocin are neuropeptides, synthesized in hypothalamic neurons and secreted from nerve terminals in the {{c1::posterior pituitary}}
Published 02/13/2024 The major action of ADH (vasopressin) is to increase {{c1::water permeability (and thus reabsorption)}} of the principal cells in the {{c2::late dista…
Published 02/13/2024 Which receptor does antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) bind to regulate serum osmolarity?{{c1::V2 receptors}}
Published 02/13/2024 Oxytocin causes powerful rhythmic contractions of {{c1::uterine smooth}} muscle
Published 02/13/2024 {{c3::Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)}} acts on thyrotrophs of the anterior pituitary to stimulate the secretion of {{c2::thyroid-stimulating horm…
Published 02/13/2024 The zona {{c2::glomerulosa}} secretes {{c1::mineralocorticoids}}, such as {{c1::aldosterone}}
Published 02/13/2024 The zona {{c1::fasciculata}} secretes {{c2::glucocorticoids}}, such as {{c2::cortisol}}
Published 02/13/2024 The zona {{c2::reticularis}} secretes {{c1::androgens}}, such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione
Published 02/13/2024 The first step in all pathways of adrenocortical hormone synthesis is the conversion of {{c1::cholesterol}} to {{c1::pregnenolone}} by the enzyme {{c2…
Published 02/13/2024 Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) binds to corticotrophs on the anterior pituitary, directing them to synthesize {{c2::POMC}} and secrete {{c2::AC…
Published 02/13/2024 The primary event that initiates puberty is the onset of {{c2::pulsatile}} secretion of {{c1::GnRH}} from the hypothalamus
Published 02/13/2024 The pituitary hormone {{c1::FSH}} acts on the {{c2::Sertoli}} cells to maintain spermatogenesis
Published 02/13/2024 The pituitary hormone {{c1::LH}} acts on the {{c2::Leydig}} cells to promote testosterone synthesis
Published 02/13/2024 The follicular phase of the menstrual cycle is dominated by the hormone {{c1::17β-estradiol (estrogen)}}, causing endometrial {{c2::proliferation}}
Published 02/13/2024 The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is dominated by the hormone {{c1::progesterone}}, causing increased {{c2::secretory}} activity and {{c2::vascu…
Published 03/07/2024 The main functions of thyroid hormone can be remembered with the "7 B's"?1. {{c1::Brain maturation}}2. {{c1::Bone growth}}3. {{c1::β1-adrenergic …
Published 09/03/2024 {{c2::Parinaud}} syndrome is characterized by paralysis of {{c1::conjugate vertical gaze}} due to a lesion in the {{c3::dorsal midbrain}} (e.g. stroke…
Published 02/13/2024 {{c3::Pinealoma::CNS tumor}} may cause {{c2::precocious puberty}} in males due to {{c1::β-hCG}} production
Published 02/13/2024 {{c1::Herring Bodies}} are small dilations in the hypothalamic neurons that store hormones
Published 02/15/2024 Vasopressin (ADH) causes {{c1::constriction}} of arterioles by activating {{c2::V1}} receptors
Published 02/15/2024 The {{c2::pineal}} gland is responsible for {{c1::melatonin}} secretion and circadian rhythms
Published 02/14/2024 Pituitary Gland - AdenohypophysisThe arrows are pointing to {{c1::acidophils}}.
Published 02/14/2024 Pituitary GlandThe arrows are pointing to {{c1::basophils::cell type}}.
Published 02/14/2024 Pineal GlandThe arrows are pointing to {{c1::pinealocytes::cell type}}.
Published 02/14/2024 In the adrenal medulla, preganglionic neurons synapse onto {{c1::chromaffin cells::cell type}}. When activated, they release 80% {{c2::epine…
Published 02/14/2024 The {{c1::anterior}} pituitary is regulated by the hypothalamic-hypohyseal portal system and the {{c1::posterior}} pituitary is regulated di…
Published 03/07/2024 For the posterior pituitary, the prohormone is cleaved to make the hormone in the {{c1::pituitary stalk}}
Published 03/07/2024 ACTH secretion is highest during {{c1::stress}}
Published 02/16/2024 FSH stimulates production of {{c1::gametes}} and LH stimulates production of {{c1::sex hormones}}
Published 02/14/2024 In the testes, {{c2::Sertoli}} cells are stimulated by {{c1::FSH}} to produce {{c3::sperm}} and {{c2::Leydig}} cells are stimulated by {{c1::LH}} to p…
Published 02/20/2024 3 layers of the adrenal cortex and their products, from superficial to deep:{{c1::Zona glomerulosa}} => {{c2::Mineralocorticoids}}{{c1::Zona fasicu…
Published 02/16/2024 The zona glomerulosa is regulated primarily by {{c1::RAAS and [K+]}}, while the zona fasiculata and zona reticularis are regulated primarily by&n…
Published 02/16/2024 3 things that increase aldosterone release from zona glomerulosa, in order of importance:{{c1::angiotensin II}}{{c1::high K+}}{{c1::ACTH}}
Published 02/16/2024 GnRH from the {{c1::hypothalamus}} induces secretion of FSH and LH from the {{c1::anterior pituitary}}
Published 02/16/2024 The ovarian cycle has 3 phases:{{c1::Follicular}}: day 1-13{{c1::Ovulation}}: day 14{{c1::Luteal}}: day 15-28
Published 02/14/2024 Female reproductive hormone pulsations increase in frequency during the {{c1::follicular}} phase of the ovarian cycle
Published 02/20/2024 Female reproductive hormone pulsations increase in amplitude during the {{c1::luteal}} phase of the ovarian cycle
Published 02/16/2024 In the ovarian follicle, {{c1::FSH}} stimulates development of the ovum and {{c1::LH}} stimulates production of estrogen and progesterone
Published 02/16/2024 In the ovarian follicle, FSH acts on {{c1::granulosa cells::cell type}} and LH acts on {{c1::theca and granulosa cells::cell type}}
Published 02/16/2024 In order to make {{c3::estradiol}}, the {{c2::granulosa}} cells ship {{c1::progesterone}} to the {{c2::theca}} cells, then the {{c2::theca}} cells shi…
Published 02/14/2024 In the anterior pituitary, the orange-staining acidophils secrete {{c1::prolactin and GH}} and the red-staining basophils secrete {{c1::FSH,…
Published 02/14/2024 Herring bodies are found in {{c1::posterior pituitary::gland}}
Published 02/14/2024 Herring bodies in the posterior pituitary represent {{c1::ADH and oxytocin}} in {{c1::neurons::cell type}}
Published 03/07/2024 The image on the left is from the {{c1::posterior}} pituitary and the image on the right is from the {{c1::anterior}} pituitary
Published 02/16/2024 Melatonin is made in the {{c1::pineal gland::gland}} when it is {{c2::dark::bright/dark}}
Published 02/14/2024 The cell type of the pineal gland is the {{c1::pinealocyte}}
Published 02/16/2024 Cortisol acts on a(n) {{c1::DNA}}-linked receptor
Published 02/13/2024 Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is secreted by the {{c1::paraventricular}} nuclei of the hypothalamus
Published 02/13/2024 One role of TSH on the thyroid gland is to increase both {{c1::synthesis}} and {{c1::secretion}} of thyroid hormones by the follicular cells
Published 09/03/2024 Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is secreted by cells of the {{c1::paraventricular}} nuclei of the hypothalamus
Published 02/13/2024 Glucocorticoids increase {{c1::protein catabolism (proteolysis)}} in muscle and decrease protein synthesis, thereby providing more amino acids to the …
Published 02/13/2024 Which androgen is responsible for the growth spurt, including growth of the penis, seminal vesicles, sperm, and muscle? {{c1::Testosterone}}
Published 02/13/2024 During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, estradiol {{c1::inhibits}} FSH and LH secretion
Published 02/13/2024 During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, progesterone levels are {{c1::low}}
Published 02/13/2024 In the middle of the menstrual cycle, estradiol {{c1::stimulates}} FSH and LH secretion
Published 02/13/2024 Estradiol levels {{c1::decrease}} just after ovulation, but {{c1::increase}} again during the luteal phase
Published 02/13/2024 Through what hormone does growth hormone exert its growth promoting effects?{{c1::Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)}}
Published 09/03/2024 Parinaud syndrome often results from a tumor of the {{c1::pineal}} gland
Published 02/13/2024 The {{c1::supraoptic}} nucleus of the hypothalamus primarily makes ADH
Published 09/03/2024 The {{c1::paraventricular}} nucleus of the hypothalamus primarily secretes oxytocin
Published 02/13/2024 {{c1::Pinealoma}} is a tumor of the pineal gland
Published 02/13/2024 What is the effect of estrogen on bone mineral density?{{c1::↑ bone mineral density}}
Published 02/13/2024 The pituitary gland is surrounded by the {{c1::sella turcica::bony structure}}
Published 02/13/2024 Oxytocin is secreted in response to {{c1::stretched uterus}} during labor
Published 02/15/2024 The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is derived from {{c1::neural}} tissue
Published 02/15/2024 Six major hormones are secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary:{{c1:: FSH LH ACTH TSH Prolactin&nb…
Published 02/15/2024 Growth hormone/IGF-1 alters cartilage metabolism to increase {{c1::linear}} growth
Published 02/15/2024 What is the major stimulus for oxytocin secretion?{{c1::Suckling of the breast}}
Published 02/15/2024 Oxytocin is secreted in response to {{c1::dilation of the cervix}} during labor or orgasm
Published 02/15/2024 Oxytocin causes contraction of {{c1::myoepithelial cells}} in the breast, forcing milk stored in the mammary alveoli into the ducts for ejection
Published 02/15/2024 Through which secondary messenger(s) does TSH exert its actions on the thyroid gland?{{c1::cAMP}}
Published 02/15/2024 Glucocorticoids increase peripheral {{c1::lipolysis}}, which provides more glycerol to the liver for gluconeogenesis
Published 02/15/2024 Glucocorticoids may have anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting the production of {{c1::interleukin-2 (IL-2)}} and thus inhibiting the proliferation …
Published 02/15/2024 Glucocorticoids decrease {{c2::bone formation}} by decreasing {{c1::osteoblast}} activity
Published 03/07/2024 The effects of cortisol may be remembered with the mnemonic "A BIG FIB": A: {{c1::increased Appetite}}B: {{c2::Blood pressure (increased, via alpha1)}…
Published 02/15/2024 The {{c2::theca}} cells of the female gonads synthesize the hormone progesterone
Published 02/15/2024 The theca cells and granulosa cells, together, synthesize {{c1::estradiol (estrogen)}}
Published 02/15/2024 The pulsatile pattern of GnRH after puberty drives a parallel pulsatile secretion of both {{c1::FSH}} and {{c1::LH}} by the anterior pituitary
Published 02/15/2024 Anterior pituitary control of spermatogenesis and testosterone secretion are regulated via the hormones {{c1::FSH}} and {{c1::LH}}
Published 02/15/2024 In addition to progesterone, theca cells also synthesize {{c1::androstenedione}} which diffuses to nearby granulosa cells
Published 02/15/2024 Which type of receptor is associated with growth hormone?{{c1::Receptor associated tyrosine kinase}}
Published 02/15/2024 Growth hormone has {{c1::anabolic::anabolic/catabolic}} effects in muscle 
Published 02/15/2024 Growth hormone has {{c1::catabolic::anabolic/catabolic}} effects in adipose tissue 
Published 02/16/2024 Pituitary GlandThe arrows are pointing to {{c1::chromophobes::cell type}}.
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